Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "F273 .M3 S3" to "F274 .T26" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
F | History: United States (Regional), and the Americas (Go to start of category) |
F273 .M3 S3 | Memoirs of Major Joseph McJunkin, Revolutionary Patriot, by James Hodge Saye (HTML with commentary at |
F273 .M63 | Rumbling of the Chariot Wheels (Columbia, SC: The State Company, 1923), by I. Jenkins Mikell (page images at HathiTrust) |
F273 .P53 C53 1920 | Gen. James Johnston Pettigrew, C. S. A., by Walter Clark (HTML and page images at |
F273 .P96 | Proceedings of the Meeting of Delegates from the Southern Rights Associations of South Carolina, Held at Charleston, May, 1851 (Columbia, SC: Johnston and Cavis, 1851), by Southern Rights Associations of South Carolina (multiple formats at |
F273 .R17 1815 | Memoirs of the Life of Martha Laurens Ramsay (London: Reprinted for Burton and Briggs; et al., 1815), by Martha Laurens Ramsay, ed. by David Ramsay, contrib. by Henry Laurens (page images at HathiTrust) |
F273 .R52 1965 | Robert Barnwell Rhett, Father of Secession (originally published 1931; reprinted Gloucester, MA: P. Smith, 1965), by Laura Amanda White (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
F273 .S7 | Journal of the Conventions of the People of South Carolina, Held in 1832, 1833, and 1852: Republished by Order of the General Assembly (Columbia, SC: R. W. Gibbes, 1860), by South Carolina Convention (1832-1833) and South Carolina Convention (1852) |
F273 .S72 | Journal of the State Convention of South Carolina, Together With the Resolution and Ordinance (Columbia, SC: Johnston and Cavis, 1852), by South Carolina Convention (1852) |
F274 .B16 | Essays in Reaction: Back to Calhoun; Back to Aristocracy (read before the Kosmos Club of Columbia, S.C.; 1925), by W. W. Ball (page images at HathiTrust) |
F274 .B3 | A Boy's Recollections of the Red Shirt Campaign of 1876 in South Carolina (Columbia, SC: The State Co., printers, 1911), by W. W. Ball (multiple formats at |
F274 .D38 | The Respectful Remonstrance, on Behalf of the White People of South Carolina, Against the Constitution of the Late Convention of That State, Now Submitted to Congress for Ratification (Columbia, SC: Phoenix Book and Job Power Press, 1868), by Democratic Party (S.C.) |
F274 .L34 | Address to His Excellency President Grant (Charleston, SC: News and Courier Job Presses, 1874), by Richard Lathers |
F274 .L35 1874 | South Carolina, the Condition and the Prospects of the State; Confiscation of Private Property and Repudiation of the Public Debt: Address of Colonel Richard Lathers, Delivered Before the New England Society of Charleston on Forefathers' Day, December 22, 1873 (Charleston, SC: News and Courier Job Presses, 1874), by Richard Lathers |
F274 .L354 | South Carolina, Her Wrongs and the Remedy: Remarks of Col. Richard Lathers, Delivered at the Opening of the Taxpayers' Convention, in Columbia, S. C., Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1874 (two-column booklet; ca. 1874), by Richard Lathers |
F274 .L354 | South Carolina, Her Wrongs and the Remedy: Remarks of Col. Richard Lathers, Delivered at the Opening of the Taxpayers' Convention, in Columbia, S. C., Tuesday, February 17th, 1874 (Charleston, SC: News and Courier Job Presses, 1874), by Richard Lathers |
F274 .M67 G56 2010 | Moses of South Carolina: A Jewish Scalawag During Radical Reconstruction (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010), by Benjamin Ginsberg (multiple formats with commentary at Project MUSE) |
F274 .P63 | The Prostrate State: South Carolina Under Negro Government (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1874), by James Shepherd Pike |
F274 .P63 1875 | Zuid-Carolina Onder Negerbestuur: Eene Bijdrage tot de Kennis van Amerika (in Dutch; Doesborgh: R. v. Hinloopen Labberton, 1875), by James Shepherd Pike, trans. by B. Scholten (page images at HathiTrust) |
F274 .R48 | Glories of the Carolina Coast (Columbia, SC: R. L. Bryan Co., 1925), by James Henry Rice (page images at HathiTrust) |
F274 .S48 1940 | Red Shirts Remembered: Southern Brigadiers of the Reconstruction Period (Atlanta: Printed by Ruralist Press, 1940), by William Arthur Sheppard (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
F274 .S551 | Some Reasons Why Red Shirts Remembered (Greer, SC: C. P. Smith Co., c1940), by William Arthur Sheppard |
F274 .S57 1932 | South Carolina During Reconstruction (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1932), by Francis Butler Simkins and Robert H. Woody (page images at HathiTrust) |
F274 .T24 1874 | Proceedings of the Tax-Payers' Convention of South Carolina, Held at Columbia, Beginning February 17, and Ending February 20, 1874 (with Lathers' "South Carolina: Her Wrongs and Remedy"; Charleston, SC: News and Courier Job Presses, 1874), by S.C.) Tax-Payers' Convention of South Carolina (1874 : Columbia, contrib. by Richard Lathers |
F274 .T25 | Reply to the Memorial of the Tax-Payers' Convention, Addressed to the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States (Columbia, SC: Republican Printing Co., 1874), by Republican Party (S.C.) |
F274 .T26 | Rejoinder to the Reply of the Central Committee of the Republican Party So. Carolina to the Memorial of the Taxpayers's Convention (Charleston, SC: News and Courier Job Presses, 1874), by S.C.) Tax-Payers' Convention of South Carolina (1874 : Columbia |
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