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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "NC760 .M6 1939" to "NC1075 .G3" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
N Fine Arts (Go to start of category)
NC Drawing, Design, Illustration (Go to start of category)
NC760 .M6 1939 [Info] Artistic Anatomy (revised and enlarged edition; Los Angeles: Borden Pub. Co., c1939), by Walter Farrington Moses, contrib. by Monte Salvin (page images at HathiTrust)
NC760 .W3 [Info] Artistic Anatomy of the Human Figure (16th edition; London: Winsor and Newton, ca. 1853), by Henry Warren
NC765.D85 1532 [Info] Alberti Dureri Clarissimi Pictoris et Geometrae de Symetria Partium in Rectis Formis Huanorum Corporum, Libri in Latinum Conuersi (in Latin; Nuremberg: In aedib. viduae Durerianae, 1532), by Albrecht Dürer (page images at Vatican Digital Library)
NC770 .H4 [Info] Grundformen der Mimik des Antlitzes, in Freiem Anschlusse an Piderits "Mimik und Physiognomik" mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bildenden Kunst (in German; Vienna: A. Schroll, 1902), by Hermann Heller (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
NC880 .J44 2008 [Info] Dictionary of Pastellists Before 1800 (online edition, 2008), by Neil Jeffares (PDF files with commentary at
NC885 .M48 1989 [Info] American Pastels in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1989), by Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), contrib. by Doreen Bolger, Mary Wayne Fritzsche, Jacqueline Hazzi, Marjorie Shelley, Gail Stavitsky, Mary L. Sullivan, Marc Vincent, and Elizabeth Wylie (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google)
NC890 .G98 [Info] Sketching and Rendering in Pencil (New York: Pencil Points Press, 1922), by Arthur L. Guptill (page images at HathiTrust)
NC905 .H18 1913 [Info] With Pen and Ink (New York et al.: The Prang Co., c1913), by James Hall
NC910 .J25 [Info] The History of Silhouettes (London: The Connoisseur, 1911), by Emily Jackson
NC910 .K8 [Info] Die Goethezeit in Silhouetten: 74 Silhouetten in Ganzer Figur Vornehmlich aus Weimar und Umgebung (text in German; Weimar: G. Kiepenheuer, 1911), ed. by Hans Timotheus Kroeber
NC960 .B3 [Info] How to Draw: A Practical Book of Instruction in the Art of Illustration (New York and London: Harper and Bros., c1904), by Leon Barritt (page images at HathiTrust)
NC960 .B55 [Info] The Art of Illustration (second edition; London: W. H. Allen and Co., 1896), by Henry Blackburn (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
NC965.9 .C73 [Info] Walter Crane's Painting Book (London et al.: G. Routledge and Sons, n.d.), by Walter Crane (multiple formats at
NC975.5.B65 [Info] The Hannes Bok Illustration Index (last edition, 2012), by Cuyler W. Brooks (HTML at
NC978.5 .C3 E44 [Info] An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog (London and New York: F. Warne and Co., n.d.), by Oliver Goldsmith, illust. by Randolph Caldecott
NC978.5 .G7 A4 [Info] Marigold Garden: Pictures and Rhymes (London and New York: Frederick Warne and Co., c1885), by Kate Greenaway
NC978.5 .R32 [Info] When Phantasie Takes Flight: The Art and Imagination of Arthur Rackham (online version of U-Florida exhibit catalog; ca. 2014), ed. by Suzan A. Alteri and John Ingram (illustrated HTML at Florida)
NC 978.5 R33 H39 1910 [Info] Stories of King Arthur (London et al.: Cassell and Co., 1910), by A. L. Haydon, illust. by Arthur Rackham (multiple formats at
NC978.5 .T46 H3 1985 [Info] The Tenniel Illustrations to the "Alice" Books (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1985), by Michael Hancher (PDF files with commentary at Ohio State Press)
NC996 .E6 [Info] General Index to Illustrations: 22000 Selected References in All Fields Exclusive of Nature (Boston: F. W. Faxon Co., 1931), by Jessie Croft Ellis (page images at HathiTrust)
NC997 .A5 G73 [Info] Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals (c2015), by Graphic Communications Open Textbook Collective (multiple formats with commentary at
NC1055 .B8 P3 [Info] Handzeichnungen Michelangelos (in German; Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1922), by Erwin Panofsky
NC1055 .B9 O8 [Info] Drawings and Studies by Michelangelo in the University Galleries, Oxford (new edition; London: G. Bell and sons, 1879), contrib. by Joseph Fisher, illust. by Michelangelo Buonarroti (page images at HathiTrust)
NC1075 .B6 [Info] The Book of the Cat, With Facsimiles of Drawings in Colour (New York: Fredrick A. Stokes Co., 1903), by Mabel Humphrey, illust. by Elisabeth Fearne Bonsall (page images at LOC)
NC1075 .G3 [Info] Twenty Drawings (with an introductory essay by Raphael; New York: A. A. Knopf, 1919), contrib. by Alice Raphael, illust. by Kahlil Gibran (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)

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