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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "LB2342.15 .C2 B46 1998" to "LB2395.7" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
L Education (Go to start of category)
LB Theory and Practice of Education (Go to start of category)
LB2342.15 .C2 B46 1998 [Info] Breaking the Social Contract: The Fiscal Crisis in California Higher Education, by Roger Benjamin and Stephen J. Carroll (PDF files at
LB2342.4 .U6 N38 1996 [Info] Financing Postsecondary Education: The Federal Role, by United States Department of Education (HTML at
LB2343.3 F68 [Info] Foundations of Academic Success: Words of Wisdom (Geneseo, NY: Open SUNY Textbooks, 2015), by Thomas C. Priester (multiple formats with commentary at
LB2343.32 .B3 [Info] College Success (derived from Creative Commons licensed edition published by Flat World Knowledge, ca. 2010), by Bruce John Beiderwell, Linda F. Tse, Thomas A. Lochhaas, and Nicholas B. DeKanter (PDF at
LB2343.32 .N94 2005 [Info] Fish Out of Water: Surviving and Thriving as a Christian on a Secular Campus (chapters may be in reverse order; Green Forest, AR: New Leaf Press, 2005), by Abby Nye (HTML with commentary at
LB2346 .C3 [Info] Student Participation in College Policy Determination and Administration (AACTE Study Series #4; Washington: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, 1959), by Alden J. Carr (page images at HathiTrust)
LB2350.5 .S64 1989 [Info] Choosing a College: A Guide for Parents and Students (1989), by Thomas Sowell (HTML at
LB2351.3 .C2 P37 [Info] The Class of 2014: Preserving Access to California Higher Education, by George S. Park and Robert J. Lempert (PDF files with commentary at
LB2351.4 .G7 M68 2016 [Info] Meritocracy and the University: Selective Admission in England and the United States (London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, c2016), by Anna Mountford-Zimdars (HTML with commentary at Bloomsbury)
LB2361 .V35 2011 [Info] Valences of Interdisciplinarity: Theory, Practice, Pedagogy (c2012), ed. by Raphael Foshay (PDF with commentary at AU Press)
LB2361.5 .S38 2001 [Info] ReInventing The University: Literacies and Legitimacy in the Postmodern Academy (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, c2001), by Christopher L. Schroeder (PDF with commentary at
LB2365 .E5 J4 1927 [Info] English in State Teachers Colleges: A Catalogue Study (Teachers college, Columbia university Contributions to Education #286; 1927), by Ida A. Jewett (page images at HathiTrust)
LB2365.E5 L3 1982 [Info] Language Connections: Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum (c1982), ed. by Toby Fulwiler and Art Young (PDF files with commentary at Colorado State)
LB2365 .R4 O64 2018 [Info] An Open Approach to Scholarly Reading and Knowledge Management: Exploring Scholarly Reading through Publisher, Librarian, and Reader Perspectives (Montreal: Rebus Foundation, 2018), by Hugh McGuire, Boris Anthony, Zoe Wake Hyde, Apurva Ashok, Baldur Bjarnason, and Elizabeth Mays (multiple formats at
LB2369 .D38 2001 [Info] (First Person)²: A Study of Co-Authoring in the Academy (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, c2001), by Kami Day and Michele Eodice
LB2371 .H8 [Info] A Study of the Graduate Schools of America (Oxford, OH: Miami University, ca. 1925), by Raymond M. Hughes (page images at HathiTrust)
LB2371 .I68 [Info] International Journal of Doctoral Studies (IJDS) (2006-) (full serial archives)
LB2375 .G5 [Info] Faculty as Global Learners: Off-Campus Study at Liberal Arts Colleges (Amherst, MA: Lever Press, c2020), by Joan Gillespie, Lisa Jasinski, and Dana Lynn Gross (multiple formats with commentary at Lever Press)
LB2376 [Info] Study in Holland: A Guide for Prospective Students (second edition; New York: Netherlands Information Bureau, 1961), by Hans Koning (multiple formats at
LB2376.3 .C6 T87 [Info] China Bound: A Guide to Academic Life and Work in the PRC (1987 edition), by Karen Turner-Gottschang and Linda A. Reed (page images with commentary at NAP)
LB2379 .C76 1995 [Info] The Scholar's Courtesy: The Role of Acknowledgement in the Primary Communication Process (1995), by Blaise Cronin (linked PDF files here at Penn)
LB2381 .N24 [Info] Earned Degrees Conferred (partial serial archives)
LB2386 .S648 2015 [Info] Manifesto for the Humanities: Transforming Doctoral Education in Good Enough Times (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2015), by Sidonie Smith (HTML with commentary at Digital Culture Books)
LB2395.35 .T47 1990 [Info] Thinking and Writing in College: A Naturalistic Study of Students in Four Disciplines (c1990), by Barbara E. Fassler Walvoord and Lucille Parkinson McCarthy, contrib. by Virginia Johnson Anderson, John R. Breihan, Susan Robison, and A. Kimbrough Sherman (PDF files with commentary at
LB2395.7 [Info] The Horizon Report (annual reports, with commentary), by New Media Consortium and EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (full serial archives)

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