Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "F1465.1 .Z3 L7" to "F1528 .P37 1988" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
F | History: United States (Regional), and the Americas (Go to start of category) |
F1465.1 .Z3 L7 | Zacualpa: A Study of Ancient Quiché Artifacts (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #472; 1936), by S. K. Lothrop (page images at HathiTrust) |
F1466 .B213 | Justo Rufino Barrios: A Biography (Philadelphia: Dorrance and Co., c1926), by Paul Burgess (page images at HathiTrust) |
F1466.5 .C5 | CIA and Assassinations: The Guatemala 1954 Documents, ed. by Kate Doyle and Peter Kornbluh (HTML and page images at |
F1483 .B55 | El Salvador: A Country Study (second edition, 1990), ed. by Richard A. Haggerty |
F1485.3 .P8 L8 | Pottery Types and Their Sequence in El Salvador (Indian Notes and Monographs v1 #5; New York: Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, 1927), by S. K. Lothrop |
F1488 .L36 2004 | Landscapes of Struggle: Politics, Society, and Community in El Salvador (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c2004), ed. by Aldo Lauria-Santiago and Leigh Binford (page images at Pitt) |
F1488 .U53 180 | U.S. Military Involvement in El Salvador, 1947-1980 (with an extract from a letter by Óscar Romero to Jimmy Carter; San Francisco: Casa El Salvador "Farabundi Marti", ca. 1980), contrib. by Óscar A. Romero (multiple formats at |
F1503 .H75 | Honduras: A Country Study (third edition, 1995), ed. by Tim Merrill |
F1504 .L64 | A Lady's Ride Across Spanish Honduras (Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and sons, 1884), by Maria Soltera (multiple formats at |
F1504 .L64 1964 | A Lady's Ride Across Spanish Honduras (facsimile of the 1884 edition, with a new introduction; Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1964), by Maria Soltera, contrib. by Doris Stone (page images at HathiTrust) |
F1504 .M86 | A Hoosier in Honduras (Indianapolis: El Dorado, c1897), by Albert Morlan (page images at HathiTrust) |
F1504 .W45 | Explorations and Adventures in Honduras: Comprising Sketches of Travel in the Gold Regions of Olancho, and a Review of the History and General Resources of Central America (New York: Harper and Bros., 1857), by William V. Wells |
F1506 .C53 | The Conquest and Colonization of Honduras, 1502-1550 (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #598, 1953), by Robert S. Chamberlain (page images at HathiTrust) |
F1509 .B3 C4 | Reseña Historica de las Islas de la Bahía (in Spanish; Tegucigalpa: Tip. Nac., 1919), by Fernando P. Cevallos (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
F1509 .B3 R69 | Utilla, Past and Present; Including Article on H.M.S. Psyche at the Bay Islands (Dansville, NY: F. A. Owen Pub Co., 1904), by Richard H. Rose (page images at HathiTrust) |
F1509 .M9 Y7 1842 | Narrative of a Residence on the Mosquito Shore, During the Years 1839, 1840, and 1841; With an Account of Truxillo, and the Adjacent Islands of Bonacca and Roatan (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1842), by Thomas Young (page images at HathiTrust) |
F1509 .M9 Y7 1847 | Narrative of a Residence on the Mosquito Shore; With an Account of Truxillo, and the Adjacent Islands of Bonacca and Roatan; and a Vocabulary of the Mosquitian Language (second edition; London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1847), by Thomas Young |
F1523 .N569 | Nicaragua: A Country Study (third edition, 1994), ed. by Tim Merrill |
F1526 .T5 | The Caribbean Situation: Nicaragua and Salvador (Foreign Policy Reports v9 #13; 1933), by Charles A. Thomson |
F1526 .W187 | La Guerra de Nicaragua (translated into Spanish; San José de Costa Rica: Imp. María v. de Lines, 1924), by William Walker, trans. by Ricardo Fernández Guardia (page images at HathiTrust) |
F1526.27 .W28 | The War in Nicaragua (Mobile, AL and New York: S. H. Goetzel and Co., 1860), by William Walker |
F1526.27 .W2818 1884 | La Guerra de Nicaragua (translated into Spanish; Managua: Tip. de "El Porvenir", 1884), by William Walker, trans. by Fabio Carnevalini (page images at HathiTrust) |
F1528 .B66813 1985 | Eight Mistaken Theses: The Mains-Theses of the Empire on Nicaragua (Managua: Dept. of Public Relations, Ministry of the Interior, ca. 1985), by Tomás Borge (multiple formats at |
F1528 .M87 1986 | Nicaragua's Slow March to Communism (CANF pamphlet #16; Washington, DC: Cuban American National Foundation, 1986), by Joshua Muravchik (multiple formats at |
F1528 .P37 1988 | What We Have Seen and Heard in Nicaragua: The Effects of the War (Witness for Peace, September 1988), by Carrie Parker (multiple formats at |
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