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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HQ777 .J2" to "HQ789 .C42745 2012" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HQ Family, Marriage, Sex and Gender (Go to start of category)
HQ777 .J2 [Info] Mother and Daughter (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1905), by Gabrielle E. Jackson (page images at HathiTrust)
HQ778.67 .C483 O37 1971 [Info] "Life is Good, Right? Right!" 5th City Pre-School, Chicago, Illinois (case study reprinted from A Study in Child Care; Washington: US. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, ca. 1971), by Brigid O'Farrell (page images at HathiTrust)
HQ778.7 .U6 N39 1991 [Info] Caring for America's Children (1991), ed. by Anne Meadows (page images with commentary at NAP)
HQ778.7 .U6 W46 1991 [Info] What, If Any, Should Government's Role Be Regarding Child Care in the United States? Excerpts from the 1991 Harry Singer Foundation Essay Contest, ed. by Margaret Bohannon-Kaplan (Javascript-dependent HTML at Scribd)
HQ778.7 .U6 W53 1990 [Info] Who Cares for America's Children? (1990), ed. by Cheryl D. Hayes, John L. Palmer, and Martha J. Zaslow (page images with commentary at NAP)
HQ781 .M2 [Info] The American Child (1913), by Elizabeth McCracken (Gutenberg text)
HQ781 .M2 [Info] The American Child (Boston and New York: Houghton Miffin Co., 1913), by Elizabeth McCracken, illust. by Alice Austin
HQ783 .L48 1989 [Info] Our Mother-Tempers (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), by Marion J. Levy (HTML at UC Press)
HQ784 .A6 F71 1955 [Info] Comics, TV, Radio, Movies: What Do They Offer Children? (Public Affairs pamphlet #148; New York: Public Affairs Committee, 1955), by Josette Frank (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
HQ784 .C6 E5 [Info] A Study of Comic Book and Television Coverage Among School Children in Elmhurst, Illinois (1954), by Elmhurst Board of Education and Dell Publishing Company (page images at HathiTrust)
HQ784 .I58 [Info] Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies: Final Report of the Internet Safety Technical Task Force to the Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking of State Attorneys General of the United States (2008), by Internet Safety Technical Task Force (PDF files with commentary at Harvard)
HQ784 .I58 P58 2019 [Info] Sharenthood: Why We Should Think Before We Talk About Our Kids Online (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019), by Leah A. Plunkett, contrib. by John Palfrey (illustrated HTML at MIT Press)
HQ784 .I58 Y68 [Info] Youth, Pornography and the Internet, ed. by Dick Thornburgh and Herbert Lin (HTML and page images at NAP)
HQ784 .S45 [Info] Infant and Child Sexuality: A Sociological Perspective (1973), by Floyd Mansfield Martinson (HTML and PDF at
HQ784 .S45 Y37 [Info] Sex Without Shame: Encouraging the Child's Healthy Sexual Development (1978), by Alayne Yates (HTML and PDF at
HQ784 .T4 [Info] TV and Your Child (New York: Paulist Press, c1955), by Edwin B. Broderick (PDF at
HQ784 .T4 D8 2007 [Info] Dying to Entertain: Violence on Prime Time Broadcast Television, 1998 to 2006 (Alexandria, VA, and Los Angeles: Parents Television Council, 2007), by Caroline Schulenberg (PDF at
HQ784 .T4 K4 1961 [Info] Pogo Primer for Parents (TV Division) (Washington: Children's Bureau, 1961), by Walt Kelly (page images at HathiTrust)
HQ784 .V55 D45 2002 [Info] The Emotional Life of Nations, by Lloyd DeMause (HTML at
HQ784 .W3 [Info] Impact of Armed Conflict on Children, by Graça Machel (HTML with commentary at UNICEF)
HQ784 .W3 I58 [Info] Invisible Stakeholders: Children and War in Africa (2004), ed. by Angela McIntyre (PDF files at
HQ785 .C5 [Info] Little Folks of Many Lands (Boston et al.: Ginn and Co., c1904), by Lulu Maude Chance
HQ785 .H8 [Info] Boy Life: Stories and Readings Selected From the Works of William Dean Howells, and Arranged for Supplementary Reading in Elementary Schools (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1909), by William Dean Howells, ed. by Percival Chubb (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
HQ789 .A64 1998 [Info] Betraying the Young: Human Rights Violations Against Children in the US Justice System (1998), by Amnesty International (PDF at
HQ789 .C42745 2012 [Info] Child Rights: The Movement, International Law, and Opposition (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, c2012), ed. by Clark Butler (PDF files with commentary at Project MUSE)

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