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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HE5614.2 .E3" to "HE6375 .B8" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HB-HJ Economics and Business (Go to start of category)
HE Transportation and Communications (Go to start of category)
HE5614.2 .E3 [Info] Automobile Collision Data: An Assessment of Needs and Methods of Acquisition (1975), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton)
HE5614.2 .E93 1991 [Info] Traffic Safety and the Driver (1991), by Leonard Evans (HTML at
HE5614.2 .E93 2004 [Info] Traffic Safety (2004), by Leonard Evans (HTML at
HE5614.2 .G4 1988 [Info] Gearing Up for Safety: Motor Carrier Safety in a Competitive Environment (1988), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
HE5623 .F814 1984 [Info] An Economic Analysis of Taxicab Regulation (FTC Bureau of Economics staff report, 1984), by Mark W. Frankena and Paul A. Pautler (page images at HathiTrust)
HE5623 .H68 [Info] Motor Transportation: Principles and Practices (New York: Ronald Press Co., c1958), by William James Hudson and James A. Constantin (page images at HathiTrust)
HE5623 .P28 1976 [Info] Problems of the Carless: Final Report (prepared for US Dept. of Transportation, 1976), by Robert E. Paaswell and Wilfred W. Recker
HE5633 .M5 A5 [Info] What Every Driver Must Know, by Michigan Department of State (PDF at
HE5663 .A4 1920 [Info] Departmental Committee on Taxation and Regulation of Road Vehicles in Great Britain and Ireland: Interim Report (London: HMSO, 1920), by Great Britain Ministry of Transport (page images at HathiTrust)
HE5691 .B3 G67 2020 [Info] Installing Automobility: Emerging Politics of Mobility and Streets in Indian Cities (open access edition; Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2020), by Govind Gopakumar (PDF files at MIT Press)
HE5737 .B53 [Info] Bicycling and Walking in the United States: Benchmarking Report, by Alliance for Biking & Walking (full serial archives)
HE5898 .B4 [Info] The Express Companies of the United States: A Study of a Public Utility (New York: Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 1919), by Bertram Benedict, contrib. by Harry W. Laidler
HE6185 .U5 C5 1942 [Info] The 3c Stamp of the United States 1851-1857 Issue (revised edition; Springfield, MA: Tatham Stamp and Coin Co, c1942), by Carroll Chase (page images at HathiTrust)
HE6187 .A6 [Info] The American Philatelist (partial serial archives)
HE6187 .M5 [Info] Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News (partial serial archives)
HE6196 .K6 [Info] American Philatelic Dictionary, and Colonial and Revolutionary Posts (New York: J. Minkus, c1947), by Harry M. Konwiser (page images at HathiTrust)
HE6196 .S85 1955 [Info] The Stamp Collector's Encyclopedia (fourth edition; New York: Philosophical Library, 1955), ed. by R. J. Sutton (page images at HathiTrust)
HE6213 .M5 1920 [Info] Chats on Postage Stamps (second impression; London: T. F. Unwin, 1920), by Frederick John Melville (multiple formats at
HE6239 .E54 I46 1982 [Info] Implications of Electronic Mail and Message Systems for the U.S. Postal Service (1982), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton)
HE6239.E54 S5 1985 [Info] Toward an Ethics and Etiquette for Electronic Mail (1985), by Norman Z. Shapiro and Robert H. Anderson (HTML and PDF with commentary at
HE6239 .E54 U55 [Info] Universal Access to E-Mail: Feasibility and Societal Implications (1995), by Robert H. Anderson, Tora K. Bikson, Sally Ann Law, and Bridger M. Mitchell (HTML at
HE6366 .A3 [Info] List of Post Offices in the United States (1859), by United States Post Office Department (page images at MOA)
HE6371 .H72 [Info] Ten Years Among the Mail Bags (Philadelphia: H. Cowperthwait and Co., 1855), by James Holbrook (page images at MOA)
HE6375 .A3 [Info] Report to Hon. A. V. Brown, Postmaster-General, on the Opening and Present Condition of the United States Overland Mail Route Between San Antonio, Texas, and San Diego, California, by Isaiah Churchill Woods (page images at MOA)
HE6375 .B8 [Info] The Story of the Pony Express: An Account of the Most Remarkable Mail Service Ever in Existence, and Its Place in History, by Glenn D. Bradley (Gutenberg text)

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