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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "F74 .P6 W5" to "F83 .H42" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
F History: United States (Regional), and the Americas (Go to start of category)
F74 .P6 W5 [Info] The History of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1916-1955 (Pittsfield: City of Pittsfield, 1957), by George F. Willison (page images at HathiTrust)
F74 .P8 R89 [Info] Pilgrim Memorials, and Guide to Plymouth (third edition; Boston: Crosby and Nichols, 1864), by William S. Russell (page images at HathiTrust)
F74 .R4 S5 [Info] The History of the Town of Revere, As Compiled by Benjamin Shurtleff, 1937 (Boston: Beckler Press, c1938), by Benjamin Shurtleff (page images at HathiTrust)
F74 .S1 B462 1905 [Info] The Diary of William Bentley, D.D., Pastor of the East Church, Salem, Massachusetts (4 volumes; Salem, MA: Essex Institute, 1905-1914), by William Bentley (page images at HathiTrust)
F74 .S1 K5 1937 [Info] When I lived in Salem, 1822-1866 (Brattleboro, VT: Stephen Daye Press, 1937), by Caroline Howard King, contrib. by Louisa L. Dresel (page images at HathiTrust)
F74 .S1 P3 [Info] An Account of the Life, Character, etc., of the Rev. Samuel Parris, of Salem Village, and of His Connection With the Witchcraft Delusion of 1692 (Salem, MA: W. Ives and G. W. Pease, Printers, 1857), by Samuel P. Fowler
F74 .S3 B36 1997 [Info] The Seventeenth-Century Town Records of Scituate, Massachusetts (3 volumes; Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, c1997-2001), by Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs (page images at HathiTrust)
F74 .S55 B5 [Info] History of Sherburne, Mass., From Its Incorporation, M DC LXXIV, to the End of the Year M DCCC XXX: Including That of Framingham and Holliston So Far as They Were Constituent Parts of That Town (Milford, MA: Ballou and Stacy, 1830), by William Biglow
F74 .S55 M8 [Info] A Genealogical Register of the Inhabitants and History of the Towns of Sherborn and Holliston (Boston: Damrell and Moore, 1856), by Abner Morse
F74.S55 S48 1974 [Info] The History of Sherborn (1974), by Anne Carr Shaughnessy (illustrated HTML at Comcast)
F74 .S76 S6 [Info] Public Spirit and Mobs: Two Sermons Delivered at Springfield, Mass., on Sunday, February 23, 1851; After the Thompson Riot (Springfield: Merriam, Chapin, and Co.; Boston: W. Crosby and H. P. Nichols, 1851), by George F. Simmons
F74 .S8 B3 [Info] The History of Springfield in Massachusetts, for the Young: Being Also in Some Part the History of Other Towns and Cities in the County of Hampden (Springfield, MA: The Connecticut Valley Historical Society, 1921), by Charles H. Barrows (multiple formats at
F74 .S8 S6 [Info] The First Century of the History of Springfield: The Official Records from 1636 To 1736, with an Historical Review and Biographical Mention of the Founders (2 volumes; Springfield, MA: H.M. Burt, 1898-1899), ed. by Henry M. Burt, contrib. by Springfield (Mass.)
F74 .W33 W3 [Info] Watertown Records (7 volumes; Boston: Clapp and Son, 1894-1939), by Watertown (Mass.), ed. by Historical Society of Watertown (Mass.)
F74 .W9 [Info] Illustrated Business Guide of the City of Worcester, Massachusetts (Worcester, MA: Snow, Woodman and Co., 1880) (multiple formats at Google)
F74 .W9 W89 [Info] Celebration by the Inhabitants of Worcester, Mass., of the Centennial Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, by Worcester (Mass.) (page images at MOA)
F76 .R472 [Info] Rhode Island History (partial serial archives)
F77 .R5 [Info] American Indian Place Names in Rhode Island, Past and Present, by Francis Joseph O'Brien (HTML at
F79 .B58 [Info] The History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (5 volumes; New York: American Historical Society, 1920), by Thomas Williams Bicknell
F79 .C56 [Info] These Plantations (Providence, RI: E. A. Johnson Co., c1937), by J. Earl Clauson, contrib. by Sevellon Brown, illust. by Milton R. Halladay and Paule S. Loring (page images at HathiTrust)
F82 .C483 [Info] Rhode Island Privateers in King George's War, 1739-1748 (Providence: Rhode Island Historical Society, 1926), by Howard M. Chapin (page images at HathiTrust)
F82 .F54 2009 [Info] Errands into the Metropolis: New England Dissidents in Revolutionary London (Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press, University Press of New England, c2009), by Jonathan Beecher Field (multiple formats at Dartmouth Digital Publishing)
F82 .W39 [Info] Early Rhode Island: A Social History of the People (New York: The Grafton Press, c1910), by William B. Weeden
F82 .W85 [Info] Hypocricie Unmasked (London: Printed by R. Cotes and J. Bellamy, 1646), by Edward Winslow
F83 .H42 [Info] Nailer Tom's Diary: Otherwise, The Journal of Thomas B. Hazard of Kingstown Rhode Island, 1778 to 1840 (Boston: The Merrymount Press, 1930), by Thomas Benjamin Hazard, ed. by Caroline Hazard (page images at HathiTrust)

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