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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HC1 .R1987" to "HC59 .B75" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HB-HJ Economics and Business (Go to start of category)
HC Economic History and Conditions (Go to start of category)
HC1 .R1987 [Info] Foreign Commerce Weekly (full serial archives)
HC1 .R1987 1962 [Info] International Commerce (full serial archives)
HC4 .R3 [Info] Reports From Her Majesty's Consuls on the Manufactures, Commerce, &c. of Their Consular Districts, by Great Britain Foreign Office (partial serial archives)
HC10 .A678 [Info] Annual Review of Economics (partial serial archives)
HC10 .A683 [Info] Annual Review of Resource Economics (partial serial archives)
HC10 .E68 [Info] Resources (full serial archives)
HC10 .W6 [Info] Wirtschaftsdienst (in German) (partial serial archives)
HC14 .C736 [Info] Crop Reports and General Business Conditions, by Commercial National Bank, Chicago (partial serial archives)
HC21 .P67 [Info] A History of Wealth and Poverty: Why a Few Nations are Rich and Many Poor (electronic edition; originally published 1994), by John P. Powelson (HTML at
HC21 .S438 [Info] Essays on the Progress of Nations, in Productive Industry, Civilization, Population, and Wealth, by Ezra C. Seaman (page images at MOA)
HC21 .W45 1923 [Info] Wirtschaftsgeschichte (in German; Munich and Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot, 1923), by Max Weber, contrib. by Siegmund Hellmann and Melchior Palyi
HC53 .M7 [Info] L'Évolution Économique du Dixneuvième Siècle: Théorie du Progrès (in French; Paris: C. Reinwald, 1880), by G. de Molinari (page images at HathiTrust)
HC55 .B5 [Info] The Servile State (London and Edinburgh : T.N. Foulis, 1912), by Hilaire Belloc
HC56 .L4 [Info] Notes Concerning the Economic Situation Between the Allies and Germany Before and After The War (London: Printed for the author by Poulton Bros., 1916), by Louis Le Personne (page images here at Penn)
HC56 .V6613 [Info] Nation, State, and Economy, by Ludwig Von Mises, trans. by Leland B. Yeager (PDF and Epub with commentary at
HC57 .A783 1921 [Info] The Fruits of Victory: A Sequel to "The Great Illusion" (London et al.: W. Collins Sons and Co., c1921), by Norman Angell (multiple formats at
HC57 .A783 1921 [Info] The Fruits of Victory: A Sequel to "The Great Illusion" (New York: The Century Co., 1921), by Norman Angell (multiple formats at
HC57 .B78 [Info] Battles Without Bullets: The Story of Economic Warfare (Headline Books #18; New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1939), by Thomas P. Brockway, illust. by Bunji Tagawa (multiple formats at
HC57 .K4 [Info] The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919), by John Maynard Keynes (text at McMaster)
HC57 .K4 1920 [Info] The Economic Consequences of the Peace (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920), by John Maynard Keynes (Gutenberg text)
HC57 .K45 1931 [Info] Essays in Persuasion (1931), by John Maynard Keynes (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS)
HC59 .A3 U52 1950 [Info] Point Four: Cooperative Program for Aid in the Development of Economically Underdeveloped Areas (January 1950 revision; Washington: GPO, 1950), by United States Department of State (page images at HathiTrust)
HC59 .A3 U52 1958 [Info] The Sino-Soviet Economic Offensive in the Less Developed Countries (Department of State publication 6632; 1958), by United States Department of State (page images at HathiTrust)
HC59 .B653 [Info] From Abundance to Scarcity: Implications for the American Tradition (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1978), by Kenneth E. Boulding, Michael G. Kammen, and Seymour Martin Lipset (PDF at Ohio State)
HC59 .B75 [Info] Dollars, Goods, and Peace (with "Tools for the Task" by Ford; Headline Series #68; New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1948), by Thomas P. Brockway, contrib. by Thomas K. Ford (multiple formats at

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