Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HA33 .S57" to "HA214 .M6" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
H | Social Sciences (Go to start of category) |
HA | Statistics (Go to start of category) |
HA33 .S57 | Calculation and Interpretation of Analysis of Variance and Covariance (ca. 1934), by George W. Snedecor (page images at HathiTrust) |
HA33 .T63 | The Variate Difference Method (Cowles Foundation monograph #5; Bloomington, IN: Principia Press, 1940), by Gerhard Tintner (PDF at Yale) |
HA37 .U118 1935 | Directory of Federal Statistical Agencies (partial serial archives) |
HA37 .U118 1944 | Federal Statistical Directory (full serial archives) |
HA37 .U5 P74 1992 | Principles and Practices for a Federal Statistical Agency (1992), ed. by Margaret E. Martin (page images with commentary at NAP) |
HA37 .U55 F75 2006 | States of Inquiry: Social Investigations and Print Culture in Nineteenth-Century Britain and the United States (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, c2006), by Oz Frankel (multiple formats with commentary at Project MUSE) |
HA37 .U55 N352 | Counting People in the Information Age (1994), ed. by Duane L. Steffey and Norman M. Bradburn (page images with commentary at NAP) |
HA37 .U62 M43 | Measuring America: The Decennial Censuses From 1790 to 2000, by Jason Gauthier (PDF at |
HA155 .R43 | Record Linkage Techniques 1997: Proceedings of an International Workshop and Exposition (1999), by National Research Council Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics and Office of Management and Budget (page images with commentary at NAP) |
HA155 .U54 | Handbook of International Economic Statistics, by United States Central Intelligence Agency (full serial archives) |
HA175 .N35 1993 | A Census that Mirrors America: Interim Report (1993), by National Research Council Committee on National Statistics (page images with commentary at NAP) |
HA179 .A44 2004 | Accuracy Counts: Incarcerated People and the Census (New York: Brennan Center for Justice, c2004), by Patricia E. Allard and Kirsten D. Levingston (PDF with commentary at |
HA201 .U6 | Population Schedules of the Census of the United States, by United States Census Office, United States Bureau of the Census, and U.S. Census Bureau (partial serial archives) |
HA201.12 .M43 1999 | Measuring a Changing Nation: Modern Methods for the 2000 Census (1999), ed. by Michael L. Cohen, Andrew A. White, and Keith F. Rust (page images with commentary at NAP) |
HA201.12 .P7 1997 | Preparing for the 2000 Census: Interim Report II (1997), ed. by Andrew A. White and Keith F. Rust (page images with commentary at NAP) |
HA201.1790 .A4 | Return of the Whole Number of Persons Within the Several Districts of the United States, According to "An Act Providing for the Enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States", passed March the First, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-One (1790 census summary statistics (a few districts not included in this edition); Philadelphia: Printed by Childs and Swaine, 1791) |
HA202 .A385 1949 | Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789-1945: A Supplement to the Statistical Abstract of the United States (may be mislabeled on cover page; 1949), by U.S. Census Bureau |
HA202 .A385 1949 | Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1957: A Statistical Abstract Supplement (1960), by U.S. Census Bureau |
HA202 .A385 1949 | Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970: Bicentennial Edition (last public domain edition of HSUS; 1975), by U.S. Census Bureau |
HA202 .S843 | Statistical Abstract of the United States (2012 and prior editions), by U.S. Census Bureau (PDF files at |
HA203 .A25 | Mortality Statistics, by United States Bureau of the Census (partial serial archives) |
HA203 .C6 | County and City Data Book, by U.S. Census Bureau (full serial archives) |
HA205 .A33 | Negro Population, 1790-1915 (Washington: GPO, 1918), by United States Bureau of the Census, contrib. by John Cummings and Joseph A. Hill (page images at HathiTrust) |
HA205 .A33 1920 | Negroes in the United States, 1920-32 (Washington: GPO, 1935), by United States Bureau of the Census, contrib. by Charles Edward Hall and Zellmer R. Pettet (page images at HathiTrust) |
HA214 .M6 | Modernizing the U.S. Census (1995), ed. by Barry Edmonston and Charles Schultze (page images with commentary at NAP) |
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