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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "E99 .P85 F45 2022" to "E99 .S35 H3" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
E History: United States (General) (Go to start of category)
E99 .P85 F45 2022 [Info] Being Indigenous in Jim Crow Virginia: Powhatan People and the Color Line (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, c2022), by Laura J. Feller (PDF with commentary at
E99 .P9 B18 [Info] Documentary History of the Rio Grande Pueblos of New Mexico, I: Bibliographic Introduction (Papers of the School of American Archaeology #13; later expanded into part 2 of 1937 book 'Indians of the Rio Grande Valley'; 1910), by Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier
E99 .P9 B2 1976 [Info] Historical Introduction to Studies Among the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico: Report on the Ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos (Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America, American series v1; Boston: A. Williams and Co.; London: N. Trübner and Co., 1881), by Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
E99 .P9 C44 1995 [Info] Ceramic Production in the American Southwest (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c1995), ed. by Barbara J. Mills and Patricia L. Crown (multiple formats with commentary at Arizona)
E99 .P9 F37 1991 [Info] Farmers, Hunters, and Colonists: Interaction Between the Southwest and the Southern Plains (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c1991), ed. by Katherine A. Spielmann (HTML and Epub at Open Arizona)
E99 .P9 F44 [Info] Prehistoric Villages, Castles, and Towers of Southwestern Colorado (Smithsonian Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin #70; 1919), by Jesse Walter Fewkes (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
E99 .P9 F48 1988 [Info] The Mockingbird Mesa Survey, Southwestern Colorado (Denver, CO: Bureau of Land Management, 1987), by Jerry Fetterman and Linda Honeycutt (page images at HathiTrust)
E99 .P9 L57 1990 [Info] Aztec Ruins National Monument: Administrative History of an Archeological Preserve (1990), by Robert H. Lister and Florence C. Lister
E99.P9 L9 [Info] Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories, by Charles Fletcher Lummis (HTML at
E99.P9 R6 1991 [Info] Ceremonial Costumes of the Pueblo Indians: Their Evolution, Fabrication, and Significance in the Prayer Drama (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), by Virginia More Roediger (HTML at UC Press)
E99 .P9 S64 2008 [Info] Ancestral Landscapes of the Pueblo World (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c2008), by James E. Snead (multiple formats with commentary at Arizona)
E99 .P9 U3 1946 [Info] First Penthouse Dwellers of America (second edition; Santa Fe: Laboratory of Anthropology, c1946), by Ruth Underhill (page images at HathiTrust)
E99 .P9 W32 1995 [Info] Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, c1995), by Aby Warburg, ed. by Michael P. Steinberg
E99 .S2 R7 1890 [Info] Historical Sketch of the Flathead Indian Nation From the Year 1813 to 1890: Embracing the History of the Establishment of St. Mary's Indian Mission in the Bitter Root Valley, Mont. (Helena, MT: Journal Pub. Co., c1890), by Peter Ronan
E99 .S2 R7 1965 [Info] History of the Flathead Indians (reprint of Ronan's Historical Sketch of the Flathead Indian Nation, with an added introduction and index; Minneapolis: Ross and Haines, 1965), by Peter Ronan, contrib. by Michael S. Kennedy (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
E99 .S21 B66 [Info] Folk-Tales of Salishan and Sahaptin Tribes (Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society v11; Lancaster, PA and New York: American Folk-Lore Society, 1917), ed. by Franz Boas, contrib. by James Alexander Teit, Livingston Farrand, Marian K. Gould, and Herbert Joseph Spinden
E99.S21 C68 [Info] The Siwash, Their Life, Legends and Tales: Puget Sound and Pacific Northwest (Seattle: Calvert, 1895), by J. A. Costello
E99 .S22 E183 1916 [Info] From the Deep Woods to Civilization: Chapters in the Autobiography of an Indian (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1916), by Charles A. Eastman (multiple formats at
E99 .S28 W73 [Info] The Seminoles of Florida (Philadelphia: American Printing House, 1896), by Minnie Moore-Willson (multiple formats at
E99 .S3 C3 [Info] Our Life Among the Iroquois Indians (Boston and Chicago: Congregational Sunday-school and Publishing Society, c1892), by Harriet S. Caswell (multiple formats at
E99 .S3 P6 [Info] Address on the Present Condition and Prospects of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of North America. With Particular Reference to the Seneca Nation (1839), by M. B. Pierce (multiple formats at
E99 .S3 S237 [Info] Seneca Indian Myths, ed. by Jeremiah Curtin (HTML with commentary at
E99.S3 S252 [Info] Memorial of the Seneca Indians, to the President of the United States; Also an Address from the Committee of Friends, Who Have Extended Care To These Indians, and an Extract from the Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (Baltimore: Printed by W. Wooddy and Son, 1850), by Seneca Nation of New York, contrib. by New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Hicksite : 1828-1955) and Millard Fillmore
E99 .S35 C3 [Info] Annals of Shawnee Methodist Mission and Indian Manual Labor School (Topeka, KS: Kansas State Historical Society, 1939), by Martha B. Caldwell, ed. by Kirke Mechem (page images at HathiTrust)
E99 .S35 H3 [Info] History of the Shawnee Indians, From the Year 1681 to 1854, Inclusive (Cincinnati: E. Morgan and Sons, 1855), by Henry Harvey (page images at HathiTrust)

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