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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "F2235 .B7 M4" to "F2368 .B75 1909" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
F History: United States (Regional), and the Americas (Go to start of category)
F2235 .B7 M4 [Info] Apoteosis de Bolívar: Discurso de Orden Pronunciado por el Dr. Juan Vicente Mendible el Día 29 de Julio de 1883, en el Acto Científico Celebrado por la Facultad Médica de Carácas con Motivo de Centenario del Libertador (in Spanish; Caracas: Impr. Editorial, J. M. Alas, 1883), by Juan Vicente Mendible
F2235.3 .S48 [Info] Simón Bolívar (The Liberator), Patriot, Warrior, Statesman, Father of Five Nations: A Sketch of His Life and Work, by Guillermo A. Sherwell (Gutenberg text)
F2235.4 .B92 [Info] Documentos del Archivo de San Martín (12 volumes in Spanish; Buenos Aires: Impr. de Coni Hermanos, 1910-1911), ed. by Museo Mitre (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
F2236 .A39 [Info] Labor Parties of Latin America (New York: League for Industrial Democracy, c1942), by Robert J. Alexander (multiple formats at
F2251 .A63 [Info] Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura (in Spanish) (full serial archives)
F2258 .C64 1990 [Info] Colombia: A Country Study (fourth edition, 1990), ed. by Dennis Michael Hanratty and Sandra W. Meditz
F2258 .C64 2010 [Info] Colombia: A Country Study (fifth edition, 2010), ed. by Rex A. Hudson
F2261 .V97 [Info] An Account of a Voyage Up the River de la Plata, and Thence Over Land to Peru: With Observations on the Inhabitants, as Well as Indians and Spaniards; the Cities, Commerce, Fertility, and Riches of That Part of America (London: Printed for S. Buckley, 1698), by Acarete du Biscay (page images with commentary at
F2263 .N68 1924 [Info] Colombia, Land of Miracles (New York: The Century Co., 1924), by Blair Niles, illust. by Robert L. Niles
F2263 .N68 1939 [Info] Colombia, Land of Miracles (New York and London: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1939), by Blair Niles, illust. by Robert L. Niles (page images at HathiTrust)
F2273 .S2 1853 [Info] Apuntamientos para la Historia Politica i Social de la Nueva Granada Desde 1810, i Especialmente de la Administracion del 7 de Marzo (in Spanish; Bogotá: Imp. del Neo-Granadino, 1853), by José María Samper
F2277 .A75 [Info] Palonegro (in Spanish; Bogotá: Impr. Nacional, 1900), by Henrique Arboleda C.
F2279 .H86 2003 [Info] You'll Learn Not to Cry: Child Combatants in Colombia (in English and Spanish; New York et al.: Human Rights Watch, 2003), by Sebastian Brett (PDF with commentary at
F2281.P2 O93 [Info] Isthmus of Panama: History of the Panama Railroad and of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company (New York: Harper and Bros., 1867), by Fessenden N. Otis (page images at Mystic Seaport)
F2281 .S15 P3 [Info] San Andrés and Providencia: English-Speaking Islands in the Western Caribbean (University of California Publications in Geography v12 #1; 1956), by James Jerome Parsons (page images at HathiTrust)
F2308 .W4 [Info] Venezuela: A Country Study (fourth edition, 1993), ed. by Richard A. Haggerty
F2313 .F85 1912 [Info] In the Amazon Jungle: Adventures in Remote Parts of the Upper Amazon River, Including a Sojourn Among Cannibal Indians, by Algot Lange, ed. by J. Odell Hauser, contrib. by Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh (Gutenberg text)
F2313 .F85 1912 [Info] In the Amazon Jungle: Adventures in Remote Parts of the Upper Amazon River, Including a Sojourn Among Cannibal Indians (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1912), by Algot Lange, ed. by J. Odell Hauser, contrib. by Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh
F2313 .F85 1924 [Info] The River of Seven Stars (New York and London: Harper and Bros., c1924), by Arthur O. Friel (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
F2325 .A47 1909 [Info] Historia de la Revolucion Federal en Venezuela (in Spanish; Caracas: Lit. y Tip. del Comercio, 1909), by Lisandro Alvarado (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
F2325 .I5 [Info] Venezuela, Land of Oil and Tyranny (New York: International Committee for Political Prisoners, 1931), by International Committee for Political Prisoners (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
F2349 .A5 H3 1960 [Info] Confederate Exiles in Venezuela (Confederate Centennial Studies #15; Tuscaloosa: Confederate Pub. Co., 1960), by Alfred Jackson Hanna and Kathryn Abbey Hanna
F2351 .O77 [Info] Nya Sverige i Södra Amerika, Jemte Beskrifning om "British" Guiana: Sammandrag af Humboldts, Hancocks, Schomburgks m. fl:s Arbeten (in Swedish; Stockholm: S. Rumstedt, 1841), by E. A. Ortman (page images at HathiTrust)
F2361 .G793 [Info] Guyana Embassy News (selected issues from Guyana's embassy in Washington, DC; 1976-1981) (partial serial archives)
F2368 .B75 1909 [Info] Handbook of British Guiana, 1909: Comprising General and Statistical Information Concerning the Colony (Georgetown, Guyana: Printed by the Argosy Co.; et al., 1909), ed. by George D. Bayley

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