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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "JC71 .A41 C68 1528" to "JC143 .M15 1720" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
J Political Science (Go to start of category)
JC Political Theory (Go to start of category)
JC71 .A41 C68 1528 [Info] Secrete of Secretes of Arystotle (title based on colophon; London: Printed by R. Copland, 1528), trans. by Robert Copland (HTML at EEBO TCP)
JC71 .A41 E55 [Info] A Treatise on Government (aka Politics), by Aristotle, trans. by William Ellis (Gutenberg text)
JC71 .P3 [Info] Statesman, by Plato, trans. by Harold North Fowler (HTML at Perseus)
JC71 .P3 [Info] Statesman, by Plato, trans. by Benjamin Jowett (Gutenberg text)
JC75 .D36 2004 [Info] The Athenian Citizen: Democracy in the Athenian Agora (second edition; Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2004), by Mabel L. Lang and John McK. Camp, illust. by Alison Frantz and Craig A. Mauzy (page images at Google)
JC81 .P765 [Info] Die Politischen Grundlehren des Polybios von Megalopolis: Das Sechste Buch von Polybios' Weltgeschichte in Seinen Erhaltenen Teilen (in German; Leipzig: P. Reclam, ca. 1921), by Polybius, ed. by Werner Grundig (page images at HathiTrust)
JC83 .A18 1911 [Info] A History and Description of Roman Political Institutions (third edition; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, c1911), by Frank Frost Abbott (page images at HathiTrust)
JC83 .L37 [Info] State and Family in Early Rome (London: G. Bell and Sons, 1908), by Charles W. L. Launspach (multiple formats at
JC83 .M68 [Info] Les Institutions Politiques des Romains (in French, 2 volumes; Paris: G. Pedone-Lauriel, 1882-1883), by J.-B. Mispoulet (page images at HathiTrust)
JC83 .T56 1889 [Info] The Development of the Roman Constitution (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1889), by Ambrose Tighe
JC85.C4 R7 [Info] Untersuchungen zur Römischen Zenturienverfassung (in German; Berlin: Weidmann, 1911), by Arthur Rosenberg (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
JC85 .S4 B95 1995 [Info] The Senate of the Roman Republic: Addresses on the History of Roman Constitutionalism (Washington: GPO, 1995), by Robert C. Byrd (page images at HathiTrust)
JC89 .L5 [Info] Beiträge zur Verwaltungsgeschichte des Römischen Kaiserreichs: Die Laufbahn der Procuratoren bis auf die Zeit Diocletians (only volume published under main title; in German; Jena: A. Passarge, 1886), by W. Liebenam
JC89 .L5 [Info] Forschungen zur Verwaltungsgeschichte des Römischen Kaiserreichs: Die Legaten in dem Römischen Provinzen von Augustus bis Diocletian ("I. Band" only volume published; in German; Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1888), by W. Liebenam
JC101 .U38 [Info] The Individual and Society in the Middle Ages (originally published 1966; open access edition Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), by Walter Ullmann (multiple formats with commentary at Project MUSE)
JC121 .M4 E6 [Info] The Defensor Pacis of Marsiglio of Padua: A Critical Study (Harvard Theological Studies #8; 1920), by Ephraim Emerton (multiple formats at
JC131 .F7 [Info] Constitutional Reason of State: The Survival of the Constitutional Order (Providence: Brown University Press, 1957), by Carl J. Friedrich (page images at HathiTrust)
JC139 .B7 [Info] De Republica Libri Sex: Latine ab Auctore Redditi, Multo Quam Antea Locupletiores, cum Indice Locupletissimo (in Latin; Frankfurt: P. Fischer, 1609), by Jean Bodin
JC139 .B74 1606 [Info] The Six Bookes of a Common-Weale (London: G. Bishop, 1606), by Jean Bodin, trans. by Richard Knolles (HTML at EEBO TCP)
JC139 .L1513 [Info] Anti-Dictator: The Discours sur la Servitude Volontaire (New York: Columbia University Press, 1942), by Estienne de La Boétie, trans. by Harry Kurz (page images at HathiTrust)
JC139 .L1513 [Info] The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse on Voluntary Servitude (Auburn, AL: Mises Institute, c1975), by Estienne de La Boétie, ed. by Harry Kurz, contrib. by Murray N. Rothbard (multiple formats with commentary at
JC143 .B3 D4 [Info] De Laicis: or, The Treatise on Civil Government, by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino (HTML with commentary at
JC143 .M15 1680 [Info] The Works of the Famous Nicholas Machiavel, Citizen and Secretary of Florence (London: Printed for John Starkey, Charles Harper, and John Amery, 1680), by Niccolò Machiavelli, trans. by Henry Neville (PDF and page images at CMU)
JC143 .M15 1695 [Info] The Works of the Famous Nicholas Machiavel, Citizen and Secretary of Florence (second edition; London: Printed for R. Clavel, et al., 1695), by Niccolò Machiavelli, trans. by Henry Neville (page images at HathiTrust)
JC143 .M15 1720 [Info] The Works of the Famous Nicholas Machiavel, Citizen and Secretary of Florence (third edition; London: Printed by T. W. for A. Churchill et al, 1720), by Niccolò Machiavelli, trans. by Henry Neville (multiple formats at

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