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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HV97 .C3 A3" to "HV245 .G744 1999" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HV Social Service, Welfare, Criminology (Go to start of category)
HV97 .C3 A3 [Info] Annual Report, by Carnegie Corporation of New York (partial serial archives)
HV97 .C6 A3 [Info] Annual Report, by Commonwealth Fund (partial serial archives)
HV97 .M6 A32 1923 [Info] The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly Bulletin (full serial archives)
HV97 .R6 A35 [Info] The President's Review From the Annual Report (Rockefeller Foundation, 1917-1960s) (partial serial archives)
HV98 .C2 E24 [Info] Welfare Reform in California: Results of the 1998 All-County Implementation Survey, by Patricia A. Ebener and Jacob Alex Klerman (PDF files at
HV98.C3 K42 1998 [Info] Rand Statewide CalWORKs Evaluation: An Overview, by Jacob A. Klerman, Elaine Reardon, and Paul S. Steinberg (PDF at
HV98.C3 N48 [Info] The New Fiscal Federalism and the Social Safety Net: A View from California, ed. by James R. Hosek and Robert A. Levine (HTML at
HV98 .C3 W45 [Info] Welfare Reform in California: State and County Implementation of CalWORKs in the First Year, by Gail Zellman, Jacob Alex Klerman, Elaine Reardon, Donna Farley, Nicole Humphrey, Tammi Chun, and Paul Steinberg (PDF files at
HV98 .M5 S74 2008 [Info] Negotiating Relief: the Development of Social Welfare Programs in Depression-era Michigan, 1930-1940 (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2008), by Susan Stein-Roggenbuck (PDF at Ohio State)
HV98 .M8 E45 1904 [Info] A Bulletin on the Condition of the County Almshouses of Missouri (1904), by Charles A. Ellwood (page images at Missouri)
HV99 .B7 B19 [Info] Account of the Poor Fund and Other Charities Held in Trust by the Old South Society, City of Boston (Boston: Press of G. C. Rand and Avery, 1868), by Joseph Ballard (page images at MOA)
HV99 .C55 C8 1992 [Info] Rebuilding Cleveland: The Cleveland Foundation and Its Evolving Urban Strategy (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1992), by Diana Tittle (PDF at Ohio State)
HV99 .N59 S8 [Info] The Philanthropic Work of Josephine Shaw Lowell: Containing a Biographical Sketch of Her Life, Together With a Selection of Her Public Papers and Private Letters, Collected and Arranged for Publication (New York: Macmillan, 1911), by William Rhinelander Stewart, contrib. by Josephine Shaw Lowell (multiple formats at
HV99 .N6 H62 [Info] House of Hospitality (1939), by Dorothy Day (HTML at Catholic Worker)
HV99 .S41 S6 [Info] Almshouse Women: A Study of Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight Women in the City and County Almshouse of San Francisco (Palo Alto: Stanford University, 1896), by Mary Roberts Coolidge (page images at HathiTrust)
HV115 .M5 G3 [Info] Informe Sobre los Establecimientos de Beneficencia y Correccion de Esta Capital: Su Estado Actual; Noticia de Sus Fondos; Reformas Que Desde Luego Necesitan y Plan General de su Arreglo, Presentado por José Maria Andrade, Méjico, 1864 (in Spanish; Mexico: Moderna Libreria Religiosa de J. L. Vallejo; et al., 1907), by Joaquín García Icazbalceta, ed. by Luis García Pimentel, contrib. by José Maria Tavares de Andrade
HV238 .E886 2002 [Info] Europe's Welfare Burden: The Case for Reform (c2002), by Benny Carlson, Alan Deacon, Hans Hoogervorst, Wilfried Prewo, and Jason A. Turner (PDF at Civitas)
HV241 .A4 [Info] Pictures of the Socialistic Future (cheap edition; London: Swan Sonnenschein and Co., 1907), by Eugen Richter, trans. by Henry Wright (HTML at
HV241 .A4 [Info] Poor Law Commissioners' Report of 1834, by Great Britain Poor Law Commissioners (HTML at
HV241 .A4 1912 [Info] Pictures of the Socialistic Future (Freely Adapted from Bebel) (cheap edition; London: G. Allen and Co., 1912), by Eugen Richter, trans. by Henry Wright, contrib. by Thomas Mackay
HV245 .B35 [Info] The Book of the Bastiles: or, The History of the Working of the New Poor Law (London: J. Stephens, 1841), by G. R. Wythen Baxter
HV245 .B44 1999 [Info] Before Beveridge: Welfare Before the Welfare State (c1999), ed. by David Gladstone (PDF at Civitas)
HV245 .D35 [Info] Giving Alms No Charity, by Daniel Defoe (text at McMaster)
HV245 .G744 1998 [Info] Benefit Dependency: How Welfare Undermines Independence (c1998), by David G. Green (PDF at Civitas)
HV245 .G744 1999 [Info] An End to Welfare Rights: The Rediscovery of Independence (c1999), by David G. Green (PDF at Civitas)

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