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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "F2236 .A39" to "F2368 .S6 1962" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
F History: United States (Regional), and the Americas (Go to start of category)
F2236 .A39 [Info] Labor Parties of Latin America (New York: League for Industrial Democracy, c1942), by Robert J. Alexander (multiple formats at
F2251 .A63 [Info] Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura (in Spanish) (full serial archives)
F2258 .C64 1990 [Info] Colombia: A Country Study (fourth edition, 1990), ed. by Dennis Michael Hanratty and Sandra W. Meditz
F2258 .C64 2010 [Info] Colombia: A Country Study (fifth edition, 2010), ed. by Rex A. Hudson
F2261 .V97 [Info] An Account of a Voyage Up the River de la Plata, and Thence Over Land to Peru: With Observations on the Inhabitants, as Well as Indians and Spaniards; the Cities, Commerce, Fertility, and Riches of That Part of America (London: Printed for S. Buckley, 1698), by Acarete du Biscay (page images with commentary at
F2263 .N68 1924 [Info] Colombia, Land of Miracles (New York: The Century Co., 1924), by Blair Niles, illust. by Robert L. Niles
F2263 .N68 1939 [Info] Colombia, Land of Miracles (New York and London: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1939), by Blair Niles, illust. by Robert L. Niles (page images at HathiTrust)
F2273 .S2 1853 [Info] Apuntamientos para la Historia Politica i Social de la Nueva Granada Desde 1810, i Especialmente de la Administracion del 7 de Marzo (in Spanish; Bogotá: Imp. del Neo-Granadino, 1853), by José María Samper
F2277 .A75 [Info] Palonegro (in Spanish; Bogotá: Impr. Nacional, 1900), by Henrique Arboleda C.
F2279 .H86 2003 [Info] You'll Learn Not to Cry: Child Combatants in Colombia (in English and Spanish; New York et al.: Human Rights Watch, 2003), by Sebastian Brett (PDF with commentary at
F2281.P2 O93 [Info] Isthmus of Panama: History of the Panama Railroad and of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company (New York: Harper and Bros., 1867), by Fessenden N. Otis (page images at Mystic Seaport)
F2281 .S15 P3 [Info] San Andrés and Providencia: English-Speaking Islands in the Western Caribbean (University of California Publications in Geography v12 #1; 1956), by James Jerome Parsons (page images at HathiTrust)
F2308 .W4 [Info] Venezuela: A Country Study (fourth edition, 1993), ed. by Richard A. Haggerty
F2313 .F85 1912 [Info] In the Amazon Jungle: Adventures in Remote Parts of the Upper Amazon River, Including a Sojourn Among Cannibal Indians, by Algot Lange, ed. by J. Odell Hauser, contrib. by Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh (Gutenberg text)
F2313 .F85 1912 [Info] In the Amazon Jungle: Adventures in Remote Parts of the Upper Amazon River, Including a Sojourn Among Cannibal Indians (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1912), by Algot Lange, ed. by J. Odell Hauser, contrib. by Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh
F2313 .F85 1924 [Info] The River of Seven Stars (New York and London: Harper and Bros., c1924), by Arthur O. Friel (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
F2325 .A47 1909 [Info] Historia de la Revolucion Federal en Venezuela (in Spanish; Caracas: Lit. y Tip. del Comercio, 1909), by Lisandro Alvarado (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
F2325 .I5 [Info] Venezuela, Land of Oil and Tyranny (New York: International Committee for Political Prisoners, 1931), by International Committee for Political Prisoners (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
F2349 .A5 H3 1960 [Info] Confederate Exiles in Venezuela (Confederate Centennial Studies #15; Tuscaloosa: Confederate Pub. Co., 1960), by Alfred Jackson Hanna and Kathryn Abbey Hanna
F2351 .O77 [Info] Nya Sverige i Södra Amerika, Jemte Beskrifning om "British" Guiana: Sammandrag af Humboldts, Hancocks, Schomburgks m. fl:s Arbeten (in Swedish; Stockholm: S. Rumstedt, 1841), by E. A. Ortman (page images at HathiTrust)
F2361 .G793 [Info] Guyana Embassy News (selected issues from Guyana's embassy in Washington, DC; 1976-1981) (partial serial archives)
F2368 .B75 1909 [Info] Handbook of British Guiana, 1909: Comprising General and Statistical Information Concerning the Colony (Georgetown, Guyana: Printed by the Argosy Co.; et al., 1909), ed. by George D. Bayley
F2368 .G893 [Info] Guyana and Belize: Country Studies (second edition, 1993), ed. by Tim Merrill
F2368 .R7 [Info] Stark's Guide-Book and History of British Guiana: Containing a Description of Everything Relating to This Colony That Would Be of Interest to Tourists and Residents, Respecting its History, Inhabitants, Climate, Agriculture, Geology, Gold Mining, Government, and Resources (Boston: J. H. Stark; London: Sampson Low, Marston, and Co., ca. 1892), by James Rodway and James Henry Stark (page images at HathiTrust)
F2368 .S6 1962 [Info] British Guiana (originally published 1962, may be updated), by Raymond T. Smith (HTML at Wayback Machine)

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