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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HG8781 .I65" to "HJ10 .R1" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HB-HJ Economics and Business (Go to start of category)
HG Finance (Go to start of category)
HG8781 .I65 [Info] Life Contingencies (London: Published by the authority and on behalf of the Institute of Actuaries by C. and E. Layton, 1922), by Ernest Frank Spurgeon (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
HG8781 .J6 [Info] Society of Actuaries' Textbook on Life Contingencies (Chicago: Society of Actuaries, 1952), by Chester Wallace Jordan (page images at HathiTrust)
HG8782 .H55 [Info] Widows' and Pension Funds: Containing Statistical and Monetary Tables Based on the Results of an Investigation of the Marriage and Mortality Experience of the Widow's Funds of the Scottish Banks (London: Charles and Edwin Layton, 1896), by Archibald Hewat (page images at HathiTrust)
HG8848 .B261 [Info] Life Insurance Accounting (Louisville: Insurance Field, c1909), by Samuel Barnett (page images at HathiTrust)
HG8876 .F53 [Info] The Agent's Manual of Life Assurance, by Henry Clay Fish (page images at MOA)
HG9090 .A39 [Info] Bouwstoffen voor de Geschiedenis van de Levensverzekeringen en Lijfrenten in Nederland (in Dutch; Amsterdam: De Maatschappij, 1897), by Algemeene Maatschappij van Levensverzekering en Lijfrente
HG9201 .G7 [Info] The Fraternal Monitor (partial serial archives)
HG9201 .N27 [Info] Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the National Fraternal Congress, by National Fraternal Congress (partial serial archives)
HG9201 .W527 [Info] Western Review (fraternal benefits society magazine; issues online 1918-1919) (page images at HathiTrust)
HG9203 .N4 [Info] Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the National Fraternal Congress of America, by National Fraternal Congress of America (partial serial archives)
HG9209 .B3 [Info] History and Operation of Fraternal Insurance (Rochester, NY: Fraternal Monitor, c1919), by Walter Basye (multiple formats at
HG9226 .F73 [Info] Statistics, Fraternal Societies (partial serial archives)
HG9396 .D64 1992 [Info] Does Health Insurance Make a Difference? (1992), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton)
HG9396 .G46 1992 [Info] Genetic Tests and Health Insurance: Results of a Survey (1992), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
HG9396 .I57 1993 [Info] Employment and Health Benefits: A Connection At Risk (1993), ed. by Marilyn J. Field and Harold T. Shapiro (page images with commentary at NAP)
HG9396 .K548 1997 [Info] Health Insurance Among Children of Unemployed Parents, by Jacob A. Klerman (PDF at
HG9396 .M43 1988 [Info] Medical Testing and Health Insurance (OTA-H-384; 1988), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
HG9396 .P3825 2010 [Info] Health Reform Without Side Effects: Making Markets Work for Individual Health Insurance (2010), by Mark V. Pauly (PDF at
HG9397.5 .H3 M55 1993 [Info] Health Insurance: The Hawaii Experience, by Lawrence H. Miike
HG9655 .B46 [Info] Best's Insurance News: Fire, Marine and Miscellaneous Edition (partial serial archives)
HG9765 .B4 [Info] Best's Insurance Guide With Key Ratings, by A.M. Best Company (partial serial archives)
HG9956 .B46 [Info] Best's Insurance News: Casualty, Surety and Miscellaneous Edition (partial serial archives)
HG9979.3 .P39 [Info] Paying the Price: The Status and Role of Insurance Against Natural Disasters in the United States (1998), ed. by Howard Kunreuther and Richard J. Roth (page images with commentary at NAP)
HJ Public Finance (Go to start of category)
HJ10 .H52 [Info] Decisions of the Comptroller General of the United States, by United States General Accounting Office (full serial archives)
HJ10 .R1 [Info] Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances, by United States Department of the Treasury (full serial archives)

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