Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "E484 .C6 1864" to "E487 .D263 1961" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
E | History: United States (General) (Go to start of category) |
E484 .C6 1864 | Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the Confederate States, to January 1, 1864 (Richmond, VA: Macfarlane and Fergusson, printers, 1864), by Confederate States of America Navy |
E484 .C65 | Journal of the Convention of the People of North Carolina (Raleigh: J. W. Syme, 1862), by North Carolina Convention (1861-1862) (multiple formats at |
E484 .C65 | Ordinances of the State Convention, Which Convened in Little Rock, May 6, 1861 (Little Rock: Johnson and Yerkes, 1861), by Arkansas Convention (1861) (multiple formats at |
E484 .C65 | Proceedings of the Convention of the People of Florida, at Called Sessions, Begun and Held at the Capitol in Tallahassee, on Tuesday, February 26th, and Thursday, April 18th, 1861, by Florida Secession Convention (1861-1862) (multiple formats at |
E484 .C65 | Public Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the Extra Session of the Thirty-Third General Assembly, April, 1861 (Nashville: J. G. Griffith and Co., 1861), by Tennessee (multiple formats at |
E485 .C73 | Minutes of the Annual Convention, by Confederated Southern Memorial Association (U.S.) (partial serial archives) |
E485.2 .K36 1891 | Constitution, By-Laws and Membership, Confederate Veteran Association of Kentucky, With Name, Rank, Command and Residence (second edition; Lexington, KY: Transylvania Printing Co., 1891), by Confederate Veteran Association of Kentucky (multiple formats at |
E485.2 .K36 1895 | Constitution, By-Laws and List of Membership, Arranged by Counties and Camps: With Name, Rank, Residence and Command of Every Member in His Own County Camp (fifth edition; Lexington, KY: Transylvania Printing Co., 1895), by Confederate Veteran Association of Kentucky (page images at |
E485.3 .V8 | Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Grand Camp Confederate Veterans, Department of Virginia, by United Confederate Veterans Virginia Division (partial serial archives) |
E485.3 .V8 | Programme, Nineteenth Annual Reunion Grand Camp, Confederate Veterans of Virginia Roanoke, Virginia, October 24th, 25th and 26th, 1906, by United Confederate Veterans Virginia Division (multiple formats at |
E485.5 .I5 R4 | Message of the President, and Report of Albert Pike, Commissioner of the Confederate States to the Indian Nations West of Arkansas, of the Results of His Mission (Richmond: Enquirer Book and Job Press; Tyler: Wise, Allegre and Smith, 1861), by Albert Pike, contrib. by Jefferson Davis |
E485.5 .I5 R4 | Report of Albert Pike on Mission to the Indian Nations, Richmond, 1861 (facsimile reprint of 1861 report; Washington: Supreme Council 33°, A. & A. S. R., S. J., 1968), by Albert Pike, contrib. by Jefferson Davis (page images at HathiTrust) |
E486.64 .P76 | A Catechism, To Be Taught Orally To Those Who Cannot Read: Designed Especially for the Instruction of the Slaves in the Prot. Episcopal Church (Raleigh: Office of "The Church Intelligencer", 1862), by Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America |
E487 .A55 | The War-Time Journal of a Georgia Girl, 1864-1865 (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1908), by Eliza Frances Andrews |
E487 .A94 | A Virginia Girl in the Civil War, 1861-1865: Being a Record of the Actual Experiences of the Wife of a Confederate Officer (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1903), ed. by Myrta Lockett Avary |
E487 .C52 1905 | A Diary from Dixie (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1905), by Mary Boykin Chesnut, ed. by Isabella D. Martin and Myrta Lockett Avary |
E487 .C52 1906 | A Diary from Dixie (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1906), by Mary Boykin Chesnut, ed. by Isabella D. Martin and Myrta Lockett Avary |
E487 .C52 1929 | A Diary from Dixie (New York: P. Smith, 1929), by Mary Boykin Chesnut, ed. by Isabella D. Martin and Myrta Lockett Avary (page images at HathiTrust) |
E487 .C66465 1862 | Programme for the Inauguration of the President and Vice-President of the Confederate States (1862), by Confederate States of America |
E487 .C746 1905 | A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865 (2 volumes; Nashville: United States Pub. Co., 1905), ed. by James D. Richardson |
E487 .C97 | Gleanings from Southland: Sketches of Life and Manners of the People of the South Before, During and After the War of Secession, With Extracts from the Author's Journal, and Epitome of the New South (Birmingham, AL: Roberts and Son, 1895), by Kate Cumming |
E487 .D263 1881 | The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government (2 volumes; New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1881), by Jefferson Davis |
E487 .D263 1912 | The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government (New York and London: D. Appleton and Co., 1912), by Jefferson Davis (page images at HathiTrust) |
E487 .D263 1938 | The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government (United Daughters of the Confederacy memorial edition; 2 volumes; Richmond, VA: Garrett and Massie, ca. 1938), by Jefferson Davis (page images at HathiTrust) |
E487 .D263 1961 | The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government ("abridged for the modern reader", with added preface; New York: Collier Books, 1961), by Jefferson Davis, contrib. by Earl Schenck Miers (page images at HathiTrust) |
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