Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "JK516 .B49" to "JK558 .C98 K59" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
J | Political Science (Go to start of category) |
JF-JQ | Political Institutions and Public Administration (Go to start of category) |
JK | Political Institutions and Public Administration (United States) (Go to start of category) |
JK516 .B49 | The Man in the White House: His Powers and Duties (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, c1959), by Wilfred E. Binkley (PDF files with commentary at Project MUSE) |
JK516 .L254 2006 | The Presidential Agenda: Sources of Executive Influence in Congress (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2006), by Roger T. Larocca (PDF at Ohio State) |
JK516 .N4 1961 | Presidential Power: The Politics of Leadership (New York and London: J. Wiley and Sons, 1961), by Richard E. Neustadt (page images at HathiTrust) |
JK516 .T34 1916 | Our Chief Magistrate and His Powers (New York: Columbia University Press, 1916), by William H. Taft (multiple formats at |
JK521 .E53 2004 | Enduring Controversies in Presidential Nominating Politics (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c2004), ed. by Emmett H. Buell and William G. Mayer (page images with commentary at Pitt) |
JK524 .P691 1987 | Presidential Selection (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1987), ed. by Alexander Heard and Michael Nelson (page images at HathiTrust) |
JK526 .1876 .A3 | Electoral Count of 1877: Proceedings of the Electoral Commission and of the Two Houses of Congress in Joint Meeting Relative to the Count of Electoral Votes Cast December 6, 1876, for the Presidential Term Commencing March 4, 1877 (Washington: GPO, 1877), by United States Electoral Commission (1877) |
JK526 .1876 B96 | Statement of Facts Relating to the Election in Louisiana, November 7th, 1876 (1877), by E. A. Burke |
JK526 .1876 F45 | The Vote That Made the President (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1877), by David Dudley Field |
JK526 1876 .C4 | Intimidation and the Number of White and Colored Voters in Louisiana in 1876, As Shown by Statistical Data Derived From Republican Official Reports (New York: Picayune Office Job Print., 1877), by Stanford E. Chaillé (page images at HathiTrust) |
JK526 1920 .B2 | The Road to Normalcy: The Presidential Campaign and Election of 1920 (originally published 1962; open access edition Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), by Wesley M. Bagby (multiple formats with commentary at Project MUSE) |
JK526 1980 .L37 | How to Defeat Liberalism and William F. Buckley: 1980 Campaign Policy, by Lyndon H. LaRouche (PDF at |
JK526 2000 | The Longest Night: Polemics and Perspectives on Election 2000 (Berkeley: University of California Press, c2002), ed. by Arthur J. Jacobson and Michel Rosenfeld (frame-dependent HTML with commentary at UC Press) |
JK526 2000 .U55 2001 | Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election (2001), by United States Commission on Civil Rights (illustrated HTML at |
JK526 2008 .S363 2007 | Why Obama Will Win in 2008 and 2012 (Charleston, SC: Booksurge, c2007), by Daniel Bruno Sanz (PDF with commentary at |
JK526 2016 .B46 2018 | Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation, and Radicalization in American Politics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018), by Yochai Benkler, Robert Faris, and Hal Roberts (PDF (mouse over "open access" link to reveal) with commentary at OUP) |
JK526 2016 .M34 2016 | The Rise of Trump: America's Authoritarian Spring (Amherst, MA: Amherst College Press, c2016), by Matthew C. MacWilliams (HTML and PDF with commentary at Amherst) |
JK526 2020 | The Long Fuse: Misinformation and the 2020 Election (Stanford University: Election Integrity Partnership, 2021), by University of Washington Center for an Informed Public, Atlantic Council Digital Forensic Research Lab, Graphika, and Stanford Internet Observatory, ed. by Eden Beck (PDF with commentary at Stanford) |
JK528 .W45 1826 | Speech of Mr. Whipple, of N. Hamp., on the Proposition to Amend the Constitution of the United States, Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, March 26, 1826 (Washington: Printed by Davis and Force, 1826), by Thomas Whipple (page images at HathiTrust) |
JK529 .A68 1992 | After the People Vote: A Guide to the Electoral College (second edition; Washington: AEI Press, 1992), ed. by Walter Berns, contrib. by Norman J. Ornstein and Martin Diamond (PDF at Wayback Machine) |
JK529 .C68 | Counting Electoral Votes: Proceedings and Debates of Congress Relating to Counting the Electoral Votes for President and Vice-President of the United States (Washington: GPO, 1877), by United States Congress, ed. by William M. Springer and George Willard (page images at HathiTrust) |
JK529 .F45 | The Electoral Votes of 1876: Who Should Count Them, What Should be Counted, and the Remedy for a Wrong Count (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1877), by David Dudley Field |
JK529 .M34 1876 | The Action of the Senate and House of Representatives, in Regard to the Manner of Counting the Electoral Votes for President and Vice-President From 1789 to 1873; With a Statement in Detail of Each of the Electoral Votes for President and Vice-President for the Same Period (Washington: GPO, 1876), by United States Congress, ed. by W. J. McDonald (page images at HathiTrust) |
JK529 .P8 | The Presidential Counts: A Complete Official Record of the Proceedings of Congress at the Counting of the Electoral Votes in All the Elections of President and Vice-President of the United States; Together with All Congressional Debates Incident Thereto, or Proposed Legislation Upon That Subject (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1877) |
JK558 .C98 K59 | A Letter to the Hon. Benjamin R. Curtis, Late Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, in Review of His Recently Published Pamphlet on the "Emancipation Proclamation" of the President, by Charles P. Kirkland (page images at MOA) |
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