Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "NC703 .H3" to "NC770 .H4" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
N | Fine Arts (Go to start of category) |
NC | Drawing, Design, Illustration (Go to start of category) |
NC703 .H3 | The Natural Principles and Analogy of the Harmony of Form (London: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1842), by D. R. Hay (multiple formats at |
NC710 .C52 | The American Drawing-Book: A Manual for the Amateur, and Basis of Study for the Professional Artist (New York: A. S. Barnes and Co., c1870), by John Gadsby Chapman (page images at Wisconsin) |
NC710 .C8 | Line and Form (London: G. Bell and Sons, 1914), by Walter Crane (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images) |
NC710 .D72 2016 | Drawing Futures: Speculations in Contemporary Drawing for Art and Architecture (London: UCL Press, 2016), ed. by Laura Allen and Luke Pearson |
NC710 .R8 1876 | The Elements of Drawing, in Three Letters to Beginners (New York: J. Wiley and Sons, 1876), by John Ruskin (page images at HathiTrust) |
NC720 .H4 | Sehen und Zeichnen: Vortrag Gehalten auf dem Rathause zu Zürich, 1. Februar 1894 (in German; Basel: B. Schwabe, 1894), by Albert Heim |
NC730 .B6 1652 | A Book of Drawing, Limning, Washing or Colouring of Maps and Prints (London; M. Simmons, 1652), by Thomas Jenner (PDF at |
NC745 .A2 P3 1509 | Divina Proportione: Opera a Tutti Glingegni Perspicaci e Curiosi Necessaria oue Ciascun Studioso di Philosophia; Prospettiua Pictura Sculptura; Architectura; Musica; e Altre Mathematice; Suavissima; Sotile; e Admirabile Doctrina Consequira; e Delecterassi, Co Varie Questione de Secretissima Scientia (in Italian; Venice: A. Paganius Paganinus characteribus elegantissimis accuratissime imprimebat, 1509), by Luca Pacioli, contrib. by Antonio Capella, illust. by Leonardo da Vinci |
NC749 .A2 I8 | On the Rationalization of Sight; With an Examination of Three Renaissance Texts on Perspective (papers #8; New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1938), by William Mills Ivins (page images and PDF with commentary at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google) |
NC749 .A48 1719 | New Principles of Linear Perspective: or, The Art of Designing on a Plane the Representation of All Sorts of Objects, in a More General and Simple Method Than Has Been Done Before (London: R. Knaplock, 1719) (page images in Germany) |
NC749 .A48 1749 | New Principles of Linear Perspective: or, The Art of Designing on a Plane the Representation of All Sorts of Objects, in a More General and Simple Method Than Has Been Done Before (third edition; London: J. Ward, 1749), by Brook Taylor and John Colson (multiple formats at Google) |
NC749 .D4 | Maniere Universelle de Mr Desargues, Pour Pratiquer la Perspective par Petit-Pied, Comme le Geometral (in French; Paris: Pierre Des-Hayes, 1648), by Gérard Desargues and Abraham Bosse (page images in Germany) |
NC749 .D84 | La Perspective Pratique (second edition, 3 volumes in French; Paris: A. Dezallier, 1679), by Jean Dubreuil |
NC749 .D9 1743 | The Practice of Perspective: or, An Easy Method of Representing Natural Objects According to the Rules of Art (third edition; London: Printed for T. Bowles and J. Bowles, 1743), by Jean Dubreuil, trans. by Ephraim Chambers |
NC749 .D9 1765 | The Practice of Perspective: or, An Easy Method of Representing Natural Objects According to the Rules of Art (fourth edition; includes Hodgson's "Theory of Perspective"; London: Printed for J. and C. Bowles, 1765), by Jean Dubreuil, trans. by Ephraim Chambers, contrib. by James Hodgson |
NC749 .P7 | Rules and Examples of Perspective Proper for Painters and Architects, etc , in English and Latin (London: J. Sturt, 1707), by Andrea Pozzo, trans. by John James, illust. by John Sturt (page images at E-Rara) |
NC749 .P72 | Perspectiva Pictorum et Architectorum (2 volumes, in Latin, published 1692-1700), by Andrea Pozzo, illust. by Vincenzo Mariotti |
NC749 .T3 1719 | Linear Perspective; New Principles of Linear Perspective (2 books published in 1715 and 1719, bound together; some figures and first 16 pages of "Linear Perpective" main text bound out of order), by Brook Taylor (page images at Sapienza Digital Library) |
NC750 .S8 | The Theory and Practice of Perspective, by G. A. Storey (PDF at |
NC750 .T3 1835 | Dr. Brook Taylor's Principles of Linear Perspective: or, The Art of Designing Upon a Plane the Representation of All Sorts of Objects, As They Appear to the Eye (new edition; London: M. Taylor, 1835), by Brook Taylor, ed. by Joseph Jopling |
NC760 .D93 | Duval's Artistic Anatomy: Completely Revised, With Additional Original Illustrations (New York and London: Funk and Wagnalls Co., ca. 1905), by Mathias Duval and Andrew Melville Paterson (multiple formats at |
NC760 .M6 1939 | Artistic Anatomy (revised and enlarged edition; Los Angeles: Borden Pub. Co., c1939), by Walter Farrington Moses, contrib. by Monte Salvin (page images at HathiTrust) |
NC760 .W3 | Artistic Anatomy of the Human Figure (16th edition; London: Winsor and Newton, ca. 1853), by Henry Warren |
NC765.D85 1532 | Alberti Dureri Clarissimi Pictoris et Geometrae de Symetria Partium in Rectis Formis Huanorum Corporum, Libri in Latinum Conuersi (in Latin; Nuremberg: In aedib. viduae Durerianae, 1532), by Albrecht Dürer (page images at Vatican Digital Library) |
NC770 .H4 | Grundformen der Mimik des Antlitzes, in Freiem Anschlusse an Piderits "Mimik und Physiognomik" mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bildenden Kunst (in German; Vienna: A. Schroll, 1902), by Hermann Heller (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
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