Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "L11 .M2" to "L13 .P74" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
L | Education (Go to start of category) |
L11 .M2 | The Maine Journal of Education (1869-1875) (full serial archives) |
L11 .M2 | The Maine Normal (1866-1868) (full serial archives) |
L11 .M3 | The Massachusetts Teacher (full serial archives) |
L11 .M52 | Mississippi Educational Journal (partial serial archives) |
L11 .M65 | Midland Schools (partial serial archives) |
L11 .N15 | The Journal of the National Education Association (partial serial archives) |
L11 .N27 1926 | Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary-School Principals (1926-1928) (full serial archives) |
L11 .N27 1939 | Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (1939-) (partial serial archives) |
L11 .N85 | North Carolina Teachers' Record (full serial archives) |
L11 .P35 | Peabody Journal of Education (partial serial archives) |
L11 .P4 | The Pedagogical Seminary (partial serial archives) |
L11 .P4 1924 | The Pedagogical Seminary and Journal of Genetic Psychology (partial serial archives) |
L11 .P45 | The Phi Delta Kappan (partial serial archives) |
L11 .P65 | Popular Educator (full serial archives) |
L11 .P7 | Primary Education (partial serial archives) |
L11 .P7 | Primary Education-Popular Educator (partial serial archives) |
L11 .P88 | Progressive Education (partial serial archives) |
L11 .R24 | Radical Teacher (issues online 2013-) (partial serial archives) |
L11 .S55 | The School Review (partial serial archives) |
L11 .T4 | The Teachers College Record (partial serial archives) |
L11 .W7 | Wisconsin Journal of Education (partial serial archives) |
L13 .C75 1863 | Proceedings of the Convention of Teachers of the Confederate States, Assembled at Columbia, South Carolina, April 28th, 1863 (Macon, GA: Burke, Boykin and Co., 1863), by Convention of Teachers of the Confederate States |
L13 .L6 A3 | The Girl and the Kingdom: Learning to Teach, by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images) |
L13 .N27 | Yearbook of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (full serial archives) |
L13 .P74 | Philosophy of Education, by Philosophy of Education Society (U.S.) (partial serial archives) |
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