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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "E470.45 .A642" to "E473.772 .P84" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
E History: United States (General) (Go to start of category)
E470.45 .A642 [Info] The Younger Brothers: Their Life and Character (new edition of Appler's "The Guerrillas of the West", with an introduction by Rascoe; New York: F. Fell, c1955), by Augustus C. Appler, contrib. by Burton Rascoe (page images at HathiTrust)
E470.45 .C3 [Info] William Clarke Quantrill: His Life and Times (New York: F. Fell, c1962), by Albert E. Castel (page images at HathiTrust)
E470.45 .C75 1910 [Info] Quantrill and the Border Wars (Cedar Rapids, IA: Torch Press, 1910), by William Elsey Connelley (page images at HathiTrust)
E470.5 .C57 [Info] The Army of the Cumberland, by Henry Martyn Cist (Gutenberg text)
E470.7 .T4 T49 [Info] Texas Civil War Centennial Program: 1961-1965 for 1861-1865 (ca. 1961) (multiple formats at
E471 .S79 [Info] The Church and the Rebellion: A Consideration of the Rebellion Against the Government of the United States, and the Agency of the Church, North and South, in Relation Thereto (New York: Derby and Miller, 1864), by R. L. Stanton
E471.1 .D72 [Info] Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-'61 (New York: Harper and Bros., 1876), by Abner Doubleday
E472.13 .B7 [Info] Communication From the Mayor of Baltimore, With the Mayor and Board of Police of Baltimore City (Frederick, MD: E. S. Riley, 1861), contrib. by George William Brown and Baltimore Board of Police
E472.183 .W5 [Info] Manassas (Bull Run) National Battlefield Park, Virginia, by Francis F. Wilshin (illustrated HTML at National Park Service)
E472.183 .Z46 1998 [Info] Battling for Manassas: The Fifty-Year Preservation Struggle at Manassas National Battlefield Park (1998), by Joan M. Zenzen (illustrated HTML at National Park Service)
E472.63 .B16 2001 [Info] Battle of Ball's Bluff (2001), by Ted Ballard (PDF at US Army CMH)
E472.79 .L3 [Info] Fort Pulaski National Monument, Georgia, by Ralston B. Lattimore (illustrated HTML at National Park Service)
E472.88 .A15 1863 [Info] Correspondence Between the War Department and General Lovell, Relating to the Defences of New Orleans: Submitted in Response to a Resolution of the House of Representatives Passed Third February, 1863 (Richmond, VA: R. M. Smith, 1863), by Confederate States of America War Department and Mansfield Lovell
E472.9 .C33 [Info] Who Planned the Tennessee Campaign of 1862? or, Anna Ella Carroll vs. Ulysses S. Grant: A Few Generally Unknown Facts in Regard to Our Civil War (National Citizen Tract #1; ca. 1880), by Matilda Joslyn Gage
E472.9 .C37 [Info] Lincoln's Secret Weapon (Philadelphia and New York: Chilton Co., c1961), by Winifred Esther Wise (page images at HathiTrust)
E473.2 .F56 [Info] Virginia-(Merrimac) Monitor Engagement, and a Complete History of the Operations of These Two Historic Vessels in Hampton Roads and Adjacent Waters (Norfolk, VA: Fiveash Pub. Co., c1907), by Joseph Gardner Fiveash
E473.2 .G74 1962 [Info] An Eye-Witness Account of the Battle Between the U.S.S. Monitor and the C.S.S. Virginia (Formerly U.S.S. Merrimack) on March 9th, 1862 (Washington: Naval Historical Foundation, ca. 1962), by Samuel Dana Greene (page images at HathiTrust)
E473.2 .W6 [Info] Tin Can on a Shingle (New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1957), by William Chapman White and Ruth Morris White, contrib. by Henry Steele Commager (page images at HathiTrust)
E473.2 .W92 [Info] The Monitor and the Merrimac: Both Sides of the Story (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1912), contrib. by John Lorimer Worden, Samuel Dana Greene, H. Ashton Ramsay, and E. W. Watson
E473.3.C72 1864 [Info] Brief Report of the Services Rendered by the Freed People to the United States Army, in North Carolina in the Spring of 1862, After the Battle of Newbern (New York: V. Colyer, 1864), by Vincent Colyer (HTML and page images at
E473.4 .S22 [Info] Battle of Neuces River in Kinney County, Texas, August 10th, 1862, As Seen and Reported by John W. Sansom (ca. 1905), by John William Sansom (page images at Trinity University)
E473.54 .R34 2008 [Info] The Battle of Shiloh and the Organizations Engaged (with new introduction; Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, c2008), by David W. Reed, contrib. by Timothy B. Smith (PDF at Newfound Press)
E473.63 .M4 [Info] The Battle of Williamsburg and the Charge of the 24th Virginia, of Early's Brigade (Richmond: Johns and Goolsby, 1880), by Richard L. Maury
E473.77 .W48 1990 [Info] The Battle of Second Manassas: Self-Guided Tour (1990), by Joseph W. A. Whitehorne (illustrated HTML at US Army CMH)
E473.772 .P84 [Info] Gen'l Fitz John Porter's Reply to Hon. Z. Chandler's Speech in the U.S. Senate, Feb. 21, 1870 (1870), by Fitz-John Porter

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