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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "GV1547 .K45 1906" to "GV1593 .R3" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
G Geography, Anthropology, Folklore, Recreation (Go to start of category)
GV Recreation and Leisure (Go to start of category)
GV1547 .K45 1906 [Info] The Keith ABC for Children (Boston: Publicity Department, Keith's Theatre, 1906), by James F. McNally, contrib. by B. F. Keith, illust. by Wallace Goldsmith (page images at Princeton)
GV1547 .P52 1870 [Info] The Fireside Magician: or, the Art of Natural Magic Made Easy (New York: Dick and Fitzgerald, c1870), by Thomas Picton (page images at HathiTrust)
GV1547 .R63 1900 [Info] The Secrets of Stage Conjuring (London: G. Routledge and Sons, 1900), by Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin, ed. by Professor Hoffmann (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
GV1547 .S698 [Info] Conjuring for Amateurs: A Practical Treatise on How to Perform Modern Tricks (1901), by Ellis Stanyon (multiple formats at
GV1547 .S79 1901 [Info] New Juggling Tricks (first series; London: E. Stanyon and co., 1901), by Ellis Stanyon (illustrated HTML at
GV1547 .S79 1910 [Info] Magic: In Which Are Given Clear and Concise Explanations of All the Well-Known Illusions, As Well As Many New Ones (Philadelphia: Penn Pub. Co., 1910), by Ellis Stanyon, contrib. by Henry Ridgely Evans (multiple formats at
GV1549 .R67 [Info] New Era Card Tricks (London: W. and F. Hamley, c1897), by August Roterberg, illust. by L. R. Gossett (multiple formats at
GV1549 .T53 1903 [Info] Howard Thurston's Card Tricks: Being a Fin de Siècle Manual on the Art of Conjuring With Cards, Including, Among Many Hitherto Unpublished Novel and Unique Experiments, a Comprehensive Description of the Continuous Front and Back-Hand Palm With Cards, and the Sensational New Rising Card Trick (Baltimore: I. and M. Ottenheimer, c1903), by Howard Thurston (page images at HathiTrust)
GV1549 .T54 [Info] Fifty New Card Tricks: A Comprehensive Description of the Continuous Front and Back Hand Palm With Cards and the Sensational New Rising Card Trick; Also Many New and Unpublished Tricks With Cards (New York: Wehman Bros., ca. 1900), by Howard Thurston (page images at HathiTrust)
GV1557 .V44 [Info] Ventriloquism Explained: and Juggler's Tricks, or Legerdemain, Exposed; With Remarks on Vulgar Superstitions, in a Series of Letters to an Instructor (Amherst, MA: J. S. and C. Adams, 1834) (page images at HathiTrust)
GV1558 .H65 1963 [Info] Manual of Juggling (Chicago: Ireland Magic Co., c1963), by Max Holden, illust. by Nelson Hahne (PDF page images in Australia)
GV1558 .I54 1921 [Info] Juggling, by Rupert Ingalese (illustrated HTML at
GV1580 .F58 [Info] Focus on Dance (partial serial archives)
GV1587 .S713 1892 [Info] Alphabet des Mouvements du Corps Humain: Essai d'Enregistrement des Mouvements du Corps Humain au Moyen des Signes Musicaux (in French; Paris: M. Zouckermann, 1892), by Vladimir Ivanovich Stepanov
GV1588.6 .D36 1986 [Info] Dance: A Very Social History (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art; Rizzoli, c1986), by Carol Wallace, Don McDonagh, Jean L. Druesedow, Laurence Libin, and Constance Old (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google)
GV1590 .B57 [Info] The Code of Terpsichore, by Carlo Blasis (HTML and page images at LOC)
GV1590 .C3 [Info] A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Dancing, by James P. Cassidy (HTML and page images at LOC)
GV1590 .F6 [Info] Orchesography: or, The Art of Dancing (first edition), by Raoul-Auger Feuillet, trans. by John Weaver
GV1590 .F6 [Info] A Small Treatise of Time and Cadence in Dancing (first edition), by Raoul-Auger Feuillet, trans. by John Weaver (page images at
GV1590 .F6 1715 [Info] Orchesography: or, The Art of Dancing (second edition, 1715), by Raoul-Auger Feuillet, trans. by John Weaver (HTML and page images at LOC)
GV1590 .G4 [Info] The Gentleman and Lady's Companion (HTML and page images at LOC)
GV1590 .G68 [Info] Elements and Principles of the Art of Dancing, As Used in the Polite and Fashionable Circles, by J. H. G. (J. H. Gourdoux-Daux) (HTML and page images at LOC)
GV1590 .N4 [Info] Le Gratie d'Amore (in Italian; facsimile images from 1602 and 1604 editions), by Cesare Negri (page images with commentary at
GV1590 .R4 [Info] The Dancing-Master: or, The Art of Dancing Explained, by Pierre Rameau, trans. by John Essex
GV1593 .R3 [Info] The Royal Ball-Room Guide and Etiquette of the Drawingroom, by Randolph Radestock (HTML and page images at LOC)

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