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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "NA1 .B7" to "NA203 .P66 1925" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
N Fine Arts (Go to start of category)
NA Architecture (Go to start of category)
NA1 .B7 [Info] The Building News and Engineering Journal (partial serial archives)
NA1 .B93 [Info] The Builder (architecture journal, 19th and 20th centuries) (partial serial archives)
NA1 .C45 [Info] The Charette (1920-1974) (partial serial archives)
NA1 .D43 [Info] Decoration and Glass (Waterloo, NSW: Australian Glass Manufactures, 1935-1949) (full serial archives)
NA1 .P7 [Info] Pencil Points (partial serial archives)
NA1 .P7 [Info] Progressive Architecture (partial serial archives)
NA1 .S5 [Info] Scientific American Building Monthly (partial serial archives)
NA1 .S599 [Info] North Carolina Architect (partial serial archives)
NA1 .S599 [Info] Southern Architect (full serial archives)
NA1 .T4 [Info] Texas Architect (partial serial archives)
NA3 .B33 [Info] Deutsche Bauzeitung (partial serial archives)
NA5 .A795 [Info] Arquitectura (partial serial archives)
NA6 .A786 1870 [Info] Arkitektur och Dekorativ Konst (in Swedish; 1870-1908) (partial serial archives)
NA6 .A786 1909 [Info] Arkitektur (in Swedish; 1909-1922) (partial serial archives)
NA11 .A45 [Info] The American Institute of Architects Quarterly Bulletin (full serial archives)
NA11 .A452 [Info] Journal of the American Institute of Architects (partial serial archives)
NA11 .A545 1998 [Info] History of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, 1913-1998: An Architectural Heritage (c1998), by C. David Jackson and Charlotte Vestal Brown (PDF at
NA12 .R6 [Info] Papers Read at the Royal Institute of British Architects (full serial archives)
NA21 .C65 1900 [Info] Congrès International des Architectes: Cinquième Session, Tenue à Paris du 29 Juillet au 4 Août 1900; Organisation, Compte Rendu et Notices (in French; Paris: Chaix, 1906)
NA31 .M51 1854 [Info] Cyclopedia of Architecture, Historical, Descriptive, Typographical, Decorative, Theoretical and Mechanical (Home Cyclopedia #7, 2 volumes in 1; New York: A. S. Barnes and Co.; Cincinnati: H. W. Derby, 1854), ed. by Robert Stuart (page images at HathiTrust)
NA31 .P35 [Info] Handbook of Technical Terms Used in Architecture and Building and Their Allied Trades and Subjects (London: Scott, Greenwood, and Co.; et al., 1904), by Augustine C. Passmore
NA31 .S24 [Info] SAH Archipedia (free electronic edition), ed. by Society of Architectural Historians (illustrated HTML at
NA109 .T9 C65 [Info] Conservation as Cultural Survival (1980), ed. by Renata Holod (PDF at
NA200 .W4 [Info] An Outline History of Architecture for Beginners and Students (New York: F. Stokes, 1893), by Clara Erskine Clement Waters (multiple formats at
NA203 .P66 1925 [Info] Architektur die Nicht Gebaut Wurde (2 volumes in German; Stuttgart et al.: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1925), by Josef Ponten, contrib. by Heinz Rosemann and Hedwig Schmelz

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