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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HD9390 .U62 W5" to "HD9506 .C22 M56 2015" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HB-HJ Economics and Business (Go to start of category)
HD Industries, Land Use, Labor (Go to start of category)
HD9390 .U62 W5 [Info] An Outline for Industry (Springfield, IL and Baltimore: C. C. Thomas, 1944), by Herman Frederick Willkie and Harrison C. Blankmeyer (page images at HathiTrust)
HD9397 .G4 K3 [Info] Die Karlsruher Brauindustrie (in German; Karlsruhe: G. Braun, 1908), by Eugen Gütermann (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
HD9397 .G7 L4 [Info] Brewers' Almanack and Wine and Spirit Trade Annual (selected issues 1912-1922; US access only), by Brewers' Society (London, England) (partial serial archives)
HD9410.5 .G56 2019 [Info] Global Meat: Social and Environmental Consequences of the Expanding Meat Industry (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019), ed. by William Winders and Elizabeth Ransom (PDF files with commentary at MIT Press)
HD9415 .H5 [Info] A Statistical Study of Livestock Production and Marketing (Cowles Foundation monograph #15; New York: J. Wiley and Sons; London: Chapman and Hall, 1955), by Clifford Hildreth and F. G. Jarrett (PDF at Yale)
HD9419 .S7 [Info] Swift & Company Year Book, by Swift & Company (partial serial archives)
HD9466.J32 H69 1995 [Info] Capitalism From Within: Economy, Society, and the State in a Japanese Fishery (Berkeley: University of California Press, c1995), by David Luke Howell (HTML at UC Press)
HD9469 .M563 P453 [Info] Economics of the Philippine Milkfish Resource System, by Kee-Chai Chong, Ian R. Smith, and Maura S. Lizarondo (HTML at UNU Press)
HD9484 .G9 G66 1993 [Info] Imagining Development: Economic Ideas in Peru's "Fictitious Prosperity" of Guano, 1840-1880 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), by Paul Gootenberg (HTML at UC Press)
HD9502 .A2 [Info] Liberalizing Global Trade in Energy Services (Washington: AEI Press, 2002), by Peter C. Evans (PDF at AEI)
HD9502 .A2 J328 2020 [Info] The Citizen's Guide to Climate Success: Overcoming Myths that Hinder Progress (Cambridge, UK et al.: Cambridge University Press, 2020), by Mark Kenneth Jaccard (PDF files with commentary at Cambridge University Press)
HD9502 .A2 P663 2018 [Info] The Politics of Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Their Reform (Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2018), ed. by Jakob Skovgaard and Harro van Asselt (PDF files with commentary at Cambridge University Press)
HD9502 .A2 U495 2014 [Info] Understanding the Global Energy Crisis (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2014), ed. by Eugene D. Coyle and Richard A. Simmons
HD9502 .T72 H84 2017 [Info] Energy Without Conscience: Oil, Climate Change, and Complicity (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2017), by David McDermott Hughes (PDF with commentary at OAPEN)
HD9502 .U5 [Info] Annual Report, by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (partial serial archives)
HD9502 .U5 P37 2023 [Info] Following in Footsteps or Marching Alone? How Institutional Differences Influence Renewable Energy Policy (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2023), by Srinivas C. Parinandi (multiple formats with commentary at
HD9502.U52 A5 1977 [Info] Analysis of the Proposed National Energy Plan (1977), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton)
HD9502.U52 E55 1991 [Info] Energy Technology Choices: Shaping Our Future (1991), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton)
HD9502.U52 E562 1990 [Info] Energy Use and the U.S. Economy (1990), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton)
HD9502 .U52 M346 2007 [Info] Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy (2007), by Arjun Makhijani (PDF with commentary at
HD9502.U52 U5 1991 [Info] Energy Efficiency in the Federal Government: Government by Good Example? (1991), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton)
HD9502 .U53 R45 1991 [Info] Regulatory Choices: A Perspective on Developments in Energy Policy (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), ed. by Richard J. Gilbert (HTML at UC Press)
HD9502.5 .B42 P67 1993 [Info] Potential Environmental Impacts of Bioenergy Crop Production (OTA-BP-E-118; 1993), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
HD9504 .N32 A55 [Info] The Ally (Berkeley-based antiwar periodical; most issues online 1968-1974) (partial serial archives)
HD9506 .C22 M56 2015 [Info] Mining and Communities in Northern Canada: History, Politics, and Memory (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2015), ed. by Arn Keeling and John Sandlos (PDF files at University of Calgary)

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