Call number | Item |
F | History: United States (Regional), and the Americas (Go to start of category) |
F587 .R1 H6 | The History of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin (1879), by Western Historical Co. (page images at Wisconsin) |
F587 .R2 C6 | Commemorative Biographical Record of Prominent and Representative Men of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin (Chicago: J.H. Beers and Co., 1906) (page images at Wisconsin) |
F587 .R2 H4 | Historic Heg Memorial Park: Photographic Views and Brief Historical Sketches of the Outstanding Points of Interest in and about Heg Memorial Park, Racine County, Wisconsin, by Ella Stratton Colbo (page images at Wisconsin) |
F587 .R6 A77 | Art Work of Rock County (Chicago: W. H. Parish Pub. Co., 1893) (page images with commentary at Wisconsin) |
F587.S2 C6 | A Standard History of Sauk County, Wisconsin (Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co., 1918), ed. by Harry Ellsworth Cole |
F587 .W2 H6 | The History of Waukesha County, Wisconsin (Chicago: Western Historical Co., 1880) |
F587 .W5 H2 | History of Winnebago County, Wisconsin, and Early History of the Northwest (Oshkosh, WI: Allen and Hicks, 1880), by Richard J. Harney (page images at Wisconsin) |
F587 .W5 L42 | History, Winnebago County, Wisconsin: Its Cities, Towns, Resources, People (Chicago: C. F. Cooper, 1908), by Publius V. Lawson |
F587 .W5 M6 | Geographical and Statistical History of the County of Winnebago (Oshkosh, WI: Mitchel and Smith, 1856), by Martin Mitchel and Joseph H. Osborn (page images with commentary at Wisconsin) |
F587 .W8 D38 | Along the Wisconsin River: Descriptive of the Wisconsin River Valley, Its Resources, Industries and Opportunities, by A. Decker (page images at |
F587 .W8 D38 | Grand Rapids: Descriptive of Grand Rapids, Wood County, and the Wisconsin River, by A. Decker (page images at |
F587 .W9 | Wood County Centennial, August 5-11, 1956: Official Historical Program (page images at |
F587 .W9 R8 | Wood County Place Names (1970), by Robert S. Rudolph (PDF at |
F589 .C3 B3 | Cassell Prairie, a Wisconsin Neighborhood (c1950), by Robert S. Babington (page images at HathiTrust) |
F589 .F65 | Fond du Lac Illustrated, 1898, by E. C. Williams (page images at Wisconsin) |
F589 .M1 D9 | A History of Madison, the Capital of Wisconsin: Including the Four Lake Country (1874), by Daniel S. Durrie (page images at Wisconsin) |
F589 .M1 T5 | The Story of Madison (Madison, WI: J. N. Purcell, 1900), by Reuben Gold Thwaites (page images at Wisconsin) |
F589 .M58 | Milladore Centennial, 1870-1970 (page images at |
F589 .M6 B7 | History of Milwaukee, City and County (3 volumes; Chicago and Milwaukee: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922), ed. by William George Bruce |
F589 .M6 J95 | Solomon Juneau: A Biography, With Sketches of the Juneau Family (Milwaukee: Printed by Evening Wisconsin Printing Co., c1916), by Isabella Fox |
F589.M6 L3 1915 | The Italians in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: General Survey (1915), by George La Piana |
F589 .M6 M55 | A. Bailey's Milwaukee Almanac and Business Directory for the Year 1862 (Milwaukee: A. Bailey, ca. 1862), by A. Bailey (page images at HathiTrust) |
F589 .M6 M55 | Erving, Burdick and Co.'s Milwaukee City Directory, for 1857 and 1858 (Milwaukee: King, Jermain and Co., 1857) (page images at HathiTrust) |
F589 .M6 M55 1863 | Milwaukee City Directory for 1863 (Milwaukee, WI: Starr and Son, 1863), by A. Bailey (page images at HathiTrust) |
F589 .M6 S86 1948 | Milwaukee: The History of a City (Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1948), by Bayrd Still (page images at HathiTrust) |