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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "E449 .P258" to "E449 .S86" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
E History: United States (General) (Go to start of category)
E449 .P258 [Info] The Slave Power, by Theodore Parker, ed. by James K. Hosmer (multiple formats at
E449 .P556 [Info] The Constitution A Pro-Slavery Compact: or, Selections From the Madison Papers, etc. (second edition, enlarged; New York: American Anti-Slavery Society, 1845), by Wendell Phillips, contrib. by James Madison (multiple formats at
E449 .P88 [Info] Personal Reminiscences of the Anti-Slavery and Other Reforms and Reformers (Plainfield, NJ: A. R. Powell; New York: Caulon Press, 1899), by Aaron M. Powell, contrib. by Isaac H. Clothier
E449 .P955 [Info] The Pro-Slavery Argument, As Maintained by the Most Distinguished Writers of the Southern States (page images at MOA)
E449 .R22 [Info] The Bible View of Slavery (1861 sermon by Raphall, with contemporary rebuttals by Einhorn and Heilprin), by Morris J. Raphall, contrib. by David Einhorn and Michael Heilprin (illustrated HTML at
E449 .R22 1861 [Info] Bible View of Slavery: A Discourse, Delivered at the Jewish Synagogue "Bnai Jeshurum", New York, on the Day of the National Fast, Jan. 4, 1861 (New York: Rudd and Carleton, 1861), by Morris J. Raphall
E449 .R82 [Info] Slavery Ordained of God, by F. A. Ross (Gutenberg text)
E449 .R92 [Info] The Political Economy of Slavery: or, The Institution Considered in Regard to its Influence on Public Wealth and the General Welfare (Washington: Printed by L. Towers, ca. 1857), by Edmund Ruffin (page images at HathiTrust)
E449 .S4727 [Info] An Epistle to the Clergy of the Southern States (1836), by Sarah Moore Grimké (multiple formats at
E449 .S4727 [Info] "How Can I Help Abolish Slavery?" or, Counsels to the Newly Converted (Anti-Slavery Tracts #14; 1855), by Maria Weston Chapman (page images at UMass)
E449 .S4727 [Info] Negro Slavery Described by a Negro: Being the Narrative of Ashton Warner, a Native of St. Vincent's; With an Appendix Containing the Testimony of Four Christian Ministers, Recently Returned from the Colonies, on the System of Slavery as It Now Exists (London: Samuel Maunder, 1831), by Ashton Warner and Susanna Moodie (HTML and TEI at UNC)
E449 .S4727 [Info] The "Ruin" of Jamaica (Anti-Slavery Tracts #6; New York: American Anti-Slavery Society, ca. 1855), by Richard Hildreth (page images at HathiTrust)
E449 .S4727 [Info] Slavery and the North (1855), by Charles C. Burleigh (page images at Cornell)
E449 .S4727 [Info] The Two Altars: or, Two Pictures in One (c1852), by Harriet Beecher Stowe (HTML at Indiana)
E449 .S4727 [Info] What Have We, As Individuals, to Do with Slavery? (Anti-Slavery Tracts #15; 1855), by Susan C. Cabot (multiple formats at
E449 .S62 1893 [Info] History of Slavery in Connecticut (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1893), by Bernard C. Steiner (multiple formats at
E449 .S627 [Info] Slavery, Con and Pro: or, A Sermon and its Answer (Washington: H. Polkinhorn, Printer, 1858), by Amor patriae, contrib. by Joseph P. Thompson
E449 .S7235 1845 [Info] The Address of the Southern and Western Liberty Convention, to the People of the United States (Cincinnati: Printed at the Gazette office, 1845), by Ohio) Southern and Western Liberty Convention (1845 : Cincinnati (multiple formats at
E449 .S7236 [Info] Principles and Measures of True Democracy: The Address of the Southern and Western Liberty Convention, Held at Cincinnati, June 11, 1845, to the People of the United States; Also, the Letter of Elihu Burritt to the Convention (Cincinnati: Printed at the Gazette office, 1845), by Ohio) Southern and Western Liberty Convention (1845 : Cincinnati (multiple formats at
E449 .S76 [Info] Lectures on the Philosophy and Practice of Slavery, As Exhibited in the Institution of Domestic Slavery in the United States, by William Andrew Smith (page images at MOA)
E449 .S782 [Info] Prof. Stuart and Slave Catching: Remarks on Mr. Stuart's Book "Conscience and the Constitution", at a Meeting in Guilford, August 1, 1850, Commemorative of Emancipation in the West Indies (West Meriden, CT: Hinman's print, 1850), by G. W. Perkins
E449 .S803 [Info] The Star of Freedom (New York: W. S. Dorr, ca. 1840) (multiple formats at Wayback Machine)
E449 .S85 1843 [Info] The Cause of the Hard Times: Why is This Country in Such Deep Distress, Without Famine, Pestilence or War? (Boston: New England Anti-Slavery Tract Association, 1843), by Alvan Stewart (page images at Cornell)
E449 .S851 1864 [Info] The Suppressed Book About Slavery! (New York: Carleton, 1864), by George Washington Carleton (multiple formats at
E449 .S86 [Info] Modern Reform Examined: or, The Union of North and South on the Subject of Slavery, by Joseph C. Stiles (page images at MOA)

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