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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "M1621 .G7 P6" to "M1744 .S788" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
M Music (Go to start of category)
M1621 .G7 P6 [Info] Three Poems by Fiona MacLeod, for Voice and Piano (opus 11; Boca Raton: Masters Music Publications, 1994), by Charles Tomlinson Griffes and William Sharp (page images at HathiTrust)
M 1621 .S24 C2 1912 [Info] I Canti Della Sera: Liriche per Canto e Pianoforte (four songs; musical scores with lyrics in Italian; some pages out of order; Milan and New York: G. Ricordi, c1912), by Francesco Santoliquido (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
M1621.4 .T24 C6 [Info] The City of Joy: A Song Cycle (score for high voice and piano; Boston: O. Ditson Co.; et al., c1916), by Deems Taylor and Charles Hanson Towne (page images at HathiTrust)
M1621.4 .T24 C6 [Info] The City of Joy: A Song Cycle (score for medium voice and piano; Boston: O. Ditson Co.; et al., c1916), by Deems Taylor and Charles Hanson Towne (PDF files at Rochester)
M1628 .A6 M8 1798 [Info] The American Musical Miscellany: A Collection of the Newest and Most Approved Songs, Set to Music (Northampton, MA: Printed by A. Wright for D. Wright and Co., 1798) (multiple formats at
M1628 .W63 B5 [Info] The Book of a Thousand Songs: The World's Largest Collection of the Songs of the People, Containing More than a Thousand Old and New Favorites (New York: Mumil Pub. Co., c1918), ed. by Albert E. Wier
M1632.2 .C6 [Info] Yes! We Have No Bananas (sheet music; c1923), by Frank Silver and Irving Cohn (PDF at Maine)
M1639.2 R67 B27 [Info] Barney Google: Fox Trot (New York and Detroit: J. H. Remick and Co., c1923), by Billy Rose and Con Conrad, illust. by Billy De Beck (PDF at Maine)
M1659.7 .S35 [Info] General Hardee Quick Step (Louisville, KY: D. P. Faulds, c1866), by W. J. Landram (page images at Ohio Memory)
M1659.7 .S35 [Info] General Meade's Grand March (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1863), by Louis Reimer (page images at Ohio Memory)
M1660 .G23 C3 [Info] Garfield and Arthur Campaign Song Book (Washington: Republican Congressional Committee, 1880) (page images at; pages may be in reverse order in some browsers)
M1668.8 .H [Info] Six Creole Folk-Songs With Original Creole and Translated English Text (New York et al.: C. Fischer, c1921), ed. by Maud Cuney-Hare
M1670 .J67 B65 1925 [Info] The Book of American Negro Spirituals (New York: Viking Press, 1925), ed. by James Weldon Johnson, contrib. by J. Rosamond Johnson and Lawrence Brown (multiple formats at
M1670 .S62 1867 [Info] Slave Songs of the United States (New York: A. Simpson and Co., 1867), ed. by William Francis Allen, Charles Pickard Ware, and Lucy McKim Garrison
M1670 .S62 1951 [Info] Slave Songs of the United States (reprint; New York: P. Smith, 1951), ed. by William Francis Allen, Charles Pickard Ware, and Lucy McKim Garrison (page images at HathiTrust)
M 1678 .C47 [Info] Echos du Mont-Royal: Chansonnettes; Poesies (in French; ca. 1905), by Auguste Charbonnier (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
M1690 .R25 [Info] Melismata: Musicall Phansies Fitting the Court, Citie and Countrey Humours, by Thomas Ravenscroft (page images at
M1734 .L2 K4 [Info] Kling-Klang Gloria: Deutsche Volks- und Kinderlieder (in German; Vienna: F. Tempsky; Leipzig: G. Freytag, 1907), ed. by Wladimir Labler, illust. by Heinrich Lefler and Joseph Urban
M1740 .D544 1842 [Info] The Songs of Charles Dibdin, Chronologically Arranged, With Notes, Historical, Biographical, and Critical; and The Music of the Best and Most Popular of the Melodies, with New Piano-Forte Accompaniments; To Which is Prefixed a Memoir of the Author (2 volumes; London: How and Parsons, 1842), by Charles Dibdin, contrib. by George Hogarth
M1740 .D544 1842 [Info] The Songs of Charles Dibdin, Chronologically Arranged, With Notes, Historical, Biographical, and Critical; and The Music of the Best and Most Popular of the Melodies, with New Piano-Forte Accompaniments; To Which is Prefixed a Memoir of the Author (2 volumes; London: G. H. Davidson, 1848), by Charles Dibdin, contrib. by George Hogarth
M1740 .G73 [Info] Songs of the West: Folk Songs of Devon and Cornall, Collected From the Mouths of the People (5th edition, with musical scores included; London: Methuen and Co., 1913), by S. Baring-Gould, H. Fleetwood Sheppard, and F. W. Bussell, ed. by Cecil J. Sharp (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
M1740 .G76 [Info] Dialect Songs of the North (Lancashire, Cheshire, Westmorland and Cumberland) (sheet music; London: J. Curwen and Sons, 1910), ed. by John Graham, contrib. by Percy E. Fletcher (HTML in the UK)
M1744 .C77 [Info] Sweet Olde Irish Songs: A Selection of Famous Celtic Airs and Ballads (New York: Log Cabin Press, 1914), ed. by Robert J. Cole and Harry C. Phibbs (page images at HathiTrust)
M1744 .M8 I7 1895 [Info] Irish Melodies: The Original Airs Restored and Arranged for the Voice with Pianoforte Accompaniment (London and New York: Boosey and Co., c1895), by Thomas Moore, ed. by Charles Villiers Stanford (page images of music scores at
M1744 .S788 [Info] Songs of Old Ireland: A Collection of Fifty Irish Melodies (1882), by Alfred Perceval Graves and Charles Villiers Stanford (sheet music images at

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