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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "F594 .H62" to "F594 .W56" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
F History: United States (Regional), and the Americas (Go to start of category)
F594 .H62 [Info] Life and Marvelous Adventures of Wild Bill, the Scout (Chicago: Belford, Clarke and Co., 1880), by James W. Buel (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
F594 .H6265 [Info] Wild Bill Hickok: The Contemporary Portrait of a Civil War Hero (Franklin, NH: Hillside Press, 1959), by Edward Knight
F594 .H6292 1928 [Info] Wild Bill Hickok: The Prince of Pistoleers (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1928), by Frank Jenners Wilstach (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
F594 .J281 [Info] Illustrated Lives and Adventures of Frank and Jesse James and the Younger Brothers, the Noted Western Outlaws (new edition; New York and St. Louis: N.D. Thompson and Co., 1882), by J. A. Dacus (page images at HathiTrust)
F594 .J33 A3 1959 [Info] The Diaries of William Henry Jackson, Frontier Photographer: To California and Return, 1866-67; and With the Hayden Surveys to the Central Rockies, 1873, and to the Utes and cliff Dwellings, 1874 (The Far West and the Rockies Historical Series v10; Glendale, CA: A. H. Clark Co., 1959), by William Henry Jackson, ed. by LeRoy R. Hafen and Ann W. Hafen (page images at HathiTrust)
F594 .K29 [Info] The New Northwest, by William D. Kelley (page images at MOA)
F594 .L6 [Info] California: A Pleasure Trip from Gotham to the Golden Gate, by Mrs. Frank Leslie, contrib. by Madeleine B. Stern (PDF at LOC)
F594 .L6 1877 [Info] California: A Pleasure Trip from Gotham to the Golden Gate (New York: G. W. Carleton and Co.; London: S. Low, Son and Co., 1877), by Mrs. Frank Leslie (page images at HathiTrust)
F594 .L66 [Info] Fights and Adventures with the Indians: Thrilling Stories of an American Scout on the Western Plains in the Old Days (East Chattanooga, TN: Andrews Printery, c1922), by H. E. Lewis (page images at HathiTrust)
F594 .L7 [Info] Life and Adventures of Sam Bass, the Notorious Union Pacific and Texas Train Robber (Dallas: Dallas Commercial Steam Print, 1878)
F594 .L94 [Info] The Heart of the Continent: A Record of Travel Across the Plains and in Oregon, With an Examination of the Mormon Principle (London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1870), by Fitz Hugh Ludlow (page images in Germany)
F594 .M14 [Info] Buffalo Bone Days: A Short History of the Buffalo Bone Trade (c1939), by M. I. McCreight (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
F594 .M95 [Info] Steep Trails, by John Muir
F594 .P211 1878 [Info] The New Rocky Mountain Tourist, Arkansas Valley and San Juan Guide (Chicago: Knight and Leonard, 1878), by J. G. Pangborn (page images in Germany)
F594 .P65 [Info] Beyond the West, by George W. Pine (page images at MOA)
F594 .R18 R18 [Info] The Rath Trail (Wichita: McCormick-Armstrong, 1961), by Ida Ellen Rath (illustrated HTML at
F594 .R58 [Info] The Journal of Mrs. Mary Ringo: A Diary of Her Trip Across the Great Plains in 1864 (published 1956), by Mary Ringo, contrib. by Mattie Bell Cushing (page images at
F594 .R9 C7 [Info] Dave Rudabaugh, Border Ruffian (Denver: World Press, c1961), by F. Stanley (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
F594 .R94 [Info] The Great West and Pacific Coast, by James Fowler Rusling (page images at MOA)
F594 .S8 [Info] Belle Starr, The Bandit Queen: The Career of the Most Colorful Outlaw the Indian Territory Ever Knew (published under "William Yancey Shackleford" pseudonym; Girard, KS: Haldeman-Julius Publications, c1943), by Vance Randolph (multiple formats at
F594 .T47 W35 1956 [Info] Life and Adventures of Ben Thompson, the Famous Texan: Including a Detailed and Authentic Statement of His Birth, History and Adventures, By One Who Has Known Him Since a Child (facsimile reprint of an 1884 edition; Austin, TX: The Steck Co., 1956), by W. M. Walton (page images at HathiTrust)
F594 .V28 [Info] Prairie and Rocky Mountain Adventures, or, Life in the West, by John C. Van Tramp (page images at MOA)
F594 .W37 [Info] Buffalo Land: An Authentic Account of the Discoveries, Adventures, and Mishaps of a Scientific and Sporting Party in the Wild West (Cincinnati and Chicago: E. Hannaford and Co., 1872), by W. E. Webb, illust. by Henry Worrall
F594.W385 A3 [Info] A Frontier Life, by Charles Wesley Wells (HTML at
F594 .W56 [Info] The Iron Trail: A Sketch, by A. C. Wheeler (page images at MOA)

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