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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HV6431" to "HV6432 .S43 2001" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HV Social Service, Welfare, Criminology (Go to start of category)
HV6431 [Info] Fresh Perspectives on the "War on Terror" (2008), ed. by Miriam Gani and Penelope Mathew (multiple formats with commentary at ANU E Press)
HV6431 .C676 2021 [Info] Counter-Terrorism: The Ethical Issues (Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: E. Elgar, c2021), ed. by Seumas Miller, Adam Henschke, and Jonas Feltes (PDF with commentary at
HV6431 .E7 [Info] Ethics of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism (Frankfurt et al.: Ontos Verlag, c2005), ed. by Georg Meggle, Andreas Kemmerling, and Markus Textor (PDF with commentary at De Gruyer)
HV6431 .F554 2009 [Info] Film Piracy, Organized Crime, and Terrorism (2009), by Gregory F. Treverton, Carl Matthies, Karla J. Cunningham, Jeremiah Goulka, Greg Ridgeway, and Anny Wong (PDF with commentary at
HV6431 .H8 [Info] The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism: Who Becomes a Terrorist and Why? (1999), by Rex A. Hudson (PDF at
HV6431 .J65 2008 [Info] How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering Al Qa'ida (2008), by Seth G. Jones and Martin C. Libicki (PDF with commentary at
HV6431 .M354 2002 [Info] Making the Nation Safer: The Role of Science and Technology in Countering Terrorism (2002), by National Research Council Committee on Science and Technology for Countering Terrorism (page images with commentary at NAP)
HV6431 .N24 2004 [Info] A Chronology of Significant International Terrorism for 2004, by National Counterterrorism Center (U.S.) (PDF at
HV6431 .N25 [Info] Report on Terrorism (annual report, title varies slightly; 2005-2011), by National Counterterrorism Center (U.S.) (full serial archives)
HV6431 .P377 [Info] Patterns of Global Terrorism, by United States Department of State
HV6431 .P38 [Info] Patterns of International Terrorism, by National Foreign Assessment Center (U.S.) (partial serial archives)
HV6431 .S725 1985 [Info] State-Sponsored Terrorism: Report Prepared for the Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism for the Use of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate (Washington: GPO, 1985), by Ray S. Cline and Yonah Alexander (page images at HathiTrust)
HV6431 .S7294 2008 [Info] Terrorism in Asymmetrical Conflict: Ideological and Structural Aspects (2008), by Ekaterina Stepanova (PDF with commentary at
HV6431 .T465 1984x [Info] Terrorism: A Selective Bibliography (Washington: Pentagon Library, 1984) (page images at HathiTrust)
HV6431 .T53211 1988 [Info] Terrorist Group Profiles (Washington: GPO, ca. 1988) (page images at HathiTrust)
HV6432 [Info] The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (official government edition, 2004), by National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States (HTML and PDF files at
HV6432 .A375 1979 [Info] Domestic Terrorism (Washington: Center for Policy Research, 1979), by National Governors' Association Emergency Preparedness Project (page images at HathiTrust)
HV6432 .B345 2010 [Info] Skating on Stilts: Why We Aren't Stopping Tomorrow's Terrorism (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, c2010), by Stewart A. Baker (PDF files with commentary at
HV6432 .B53 2002 [Info] Afghanistan and the Future of Warfare: Implications for Army and Defense Policy (2002), by Stephen D. Biddle (multiple formats at Google)
HV6432 .H65 1998 [Info] The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror, by David Hoffman (HTML with commentary at
HV6432 .M67 1983 [Info] US Strategy to Counter Domestic Political Terrorism (Washington: National Defense University Press, 1983), by James B. Motley (page images at HathiTrust)
HV6432 .M8 [Info] Terrorism Since 9/11: The American Cases (electronic edition, 2013; updated periodically), ed. by John E. Mueller (PDF files with commentary at
HV6432 .N3 [Info] Watchlisting Guidance (March 2013), by National Counterterrorism Center (U.S.)
HV6432 .N3835 2011 [Info] Review of the Scientific Approaches Used During the FBI's Investigation of the 2001 Anthrax Letters (Washington: National Academies Press, c2011), by National Research Council Committee on Review of the Scientific Approaches Used During the FBI's Investigation of the 2001 Bacillus Anthracis Mailings (HTML with commentary at NAP)
HV6432 .S43 2001 [Info] "Will They Fly a Plane Into Our House?" How to Talk to Children About Terrorism (Norwalk, CT: Play2Grow; Plainview, NY: Childswork/Childsplay, c2001), by Lawrence E. Shapiro (PDF at

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