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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "N1 .B9" to "N3 .J2 1919" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
N Fine Arts (Go to start of category)
N1 .B9 [Info] Brush and Pencil (full serial archives)
N1 .C67 [Info] The Collector, ed. by Alfred Trumble (partial serial archives)
N1 .C73 [Info] Colour (partial serial archives)
N1 .C75 [Info] The Connoisseur (1901-1992) (partial serial archives)
N1 .C77 [Info] The Connoisseur (Philadelphia, 1886-1889) (partial serial archives)
N1 .C83 [Info] Cosmopolitan Art Journal (partial serial archives)
N1 .C87 [Info] The Craftsman (American Arts and Crafts magazine, 1901-1917), ed. by Gustav Stickley (full serial archives)
N1 .F54 [Info] Fine Arts Journal (partial serial archives)
N1 .H7 [Info] The Hobby Horse (partial serial archives)
N1 .I4 [Info] The Illustrated Magazine of Art (American magazine, 1853-1854) (full serial archives)
N1 .L67 [Info] The Lotus Magazine (full serial archives)
N1 .N55 [Info] The New Path (full serial archives)
N1 .S3 [Info] The Scottish Art Review (1888-1889) (partial serial archives)
N1 .S9 [Info] The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art (issues online 1893-1925) (partial serial archives)
N1 .T6 [Info] The Touchstone, ed. by Mary Fanton Roberts (partial serial archives)
N1 .T8 [Info] 291 (full serial archives)
N1 .T87 [Info] The Tyro (1921-1922; only ran two issues), ed. by Wyndham Lewis (full serial archives)
N2 .A45 [Info] Art et Décoration (in French) (partial serial archives)
N2 .A83 [Info] Arts Asiatiques (partial serial archives)
N2 .B94 [Info] Bulletin des Musées de France (in French) (partial serial archives)
N2 .B95 [Info] Bulletin Monumental (in French) (partial serial archives)
N2 .G32 [Info] Gazette des Beaux-Arts (in French) (partial serial archives)
N3 .D43 [Info] Die Denkmalpflege (in German) (partial serial archives)
N3 .J2 1880 [Info] Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen (in German) (full serial archives)
N3 .J2 1919 [Info] Jahrbuch der Preuszischen Kunstsammlungen (in German) (partial serial archives)

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