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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "GR25 .L32" to "GR65 .K5" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
G Geography, Anthropology, Folklore, Recreation (Go to start of category)
GR Folklore (Go to start of category)
GR25 .L32 [Info] The Orange Fairy Book, ed. by Andrew Lang, contrib. by Mrs. Lang (Gutenberg text)
GR25 .M15 [Info] Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know, ed. by Hamilton Wright Mabie (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
GR25 .M37 [Info] Fairy Tales of All Nations: Famous Stories from the English, German, French, Italian, Arabic, Russian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Bohemian, Japanese and Other Sources (Philadelphia: J. C. Winston Co., 1910), by William Ellis Scull, ed. by Logan Marshall (page images at
GR37 .B33 1994 [Info] Folklife Resources in the Library of Congress (revised edition, 1994), by Timothy Charles Lloyd and Hillary Glatt (PDF at
GR37 .B37 1997 [Info] Folklife Sourcebook: A Directory of Folklife Resources in the United States (1997 edition), by Peter Bartis and Stephanie A. Hall (HTML at LOC)
GR40 .A1513 1908 [Info] Vergleichende Märchenforschungen (in German; Helsinki: Druckerei der Finnischen Literaturgesellschaft, 1908), by Antti Aarne (multiple formats at Google; US access only)
GR40 .A1513 1928 [Info] The Types of the Folk-Tale: A Classification and Bibliography (translated and enlarged by Thompson; FF Communications #74; Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Academia Scientarum Fennica, 1928), by Antti Aarne, ed. by Stith Thompson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
GR41.5 .W55 2006 [Info] The Marrow of Human Experience: Essays on Folklore (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, c2006), by William A. Wilson, ed. by Jill Terry Rudy and Diane Call (PDF with commentary at
GR42 .S53 1993 [Info] Chicken Little: The Inside Story (A Jungian Romance) (Toronto: Inner City Books, c1993), by Daryl Sharp (PDF at
GR43 .C4 C45 1999 [Info] Children's Folklore: A Source Book (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, c1999), ed. by Brian Sutton-Smith, Jay Mechling, Thomas W. Johnson, and Felicia R. McMahon
GR43 .C4 C47 [Info] Children's Folklore Newsletter (partial serial archives)
GR43 .C4 C47 [Info] Children's Folklore Review (partial serial archives)
GR44 .E43 F65 2009 [Info] Folklore and the Internet: Vernacular Expression in a Digital World (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2009), ed. by Trevor J. Blank (PDF with commentary at
GR45.5 .B37 1990 [Info] Folklife and Fieldwork: A Layman's Introduction to Field Techniques (1990 edition), by Peter Bartis (HTML at LOC)
GR55 .E53 S397 2004 [Info] Listening for a Life: A Dialogic Ethnography of Bessie Eldreth Through Her Songs and Stories (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, c2004), by Patricia Sawin (PDF with commentary at
GR55 .K48 G54 [Info] Folklorist of the Coal Fields: George Korson's Life and Work (University Park, PA and London: Pennsylvania State University Press, c1980), by Angus K. Gillespie (multiple formats at ACLS Humanities E-Book)
GR60 .A8 [Info] Remaines of Gentilisme and Judaisme (London: Printed for the Folk-Lore Society by W. Satchell, Peyton and Co., 1881), by John Aubrey, ed. by James Britten
GR65 .B34 [Info] A Book of Folk-Lore, by S. Baring-Gould (HTML at
GR65 .B7 [Info] Paul Bunyan Tales: Prepared for the Use of Students of the University of Wisconsin, Summer Session (Madison, WI: C. E. Brown, 1922), by Charles E. Brown
GR65 .C4 [Info] Fairies, by Gertrude M. Faulding (HTML at
GR65 .C4 [Info] Tom Tit Tot: An Essay on Savage Philosophy in Folk-Tale, by Edward Clodd (HTML at
GR65 .C5 [Info] An Introduction to Folk-Lore (London: David Nutt, 1895), by Marian Roalfe Cox (multiple formats at
GR65 .G5 [Info] Ethnology in Folklore (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1892), by George Laurence Gomme
GR65 .G52 [Info] Folklore as an Historical Science (London: Methuen and Co., 1908), by George Laurence Gomme (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
GR65 .K5 [Info] The Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs (1910), by T. Sharper Knowlson (HTML at

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