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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HS2384 .L27 E5 1856" to "HS3353 .G5 A6" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HS Societies and Clubs (Go to start of category)
HS2384 .L27 E5 1856 [Info] History of Secret Societies, and of the Republican Party of France From 1830-1848: Containing Sketches of Louis-Philippe and the Revolution of February; Together with Portraits, Conspiracies, and Unpublished Facts (translated from 1850 Paris edition; Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1856), by Lucien de La Hodde, trans. by J. W. Phelps
HS2384 .L27 E5 1864 [Info] The Cradle of Rebellions: A History of the Secret Societies of France (New York: J. Bradburn, 1864), by Lucien de La Hodde, trans. by J. W. Phelps
HS2384 .L27 E5 1867 [Info] The Cradle of Rebellions: A History of the Secret Societies of France (Galion, OH: A. Estill, 1867), by Lucien de La Hodde, trans. by J. W. Phelps (page images at HathiTrust)
HS2394 .C4 A5 1821 [Info] Constitution et Organisation des Carbonari: ou, Documens Exacts sur Tout ce qui Concerne l'Existence, l'Origine et le But de Cette Société Secrète (in French; Paris: Corby, et al., 1821), by Saint-Edme (page images at HathiTrust)
HS2705 .L5 L5 [Info] Lion (partial serial archives)
HS2723 .H57 1989 [Info] The History of High Twelve International, 1920-1960 (St. Louis, MO: High Twelve International, 1989), by Louis P. Black and Karen Thure
HS2725 .D3 [Info] Charter and By-Laws of the German Society of the City of New-York, With a List of the Members (New York: Printed for E. Sargeant, 1808), by German Society of the City of New York
HS2725 .M5 P48 1910 [Info] Phantom Club Papers (Milwaukee: Printed for the Club, 1906) (multiple formats at
HS2725 .M5 P48 1910 [Info] Phantom Club Papers: Second Series (Milwaukee: Printed for the Club, 1910), by Wis.) Phantom Club (Milwaukee (page images at HathiTrust)
HS2725 .M5 P48 1910 [Info] Phantom Club Papers: Third Series (Milwaukee: Printed for the Club, 1914) (multiple formats at
HS3313 .B7 A2 [Info] The Boy Scouts Year Book (partial serial archives)
HS3313 .B7 A32 [Info] Scoutmaster's Handbook: A Manual of Troop Leadership (fifth edition, first printing; c1959), by Boy Scouts of America, contrib. by William Hillcourt (page images at HathiTrust)
HS3313 .B74 B23 1922 [Info] Rovering to Success: A Book of Life-Sport for Young Men (London: H. Jenkins Ltd., 1922), by Robert Baden-Powell
HS3313 .B74 B3 [Info] Young Knights of the Empire: Their Code and Further Scout Yarns (1917), by Robert Baden-Powell (Gutenberg text)
HS3316 .H8B63 1986 [Info] Scouting in Hungary (published by the Hungarian Scout Association (U.S.), 1986), by Gábor Bodnár (multiple formats at
HS3321 .N4 Y65 [Info] Children Object (New York: Viking Press, 1943), by Sabra Holbrook (page images at HathiTrust)
HS3353 .A8 A3 [Info] Junior League (partial serial archives)
HS3353 .C3 A2 [Info] Everygirl's Magazine (partial serial archives)
HS3353 .C3 A4 [Info] The Book of the Camp Fire Girls (1914 handbook), by Camp Fire Girls (illustrated HTML at
HS3353 .C3 G7 [Info] A List of Indian Words From Which Girls can Derive Their Camp Fire Names (New York: Camp Fire Outfitting Co., 1915), by Charlotte V. Gulick
HS3353 .C3 G8 [Info] A Book of Symbols for Camp Fire Girls (New York: Camp Fire Outfitting Co., 1915), by Charlotte V. Gulick (page images at HathiTrust)
HS3353 .C3 G8 [Info] The Shul U Tam Na (in Full Dress, With All Beads On) of the Camp Fire Girls (New York, Camp Fire Outfitting Co., 1915), by Charlotte V. Gulick
HS3353 .C3 R7 [Info] Sebago-Wohelo Camp Fire Girls (Battle Creek, MI: Good Health Pub. Co., 1915), by Ethel Rogers, contrib. by Charlotte V. Gulick (page images at HathiTrust)
HS3353 .G5 A54 [Info] Working With the Handicapped: A Leader's Guide (New York: Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., c1954), by Joan L. Carter, illust. by Irene K. Lewis (page images at HathiTrust)
HS3353 .G5 A6 [Info] American Girl (partial serial archives)

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