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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "JK2261 .B4" to "JK2312 1880" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
J Political Science (Go to start of category)
JF-JQ Political Institutions and Public Administration (Go to start of category)
JK Political Institutions and Public Administration (United States) (Go to start of category)
JK2261 .B4 [Info] The American Party Battle (New York: Macmillan, 1928), by Charles A. Beard (multiple formats at Google)
JK2261 .B55 [Info] Our Political Drama: Conventions, Campaigns, Candidates, by Joseph Bucklin Bishop (page images at Google; US access only)
JK2261 .C8 1882 [Info] American Politics (Non-Partisan) From the Beginning to Date (Chicago: C. R. Brodix, ca. 1882), by Thomas V. Cooper and Hector T. Fenton (multiple formats at
JK2261 .C8 1884 [Info] American Politics (Non-Partisan) From the Beginning to Date (7th and revised edition; Chicago: C. R. Brodix, 1884), by Thomas V. Cooper and Hector T. Fenton (page images at HathiTrust)
JK2261 .C8 1884a [Info] American Politics (Non-Partisan) From the Beginning to Date (8th and revised edition; Chicago: C. R. Brodix, 1884), by Thomas V. Cooper and Hector T. Fenton (page images at HathiTrust)
JK2261 .C8 1889 [Info] American Politics (Non-Partisan) From the Beginning to Date (13th and revised edition; Boston: B. A. Fowler and Co., 1889), by Thomas V. Cooper and Hector T. Fenton (page images at HathiTrust)
JK2261 .C8 1892 [Info] American Politics (Non-Partisan) From the Beginning to Date (14th and revised edition; Boston: B. A. Fowler and Co., 1890), by Thomas V. Cooper and Hector T. Fenton (page images at HathiTrust)
JK2261 .C8 1892 [Info] American Politics (Non-Partisan) From the Beginning to Date (15th and revised edition; Philadelphia: Fireside Pub. Co., 1892), by Thomas V. Cooper and Hector T. Fenton
JK2261 .H83 [Info] History of American Politics (Nonpartisan), Embracing a History of the Federal Government and of Political Parties in The Colonies and United States from 1607 to 1882 (Indianapolis: F. T. Neely and Co., 1883), by Walter R. Houghton (illustrated HTML and page images at Indiana)
JK2261 .L4 1975 [Info] The Challenge of Change and Conflict in American Society (1975), by League for Industrial Democracy (multiple formats at
JK2261 .O7 [Info] The Boss and the Machine: A Chronicle of the Politicians and Party Organization, by Samuel Peter Orth (Gutenberg text)
JK2261 .V3 1867 [Info] Inquiry Into the Origin and Course of Political Parties in the United States (New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1867), by Martin Van Buren, ed. by Abraham Van Buren and John Van Buren
JK2263 1872 .C44 [Info] The Struggle of '72: The Issues and Candidates of the Present Political Campaign, by Everett Chamberlin (page images at MOA)
JK2265 .M4 1923 [Info] The American Party System: An Introduction to the Study of Political Parties in the United States (New York: Macmillan, 1923), by Charles Edward Merriam (page images at HathiTrust)
JK2276 .P5 [Info] Essays on Political Organization, by Union League of Philadelphia (page images at MOA)
JK2281 .K55 [Info] Candidates for Office: Beliefs and Strategies (New York: Random House, c1968), by John W. Kingdon (page images at HathiTrust)
JK2281 .P395 2000 [Info] The Permanent Campaign and Its Future (2000), ed. by Norman J. Ornstein and Thomas E. Mann (PDF with commentary at AEI)
JK2295 .C3 D3 [Info] History of Political Conventions in California, 1849-1892 (Publications of the California Sttae Library #1; 1893), by Winfield J. Davis
JK2295 .I45 1914 [Info] Illinois Party Platforms, 1914, With Select Bibliographies of Available Material on File in the Legislative Reference Bureau, Relating to the Subjects Enumerated Therein (1914), by Illinois General Assembly Legislative Reference Bureau (multiple formats at
JK2295 .I7 H5 [Info] State Platforms of the Two Dominant Political Parties in Indiana, 1850-1900 (1902), by William E. Henry (multiple formats at
JK2295 .N72 H23 1850 [Info] The History of Political Parties in the State of New-York, From the Ratification of the Federal Constitution to December, 1840 (fourth edition, 2 volumes; Buffalo: Phinney and Co., 1850), by Jabez D. Hammond, contrib. by Erastus Root (page images at HathiTrust)
JK2295 .O3 R38 1998 [Info] Party Spirit in a Frontier Republic: Democratic Politics in Ohio, 1793-1821 (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1998), by Donald J. Ratcliffe (PDF at Ohio State)
JK2295 .T4 W5 [Info] Platforms of Political Parties in Texas (for 1846 through 1916; Bulletin of the University of Texas #53; 1916), ed. by Ernest William Winkler
JK2312 1876 [Info] The Campaign Text Book (1876 edition), by Democratic National Committee (U.S.) (page images at MOA)
JK2312 1880 [Info] The Campaign Text Book: Why the People Want a Change (New York et al.: National Democratic Committee, 1880), by Democratic National Committee (U.S.) (multiple formats at

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