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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "JV6508 .E3 K7" to "JV6895 .M48 C37" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
J Political Science (Go to start of category)
JV Colonies, Colonization, Migration (Go to start of category)
JV6508 .E3 K7 [Info] The Injustice of a Literacy Test for Immigrants (New York: Max Kohler, 1912), by Max J. Kohler (PDF at
JV6508 .N3 R3 [Info] The National Origins Plan of Immigration Restriction (1928), by Martha Ragsdale (page images at HathiTrust)
JV6543 .R3 [Info] What Every Emigrant Should Know: A Simple Pamphlet for the Guidance and Benefit of Prospective Immigrants to the United States (New York: Department of Immigrant Aid, Council of Jewish Women, c1922), by Cecilia Razovsky (multiple formats at
JV6543 .S6 [Info] Information for Immigrants Concerning the United States, Its Opportunities, Government and Institutions (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1908), by Sons of the American Revolution (page images at HathiTrust)
JV6545 .S6 W4513 2015 [Info] Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants (2015), by United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (PDF at
JV6600 .C55 2022 [Info] Children Crossing Borders: Latin American Migrant Childhoods (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c2022), ed. by Alejandra J. Josiowicz and Irasema Coronado (multiple formats at Open Arizona)
JV6601 .U2 1997 [Info] U.S. Refugee Policy: Taking Leadership (report to Congress; 1997), by U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform (page images at HathiTrust)
JV6601 .U2 1997 [Info] U.S. Refugee Policy: Taking Leadership (1997), by U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform (PDF at Texas)
JV6601 .W7 G33 1994 [Info] From the Other Side: Women, Gender, and Immigrant Life in the U.S., 1820-1990 (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, c1994), by Donna R. Gabaccia (multiple formats with commentary at
JV6625 1873 .B98 [Info] Irish Emigration to the United States: What it Has Been, and What It Is, by Stephen Byrne (page images at MOA)
JV6686 .C5 A5 1939 [Info] Admission of German Refugee Children: Hearings Before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, Seventy-Sixth Congress, First Session on H.J. Res. 165 and H.J. Res. 168, Joint Resolutions to Authorize the Admission to the United States of a Limited Number of German Refugee Children, May 24, 25, 31, and June 1, 1939 (Washington: GPO, 1939), by United States House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization (page images at HathiTrust)
JV6774 .I75 1942 [Info] A Contribution to America's Victory and to Italy's Freedom (first annual report of the council, in English and Italian; ca. 1942), by Italian-American Labor Council (multiple formats at
JV6824 .F3 [Info] Greek Immigration to the United States (New Haven: Yale University Press; Oxford: H. Frowde, Oxford University press, 1911), by Henry Pratt Fairchild (page images at HathiTrust)
JV6865 .F5 N6 [Info] Americanization of the Finnish People in Houghton County, Michigan (Duluth: Finnish Daily Pub. Co., 1921), by Clemens Niemi
JV6874 .C7 [Info] Chinese Immigration (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1909), by Mary Roberts Coolidge
JV6875 .1871 C76 [Info] Why and How: Why the Chinese Emigrate, and the Means they Adopt for the Purpose of Reaching America, by Russell H. Conwell (page images at MOA)
JV6875 .1877 .B6 [Info] The Chinese Question: A Paper Read Before the Berkeley Club by John H. Boalt, August, 1877 (1877), by John H. Boalt (multiple formats at
JV6875 1877 .B4 [Info] Humors of a Congressional Investigating Committee: A Review of the Report of the Joint Special Committee to Investigate Chinese Immigration (1877), by Samuel E. Becker (PDF page images at MSU)
JV6876 .E2 S52 [Info] Chinese Immigration in its Social and Economical Aspects (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1881), by George F. Seward (multiple formats at
JV6878 .C2 A2 1876 [Info] Chinese Immigration, by California Special Committee on Chinese Immigration (page images at MOA)
JV6878 .C2 A2 1878 [Info] Chinese Immigration, Its Social, Moral, and Political Effect: Report to the California State Senate of its Special Committee on Chinese Immigration (Sacramento: State Office, 1878), by California Senate (multiple formats at
JV6878 .C2 Z8 1902 [Info] Some Reasons for Chinese Exclusion: Meat vs. Rice; American Manhood Against Asiatic Coolieism; Which Shall Survive? (1902), by American Federation of Labor
JV6884 .G78 1918 [Info] American Democracy and Asiatic Citizenship (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1918), by Sidney Lewis Gulick
JV6895 .J3 U5 [Info] Report of the Honorable Roland S. Morris on Japanese Immigration and Alleged Discriminatory Legislation Against Japanese Residents in the United States (confidential; Washington: GPO, 1921), by Roland S. Morris (page images at HathiTrust)
JV6895 .M48 C37 [Info] Mexican Emigration to the United States, 1897-1931: Socio-Economic Patterns (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c1980), by Lawrence A. Cardoso (illustrated HTML and Epub with commentary at Open Arizona)

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