Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "M2198 .R39 R4" to "ML1 .M234 1915" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
M | Music (Go to start of category) |
M2198 .R39 R4 | The Revival Helper: A Collection of Songs for Christian Work and Worship (Chicago: S. Brainard's Sons Co., c1893), ed. by Charles Walker Ray (page images at HathiTrust) |
M4035 .B76 1912 | Catalogo delle Fotografie Pubblicate da Giacomo Brogi: Pitture, Vedute, Sculture, ecc.; Napoli e Campania; Roma e Lazio; Sicilia, Bologna, Rimini, ecc. (in Italian; 1912), by Giacomo Brogi (Firm) |
ML | Literature on Music (Go to start of category) |
ML1 .A31 | The American Art Journal (1860s weekly; online from volume 5 onward; renamed Watson's Art Journal in 1867) (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .A311 | Watson's Art Journal (published in the 1860s and 1870s; renamed from the American Art Journal in 1867) (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .B493 | Benham's Musical Review (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .C14 | The Cadenza (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .C15 | California Musical Journal (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .C25 | Caecilia (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .C325 | Cash Box (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .C33 | The Catholic Choirmaster (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .C5 | The Choir Herald (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .C59 | The Choir Leader (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .C825 | College Music Symposium (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .E8 | The Etude (full serial archives) |
ML1 .E94 | Billboard (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .F4152 | The Folklore and Folk Music Archivist (1958-1968) (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .H92 | The Hymn (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .I6 | International Musician, by American Federation of Musicians and American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .J12 | Jacobs' Band Monthly (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .J13 | Jacobs' Orchestra Monthly (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .J62 | Journal of Music Theory (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .M178 | The League of Composers' Review (full serial archives) |
ML1 .M178 | Modern Music (partial serial archives) |
ML1 .M234 1914 | Music Supervisors' Bulletin (full serial archives) |
ML1 .M234 1915 | Music Supervisors' Journal (partial serial archives) |
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