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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "JK2352 1894" to "JK2353 1908" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
J Political Science (Go to start of category)
JF-JQ Political Institutions and Public Administration (Go to start of category)
JK Political Institutions and Public Administration (United States) (Go to start of category)
JK2352 1894 [Info] Republican Campaign Text Book, 1894 (1894), by National Republican Congressional Committee, ed. by Thomas Hudson McKee
JK2352 1904 [Info] Republican Campaign Text-Book, 1904 (Milwaukee: Press of the Evening Wisconsin Co., 1904), by Republican National Committee (U.S.)
JK2352 1906 [Info] Republican Text-Book for the Congressional Campaign, 1906, by Republican Congressional Committee
JK2352 1908 [Info] Republican Campaign Text-Book, 1908 (Philadelphia: Press of Dunlap Printing Co., 1908), by Republican National Committee (U.S.)
JK2352 1910 [Info] Republican Text-Book for the Congressional Campaign, 1910 (Philadelphia: Press of Dunlap Printing Co., 1910), by Republican Congressional Committee
JK2352 1912 [Info] Republican Campaign Text-Book, 1912 (Philadelphia: Press of Dunlap Printing Co., 1912), by Republican National Committee (U.S.)
JK2352 1916 [Info] Republican Campaign Text-Book, 1916 (1916), by Republican National Committee (U.S.)
JK2353 .1876 [Info] Proceedings of the Republican National Convention, Held at Cincinnati, Ohio, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, June 14, 15, and 16, 1876, by Republican National Convention
JK2353 1856 [Info] Official Proceedings of the Republican Convention Convened in the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on the 22d of February, 1856, by Republican National Convention (multiple formats at
JK2353 1856 [Info] Proceedings of the First Three Republican National Conventions of 1856, 1860 and 1864, Including Proceedings of the Antecedent National Convention Held at Pittsburg, in February, 1856, As Reported by Horace Greeley (Minneapolis; Charles W. Johnson, c1893), by Republican National Convention, contrib. by Horace Greeley (multiple formats at
JK2353 1860 [Info] Proceedings of the National Republican Convention, Held at Chicago, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1860: For President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois; For Vice-President, Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine (Press and Tribune Documents for 1860, #3; Chicago: Press and Tribune Office, 1860), by Republican National Convention (multiple formats at
JK2353 1860 [Info] Proceedings of the Republican National Convention Held at Chicago, May 16, 17 and 18, 1860 (Albany: Weed, Parsons and Co., 1860), by Republican National Convention (multiple formats at
JK2353 1864 [Info] Presidential Election, 1864: Proceedings of the National Union Convention Held in Baltimore, Md., June 7th and 8th, 1864 (New York: Baker and Godwin, 1864), by Republican National Convention, contrib. by D. F. Murphy (multiple formats at
JK2353 1868 [Info] Presidential Election, 1868: Proceedings of the National Union Republican Convention, Held at Chicago, May 20 and 21, 1868, by Republican National Convention
JK2353 1872 [Info] Presidential Election, 1872: Proceedings of the National Union Republican Convention Held at Philadelphia, June 5 and 6, 1872, Which Nominated for President and Vice-President Ulysses S. Grant and Henry Wilson, by Republican National Convention, contrib. by F. H. Smith
JK2353 1872 [Info] Proceedings of the Liberal Republican Convention, in Cincinnati, May 1st, 2d and 3d, 1872; Horace Greeley's Letter of Acceptance; Address of the New York State Committee to Their Fellow-Citizens (New York: Baker and Godwin, 1872), by Liberal Republican Party, contrib. by Horace Greeley
JK2353 1884 [Info] Proceedings of the Eighth Republican National Convention Held at Chicago, Illinois, June 3, 4, 5, and 6, 1884, by Republican National Convention (multiple formats at
JK2353 1888 [Info] Proceedings of the Ninth Republican National Convention, Held at Chicago, Ill., June 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 25, 1888, Resulting in the Nomination of Benjamin Harrison for President, and Levi P. Morton for Vice-President (Chicago: Printed by order of the Republican national committee, c1888), by Republican National Convention, contrib. by Gustavus P. English (page images at HathiTrust)
JK2353 1892 [Info] Proceedings of the Tenth Republican National Convention, Held in the City of Minneapolis, Minn., June 7, 8, 9 and 10, 1892, Resulting in the Nomination of Benjamin Harrison, of Indiana, for President, and Whitelaw Reid, of New York, for Vice-President, by Republican National Convention, contrib. by Theodore C. Rose and James Francis Burke
JK2353 1896 [Info] Official Proceedings of the Eleventh Republican National Convention Held in the City of St. Louis, Mo., June 16, 17, and 18, 1896, Resulting in the Nomination of William McKinley, of Ohio, for President, and Garrett A. Hobart, of New Jersey, for Vice-President (1896), by Republican National Convention, contrib. by James Francis Burke (multiple formats at
JK2353 1896 .H3 [Info] Republican National Convention, St. Louis, June 16th to 18th, 1896; With a History of the Republican Party and a Survey of National Politics Since the Party's Foundation, by Republican National Convention, ed. by Charles M. Harvey
JK2353 1900 [Info] Official Proceedings of the Twelfth Republican National Convention, Held in the City of Philadelphia, June, 19, 20 and 21, 1900 (Philadelphia: Press of Dunlap Printing Co., c1900), by Republican National Convention, contrib. by Milton W. Blumenberg
JK2353 1904 [Info] Addresses at the Republican National Convention, 1904, Nominating for President, Hon. Theodore Roosevelt of New York, for Vice-President Hon. Charles Warren Fairbanks of Indiana, by Republican National Convention, ed. by Henry Kanegsberg (multiple formats at
JK2353 1904 [Info] Official Proceedings of the Thirteenth Republican National Convention, Held in the City of Chicago, June 21, 22, 23, 1904 (Minneapolis: Harrison and Smith Co., c1904), by Republican National Convention, contrib. by Milton W. Blumenberg
JK2353 1908 [Info] Official Report of the Proceedings of the Fourteenth Republican National Convention, Held in Chicago, Illinois, June 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1908, Resulting in the Nomination of William Howard Taft, of Ohio, for President, and the Nomination of James Schoolcraft Sherman, of New York, for Vice-President (Columbus, OH: Press of F. J. Heer, 1908), by Republican National Convention, contrib. by Milton W. Blumenberg

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