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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HV8203 .S48" to "HV8593 .A44 1997" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HV Social Service, Welfare, Criminology (Go to start of category)
HV8203 .S48 [Info] Les Lettres de Cachet: "Prisonniers de Famille" et "Placements Volontaires" (in French; Gand: A. Vander Haeghen, 1912), by Paul Sérieux and Lucien Libert (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
HV8204.5 .P42 1909 [Info] Méthode de Police Pratique, à l'Usage des Agents de l'Autorité: Enseignant les Divers Moyens d'Arrêter, Immobiliser, Terrasser, Conduire ou Emporter un Malfaiteur Même Armé (in French; Paris: J. Rueff, 1909), by Charles Péchard (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
HV8242.2 .A2 S28 2014 [Info] Effective Policing for 21st-Century Israel (in English and Hebrew; c2014), by Jessica M. Saunders, Steven W. Popper, Andrew R. Morral, Robert C. Davis, Claude Berrebi, Kristin Leuschner, Shira Efron, Boaz Segalovitz, and Kevin Jack Riley (PDF with commentary at
HV8242.2 .A3 I87 1990 [Info] The Israeli Army and the Intifada: Policies That Contribute to the Killings (New York: Middle East Watch, 1990), by Eric Goldstein, contrib. by Paul Chevigny and Bell Gale Chevigny (PDF at
HV8291 .I72 P75 2008 [Info] Private Security Contractors at War: Ending the Culture of Impunity (New York and Washington: Human Rights First, c2008), by Scott Horton, Kevin Lanigan, and Michael McClintock (PDF at Wayback Machine)
HV8291 .U6 A49 1992 [Info] Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Covert Operation: Report of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, Second Session (4 volumes, first labeled "draft report", others labeled exhibit appendixes; Washington: GPO, 1992), by United States House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs (page images at HathiTrust)
HV8301 .E94 [Info] Eye Opener (partial serial archives)
HV8301 .P8 [Info] The Prison Mirror (partial serial archives)
HV8301 .S66 [Info] Soonerland (partial serial archives)
HV8311 .A2 [Info] Federal Prisons, by United States Bureau of Prisons (full serial archives)
HV8314 1918 .G76 [Info] Uncle Sam's Devil's Island: Experiences of a Conscientious Objector in America During the World War (Boston: Excelsior Press, 1933), by Philip Grosser and Harry Block, contrib. by Alice Stone Blackwell and Alexander Berkman (page images at HathiTrust)
HV8324 .A33 [Info] Annual Research Review, by California Department of Corrections (partial serial archives)
HV8341 .A2 [Info] Special Report on Prisons and Prison Discipline, by Massachusetts Board of State Charities (page images at MOA)
HV8352 .A22 [Info] Annual Report of the New York State Commission of Correction, by New York State Commission of Correction (partial serial archives)
HV8352 .A3 1910 [Info] Regarding the Correctional Institutions of the State of New York (Albany, NY: J.B. Lyon Co., Printers, 1910), by New York State Prison Department (Javascript-dependent PDF at
HV8413 .B44 1998 [Info] Behind Bars in Brazil, by Human Rights Watch (Organization) (HTML at
HV8497 .L4 1866 [Info] Superstition and Force: Essays on the Wager of Law, the Wager of Battle, the Ordeal, Torture (Philadelphia: H. C. Lea, 1866), by Henry Charles Lea
HV8497 .L4 1878 [Info] Superstition and Force: Essays on the Wager of Law, the Wager of Battle, the Ordeal, Torture (third edition, revised; Philadelphia: H. C. Lea, 1878), by Henry Charles Lea
HV8526 .D69 2006 [Info] Clemency and Cruelty in the Roman World (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2006), by Melissa Barden Dowling (page images at HathiTrust)
HV8532 .G7 T37 2017 [Info] The Golden and Ghoulish Age of the Gibbet in Britain (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), by Sarah Tarlow (PDF and Epub with commentary at SpringerLink)
HV8532 .G8 A5 [Info] Bygone Punishments (London: W. Andrews and Co., 1899), by William Andrews (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
HV8532 .U5 E3 [Info] Curious Punishments of Bygone Days, by Alice Morse Earle, illust. by Frank Hazenplug
HV8579 .M3 [Info] Tyburn Tree: Its History and Annals (London: Brown, Langham and Co., ca. 1908), by Alfred Marks (multiple formats at
HV8593 [Info] Broken Laws, Broken Lives: Medical Evidence of Torture by US Personnel and Its Impact (2008), by Physicians for Human Rights (PDF with commentary at
HV8593 .A44 1997 [Info] Arming the Torturers: Electro-Shock Torture and the Spread of Stun Technology (1997), by Amnesty International (HTML and PDF at

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