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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "LD947 .C2" to "LD2139 .S5" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
L Education (Go to start of category)
LD-LG Individual Educational Institutions (Go to start of category)
LD Individual Educational Institutions (United States) (Go to start of category)
LD947 .C2 [Info] Cap and Gown (University of the Chicago student yearbook; volumes online 1895-1958) (partial serial archives)
LD1221.3 .1874 [Info] Resolutions Passed by the Trustees of Columbia College, From 1868 to 1874, by Columbia University (page images at MOA)
LD1249 .S6 [Info] A General Idea of the College of Mirania, With a Sketch of the Method of Teaching Science and Religion, in the Several Classes; and Some Account of its Rise, Establishment and Buildings (New York: J. Parker and W. Weyman, 1753), by William Smith
LD1250 .D5 1936 [Info] The Dismissal of Bob Burke: Heidelberg Comes to Columbia (New York: Burke Defense Committee; American Student Union; American Civil Liberties Union, ca. 1936) (multiple formats at
LD1281 .C332 S8 [Info] Connecticut Agricultural College: A History (1931), by Walter Stemmons, contrib. by Andre Schenker and Ralph Henry Gabriel (page images at HathiTrust)
LD1401 .C819 G7 1889 [Info] Echoes From Caruthers Hall: Nine Lectures, Delivered by Members of Cumberland University Faculty; With a Supplement, "The Old Guard" (Nashville: Cumberland Presbyterian Pub. House, 1889), ed. by Nathan Green, contrib. by S. G. Burney, W. D. McLaughlin, R. V. Foster, A. H. Buchanan, Andrew B. Martin, J. I. D. Hinds, John D. Kirkpatrick, and E. E. Weir
LD1436 1769 .M2 [Info] Eleazar Wheelock, Founder of Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Publications, 1939), by James Dow McCallum (page images at HathiTrust)
LD1443 .W75 2012 [Info] Forever New: The Speeches of James Wright, President of Dartmouth College, 1998-2009 (Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press, 2012), by James Edward Wright, ed. by Sheila A. Culbert (multiple formats at Dartmouth Digital Publishing)
LD1445 .1863 [Info] An Address Delivered at the Inauguration of the Author as President of Dartmouth College (1863), by Asa D. Smith, contrib. by Joseph Albree Gilmore
LD1527.5 1875 [Info] An Address Delivered... December 21, 1875, At His Inauguration as President of Denison University, by Elisha Benjamin Andrews (page images at MOA)
LD1732 .D82 B76 1996 [Info] Keeping an Open Door: Passages in a University Presidency (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1996), by H. Keith H. Brodie and Leslie Banner (page images at HathiTrust)
LD1771 .F46199 C6 [Info] A Plea for the Farmers' College of Hamilton County, Ohio, and for a Reformation in Collegiate Instruction, by College Hill Farmers' College. Board of Directors (page images at MOA)
LD1811 .F52 S357 2008 [Info] Fordham: A History and Memoir (revised edition; New York: Fordham University Press, 2008), by Raymond A. Schroth (PDF with commentary at
LD1908 .C6 [Info] Columbian University Bulletin (partial serial archives)
LD1908 .G4 [Info] George Washington University Bulletin (partial serial archives)
LD1961 .G52 G45 1990 [Info] Georgetown at Two Hundred: Faculty Reflections on The University's Future (Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, 1990), ed. by William C. McFadden (PDF at Georgetown)
LD1961.G52 S65 1988 [Info] Splendor and Wonder: Jesuit Character, Georgetown Spirit, and Liberal Education (Washington: Georgetown University Press, c1988), ed. by William James O'Brien (PDF at Georgetown)
LD1961 .G52 S95 1990 [Info] Swift Potomac's Lovely Daughter: Two Centuries at Georgetown Through Students' Eyes (Washington: Georgetown University Press, c1990), ed. by Joseph T. Durkin (PDF at Georgetown)
LD1965 .A24 [Info] Rampway (and earlier yearbooks of Georgia State University and related institutions, 1934-1996) (partial serial archives)
LD1983 .C6 1983 [Info] College Life in the Old South (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, c1983), by E. Merton Coulter, contrib. by Thomas G. Dyer (PDF at Georgia)
LD1987 .P3 [Info] The Pandora (partial serial archives)
LD2101 .H61 M6 [Info] College of Hampden Sidney: Dictionary of Biography, 1776-1825 (Hampden Sydney, VA: Hampden Sidney College, ca. 1921), by Alfred J. Morrison
LD2111.5 [Info] Report on the Rights and Duties of the President and Fellows of Harvard College in Relation to the Board of Overseers, by Harvard University (page images at MOA)
LD2112 [Info] Annual Report of the President (title varies; with other Harvard annual reports; 1825-1995), by Harvard University (partial serial archives)
LD2139 .S5 [Info] Sibley's Harvard Graduates, ed. by John Langdon Sibley and Clifford Kenyon Shipton (partial serial archives)

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