Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "N1 .A18" to "N1 .C87" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
N | Fine Arts (Go to start of category) |
N1 .A18 | The Aldine (partial serial archives) |
N1 .A24 | The American Art Review (1879-1881) (full serial archives) |
N1 .A255 | Apollo (partial serial archives) |
N1 .A33 | The Art Amateur (full serial archives) |
N1 .A43 | Art in America (partial serial archives) |
N1 .A433 | Art in Australia (most issues 1916-1942) (partial serial archives) |
N1 .A44 | The Art Interchange (partial serial archives) |
N1 .A5 | The Art-Union (London-based journal, 1839-1848) (partial serial archives) |
N1 .A52 | The Art Journal (British Victorian-era art magazine, 1849-1910) (partial serial archives) |
N1 .A52 1875 | The Art Journal (American periodical, 1875-1887) (partial serial archives) |
N1 .A54 | The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) (full serial archives) |
N1 .A6 | American Art News (partial serial archives) |
N1 .A6 1923 | The Art News (1923-) (partial serial archives) |
N1 .A67 | Art and Progress (1909-1915) (full serial archives) |
N1 .A671 | The American Magazine of Art (1916-1953) (partial serial archives) |
N1 .A82 | The Artist (American edition; New York: Truslov, Hanson and Comba, 1898-1902) (partial serial archives) |
N1 .A85 | Arts and Decoration (partial serial archives) |
N1 .B8 | The Burlington Magazine (partial serial archives) |
N1 .B9 | Brush and Pencil (full serial archives) |
N1 .C67 | The Collector, ed. by Alfred Trumble (partial serial archives) |
N1 .C73 | Colour (partial serial archives) |
N1 .C75 | The Connoisseur (1901-1992) (partial serial archives) |
N1 .C77 | The Connoisseur (Philadelphia, 1886-1889) (partial serial archives) |
N1 .C83 | Cosmopolitan Art Journal (partial serial archives) |
N1 .C87 | The Craftsman (American Arts and Crafts magazine, 1901-1917), ed. by Gustav Stickley (full serial archives) |
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