Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "LB3610 .L37 1935" to "LC72 .L35 2023" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
L | Education (Go to start of category) |
LB | Theory and Practice of Education (Go to start of category) |
LB3610 .L37 1935 | The Campus Strikes Against War (New York: Student League for Industrial Democracy, c1935), by Joseph P. Lash (page images at HathiTrust) |
LB3610 .L373 1937 | The Campus: A Fortress of Democracy (New York: American Student Union, ca. 1937), by Joseph P. Lash |
LB3610 .W72 1940 | ASU: Now We Are 6 (New York: American Student Union, 1940), by Irving Woliver (multiple formats at |
LB3621 .K5 | The Stencil Duplicated Newspaper (Hood River, OR: The authors, c1941), by Frederick Stuart Knight and Damon Knight (page images at HathiTrust) |
LB3621.65 | The Pine Branch (partial serial archives) |
LB3640 .L27 1936 | Toward a "Closed Shop" on the Campus (New York: American Student Union, ca. 1936), by Joseph P. Lash (multiple formats at |
LB3640 .O47 | The Memorial Union Terrace: A Landscape History (2008), by Susan K. Olsen (page images at Wisconsin) |
LC | Social Aspects of Education (Go to start of category) |
LC30 .W4 1814 | The Improvement of the Mind; To Which is Added, A Discourse on the Education of Children and Youth (London: Printed for J. Walker and Co., 1814), by Isaac Watts (page images at Google) |
LC34 .S44 2013 | Learning at Not-School: A Review of Study, Theory, and Advocacy for Education in Non-Formal Settings (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c2013), by Julian Sefton-Green (PDF with commentary at MIT Press) |
LC37 .M25 | Household Education (London: E. Moxon, 1849), by Harriet Martineau (multiple formats at |
LC37 .M27 | Home Education (fifth edition; London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1906), by Charlotte M. Mason (page images at HathiTrust) |
LC37 .M28 | Parents and Children (sixth edition; London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., ca. 1910), by Charlotte M. Mason (page images at HathiTrust) |
LC37 .O64 | The Parents' Manual: or, Home and School Training, by Hiram Orcutt (page images at MOA) |
LC40 .C85 1993 | Helping Your Child Learn to Read, With Activities for Children from Infancy Through Age 10 (1993), by Bernice E. Cullinan and Brod Bagert (page images at HathiTrust) |
LC45.4 .L46 2015 | Documenting and Assessing Learning in Informal and Media-Rich Environments (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c2015), by J. L. Lemke, Robert Lecusay, Michael Cole, and Vera Michalchik (PDF with commentary at MIT Press) |
LC59 .S44 | Objections to Public Schools Considered: Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the Trustees of the Peabody Education Fund, New York, Oct. 7, 1875 (Boston: Press of J. Wilson and Son, 1875), by Barnas Sears |
LC66 .S83 | Education and the New Economy: A Policy Planning Exercise, by Cathleen Stasz, James Chiesa, and William Schwabe (PDF at |
LC67.6 .H35 2016 | The Uberfication of the University (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016), by Gary Hall (HTML with commentary at |
LC71 .B29 | Education and the State, by John Bascom (page images at MOA) |
LC71 .C8 | Unemployment and Education: A Lesson From Switzerland (reprinted from the Dublin Review, 1910), by Virginia M. Crawford (page images at HathiTrust) |
LC71 .E4 | Education Policy Analysis Archives (1993-) (full serial archives) |
LC71 .J7 | Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (online edition, 2003-) (full serial archives) |
LC71 .N3 | The United Nations, UNESCO, and American Schools (Washington, DC: National Education Association of the United States, 1952), by Educational Policies Commission (page images at HathiTrust) |
LC71 .Y36 2017 | A Third University is Possible (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2017), by la paperson (HTML with commentary at |
LC72 .L35 2023 | In Defense of Free Speech in Universities: A Study of Three Jurisdictions (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2023), by Amy Tak-Yee Lai (multiple formats with commentary at |
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