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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "F587 .R1 H6" to "F589 .M6 S86 1948" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
F History: United States (Regional), and the Americas (Go to start of category)
F587 .R1 H6 [Info] The History of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin (1879), by Western Historical Co. (page images at Wisconsin)
F587 .R2 C6 [Info] Commemorative Biographical Record of Prominent and Representative Men of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin (Chicago: J.H. Beers and Co., 1906) (page images at Wisconsin)
F587 .R2 H4 [Info] Historic Heg Memorial Park: Photographic Views and Brief Historical Sketches of the Outstanding Points of Interest in and about Heg Memorial Park, Racine County, Wisconsin, by Ella Stratton Colbo (page images at Wisconsin)
F587 .R6 A77 [Info] Art Work of Rock County (Chicago: W. H. Parish Pub. Co., 1893) (page images with commentary at Wisconsin)
F587.S2 C6 [Info] A Standard History of Sauk County, Wisconsin (Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co., 1918), ed. by Harry Ellsworth Cole
F587 .W2 H6 [Info] The History of Waukesha County, Wisconsin (Chicago: Western Historical Co., 1880)
F587 .W5 H2 [Info] History of Winnebago County, Wisconsin, and Early History of the Northwest (Oshkosh, WI: Allen and Hicks, 1880), by Richard J. Harney (page images at Wisconsin)
F587 .W5 L42 [Info] History, Winnebago County, Wisconsin: Its Cities, Towns, Resources, People (Chicago: C. F. Cooper, 1908), by Publius V. Lawson
F587 .W5 M6 [Info] Geographical and Statistical History of the County of Winnebago (Oshkosh, WI: Mitchel and Smith, 1856), by Martin Mitchel and Joseph H. Osborn (page images with commentary at Wisconsin)
F587 .W8 D38 [Info] Along the Wisconsin River: Descriptive of the Wisconsin River Valley, Its Resources, Industries and Opportunities, by A. Decker (page images at
F587 .W8 D38 [Info] Grand Rapids: Descriptive of Grand Rapids, Wood County, and the Wisconsin River, by A. Decker (page images at
F587 .W9 [Info] Wood County Centennial, August 5-11, 1956: Official Historical Program (page images at
F587 .W9 R8 [Info] Wood County Place Names (1970), by Robert S. Rudolph (PDF at
F589 .C3 B3 [Info] Cassell Prairie, a Wisconsin Neighborhood (c1950), by Robert S. Babington (page images at HathiTrust)
F589 .F65 [Info] Fond du Lac Illustrated, 1898, by E. C. Williams (page images at Wisconsin)
F589 .M1 D9 [Info] A History of Madison, the Capital of Wisconsin: Including the Four Lake Country (1874), by Daniel S. Durrie (page images at Wisconsin)
F589 .M1 T5 [Info] The Story of Madison (Madison, WI: J. N. Purcell, 1900), by Reuben Gold Thwaites (page images at Wisconsin)
F589 .M58 [Info] Milladore Centennial, 1870-1970 (page images at
F589 .M6 B7 [Info] History of Milwaukee, City and County (3 volumes; Chicago and Milwaukee: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922), ed. by William George Bruce
F589 .M6 J95 [Info] Solomon Juneau: A Biography, With Sketches of the Juneau Family (Milwaukee: Printed by Evening Wisconsin Printing Co., c1916), by Isabella Fox
F589.M6 L3 1915 [Info] The Italians in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: General Survey (1915), by George La Piana
F589 .M6 M55 [Info] A. Bailey's Milwaukee Almanac and Business Directory for the Year 1862 (Milwaukee: A. Bailey, ca. 1862), by A. Bailey (page images at HathiTrust)
F589 .M6 M55 [Info] Erving, Burdick and Co.'s Milwaukee City Directory, for 1857 and 1858 (Milwaukee: King, Jermain and Co., 1857) (page images at HathiTrust)
F589 .M6 M55 1863 [Info] Milwaukee City Directory for 1863 (Milwaukee, WI: Starr and Son, 1863), by A. Bailey (page images at HathiTrust)
F589 .M6 S86 1948 [Info] Milwaukee: The History of a City (Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1948), by Bayrd Still (page images at HathiTrust)

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