Call number | Item |
N | Fine Arts (Go to start of category) |
N70 .P6 | The New Tendency in Art: Post Impressionism, Cubism, Futurism (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1913), by Henry Rankin Poore (multiple formats at |
N70 .T7 | What is Art? (New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1904), by Leo Tolstoy, ed. by Aylmer Maude (multiple formats at |
N72 .F45 S55 2003 | Singular Women: Writing the Artist (Berkeley : University of California Press, c2003), ed. by Kristen Frederickson and Sarah E. Webb (frame-dependent illustrated HTML with commentary at UC Press) |
N72.F45 T6 1993 | The "New Woman" Revised: Painting and Gender Politics on Fourteenth Street (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), by Ellen Wiley Todd (HTML at UC Press) |
N72 .H64 P56 2015 | Pink Labor on Golden Streets: Queer Art Practices (Pub. series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, v17; Berlin: Sternberg Press, c2015), ed. by Christiane Erharter, Dietmar Schwärzler, Ruby Sircar, and Ashley Hans Scheirl (PDF with commentary in Austria) |
N72 .M36 | The Responsibility of the Artist, by Jacques Maritain (HTML at Notre Dame) |
N72.S6 A746 1991 | Art in History, History in Art: Studies in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Culture (Santa Monica, CA: Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, c1991), ed. by David Freedberg and Jan De Vries (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google) |
N72 .S6 D577 2013 | Disrupting Business: Art and Activism in Times of Financial Crisis (Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, c2013), ed. by Tatiana Bazzichelli and Geoff Cox (PDF with commentary at |
N72 .T4 D44 2014 | Deep Lab (Pittsburgh: Deep Lab and the Frank-Ratchye Studio for Creative Inquiry, 2014), by Addie Wagenknecht, Allison Burtch, Claire L. Evans, Denise Caruso, Harlo Holmes, Ingrid Burrington, Jillian C. York, Kate Crawford, Lindsay Howard, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Maddy Varner, Maral Pourkazemi, and Runa A. Sandvik (PDF with commentary at |
N72.T4 D54 2015 | Digital Light (London: Open Humanities Press, 2015), ed. by Sean Cubitt, Daniel Palmer, and Nathaniel Tkacz (PDF with commentary at Open Humanities Press) |
N72 .T4 I59 2021 | INTRA! INTRA! Towards an INTRA SPACE (Pub. series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, v25; Berlin: Sternberg Press, c2021), ed. by Christina Jauernik and Wolfgang Tschapeller (PDF with commentary in Austria) |
N76 .H42 | The Science of Beauty, As Developed in Nature and Applied in Art (Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1861), by D. R. Hay (multiple formats at |
N79 .C53 1892 | The Desire of Beauty: Being Indications for Aesthetic Culture (London: J. R. Osgood, McIlvaine and Co., 1892), by Theodore Child (page images at HathiTrust) |
N79 .P2 | Laurus Nobilis: Chapters on Art and Life, by Vernon Lee (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
N81 .A893 | Arts in Society (partial serial archives) |
N87 .M5 | A Comparison of Especially Designed Art Activities With Traditional Art Activities As Used With Intellectually Handicapped Children and Youth (College Park, MD: University of Maryland, 1961), by Esther Mills, Richard Wiggin, and Jean Hebeler (page images at HathiTrust) |
N330 .I6525 | Graduate Work in the School of Fine Arts at the State University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA: State University of Iowa, 1945), by Carl E. Seashore (page images at HathiTrust) |
N330 .P73 | Bulletin of the Rhode Island School of Design (partial serial archives) |
N332 .V5 L9 | Geschichte der Kais. Kön. Akademie der Bildenden Künste: Festschrift zur Eröffnung des Neuen Akademie-Gebändes (in German; Vienna: C. Gerold's Sohn, 1877), by Carl von Lützow |
N350 .H2 1897 | With Brush and Pen: A Manual of the Newer and More Artistic Phases of Public School Art Instruction (New York: J. C. Witter Co., c1897), by James Hall |
N350 .L4 1946 | The Art Teacher: A Book for Children and Teachers (Worcester, MA: Davis Press, 1946), by Pedro J. Lemos (page images at HathiTrust) |
N350 .L56 | Collage and Construction in Elementary and Junior High Schools (Worcester, MA: Davis Publications, c1958), by Lois Lord (page images at HathiTrust) |
N350 .M3 | The Beginnings of Art in the Public Schools (New York et al.: C. Scribner's sons, c1924), by Margaret E. Mathias (page images at HathiTrust) |
N350 .S3 | Fine and Industrial Arts in Elementary Schools (Boston et al.: Ginn and Co., c1912), by Walter Sargent (page images at HathiTrust) |
N350 .W53 1949 | The Integrated School Art Program (second edition; New York et al.: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1949), by Leon Loyal Winslow (page images at HathiTrust) |