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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "L45 .E459" to "LA13 .M8 1959" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
L Education (Go to start of category)
L45 .E459 [Info] La Educación (partial serial archives)
L51 .N35 [Info] Nastava i Vaspitanje (in Serbian) (partial serial archives)
L64 .E4 [Info] Records of the Triennial Meeting of the Educational Association of China, by Educational Association of China (partial serial archives)
L65 .C8 [Info] Negotiating the Sacred: Blasphemy and Sacrilege in a Multicultural Society (2006), ed. by Elizabeth Burns Coleman and Kevin White (multiple formats with commentary at ANU E Press)
L68 .N535 D84 [Info] Japan's Militant Teachers: A History of the Left-Wing Teachers' Movement (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, c1973), by Benjamin C. Duke (PDF and Epub at Hawaii)
L69 .T4 [Info] The Teachers' Assembly Herald (partial serial archives)
L111 .A57 [Info] Opportunities for History Teachers: The Lessons of the Great War in the Classroom (Washington, DC: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education, 1917), by National Board for Historical Service (page images here at Penn)
L111 .A6 [Info] Bulletin (United States Bureau/Office of Education) (partial serial archives)
L111 .A6 [Info] Digest of Education Statistics (full serial archives)
L112 .C66 [Info] The Condition of Education, by National Center for Education Statistics (partial serial archives)
L112 .R37 [Info] Report on Higher Education (Washington: US Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, 1971), by Frank Newman, William Bernard Cannon, Stanley Cavell, Audrey C. Cohen, Russell Edgerton, James F. Gibbons, Martin Kramer, Joseph Rhodes, and Robert Singleton
L162 .C5 1852 [Info] System of Public Instruction and Primary School Law of Michigan, by Michigan Department of Public Instruction (page images at MOA)
L182 .B33 [Info] Your School and Staffing (full serial archives)
L222 .A5 A53 [Info] Annual Report of the Department of Education of the Province of Alberta, by Alberta Department of Education (partial serial archives)
L531 .A31 1887 [Info] Jahrbuch des Unterrichtswesens in der Schweiz (partial serial archives)
L531 .A31 1915 [Info] Archiv für das Schweizerische Unterrichtswesen (in German) (partial serial archives)
L611 .C5 1909 [Info] The Imperial Rescript on Education, Translated into Chinese, English, French, and German (Tokyo: Dept. of Education, ca. 1909), by Japan Department of Education (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
L901 .A53 [Info] American Junior Colleges (partial serial archives)
L901 .H3 1915 [Info] The Handbook of Private Schools, ed. by Porter Sargent (partial serial archives)
L901 .H3 1915 [Info] A Handbook of the Best Private Schools of the United States and Canada: An Annual Publication (Boston: Porter E. Sargent, c1915), ed. by Porter Sargent (multiple formats at
L901 .H3 1916 [Info] A Handbook of American Private Schools: An Annual Publication (second edition; Boston: Porter E. Sargent, c1916), ed. by Porter Sargent (multiple formats at
L901 .H3 1920 [Info] A Handbook of American Private Schools: An Annual Survey (sixth edition; Boston: Porter E. Sargent, c1920), ed. by Porter Sargent (multiple formats at
LA History of Education (Go to start of category)
LA13 .B48 1921 [Info] The History of Western Education (London: A. and C. Black, 1921), by William Boyd (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
LA13 .C8 [Info] The History of Education: Educational Practice and Progress Considered as a Phase of the Development and Spread of Western Civilization, by Ellwood P. Cubberley (Gutenberg text)
LA13 .M8 1959 [Info] A History of Education: A Social Interpretation (second edition; New York: Ronald Press Co., c1959), by James Mulhern (page images at HathiTrust)

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