Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "N1 .T8" to "N9 .M8" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
N | Fine Arts (Go to start of category) |
N1 .T8 | 291 (full serial archives) |
N1 .T87 | The Tyro (1921-1922; only ran two issues), ed. by Wyndham Lewis (full serial archives) |
N2 .A45 | Art et Décoration (in French) (partial serial archives) |
N2 .A83 | Arts Asiatiques (partial serial archives) |
N2 .B94 | Bulletin des Musées de France (in French) (partial serial archives) |
N2 .B95 | Bulletin Monumental (in French) (partial serial archives) |
N2 .G32 | Gazette des Beaux-Arts (in French) (partial serial archives) |
N3 .D43 | Die Denkmalpflege (in German) (partial serial archives) |
N3 .J2 1880 | Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen (in German) (full serial archives) |
N3 .J2 1919 | Jahrbuch der Preuszischen Kunstsammlungen (in German) (partial serial archives) |
N3 .J3 | Berliner Museen (partial serial archives) |
N3 .K55 | Das Kunstblatt (partial serial archives) |
N3 .P25 | Pan (German arts and literature magazine, in German; 1895-1900) (partial serial archives) |
N4 .R5 | Rivista d'Arte (partial serial archives) |
N6 .K5 | Khudozhestvennyi︠a︡ Sokrovishcha Rossīi (partial serial archives) |
N6.5 .K65 | Klingen (Danish avant-garde art periodical; issues online for 1917-1920) (partial serial archives) |
N7 .A68 | Archivo Español de Arte (in Spanish) (partial serial archives) |
N7 .A7 | Archivo Español de Arte y Arqueología (in Spanish) (partial serial archives) |
N8 .K8 | Kokka (in Japanese) (partial serial archives) |
N8 .K9 | Kunst og Kultur (partial serial archives) |
N8 .R4 | Revue des Arts Asiatiques (full serial archives) |
N9 .A6 | American Art Annual (partial serial archives) |
N9 .B7 | The Brooklyn Museum Journal (partial serial archives) |
N9 .M3 | Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft (in German) (partial serial archives) |
N9 .M8 | Münchner Jahrbuch der Bildenden Kunst (partial serial archives) |
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