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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "ND553 .L45" to "ND588 .D9 P294 1921" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
N Fine Arts (Go to start of category)
ND Painting (Go to start of category)
ND553 .L45 [Info] Madame Vigee Le Brun (Boston: Bates and Gould Company, 1905)
ND553 .L5 A42 [Info] Souvenirs of Madame Vigée Le Brun (3rd American edition; New York: Worthington, c1879), by Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, ed. by Morris Franklin Tyler (page images at HathiTrust)
ND553 .L5 M3 [Info] Vigee Le Brun: Masterpieces in Colour (1922), by Haldane Macfall, illust. by Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (illustrated HTML at
ND553 .L52 S68 [Info] Fernand Léger: Five Themes and Variations (New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1962), by Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, contrib. by Thomas M. Messer, illust. by Fernand Léger (multiple formats at
ND553 .M3 A32 [Info] Manet (2 volumes in French; Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, Edition d'Etudes et de Documents, c1932), by Paul Jamot and Georges Wildenstein, illust. by Édouard Manet (page images with commentary at
ND553.M3 A4 2003 [Info] Manet and the American Civil War: The Battle of U.S.S. Kearsarge and C.S.S. Alabama (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press; New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1980), by Juliet Wilson-Bareau, contrib. by David C. Degener (page images and PDF at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google)
ND553 .M3 R66 [Info] Edouard Manet: Catalogue Raisonné (2 volumes in French; Lausanne and Paris: La Bibliotheque des Arts, c1975), by Denis Rouart and Daniel Wildenstein, illust. by Édouard Manet (page images with commentary at
ND553 .M6 H9 [Info] Jean François Millet: A Collection of Fifteen Pictures, and a Portrait of the Painter (1900), by Estelle M. Hurll, illust. by Jean-François Millet (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
ND553 .M62 D845 [Info] Berthe Morisot (Madame Eugène Manet): Exposition de Son Oeuvre, du 5 au 23 Mars 1896, Chez Durand-Ruel (second edition, in French; Paris: Durand-Ruel, 1896), by Durand-Ruel et fils (Firm), contrib. by Stéphane Mallarmé
ND553 .M67 W5 1923 [Info] Louis Moreau: Un Peintre de Paysage au XVIIIe Siècle (in French; Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, Édition d'Études et de Documents, 1923), by Georges Wildenstein, illust. by Louis Gabriel Moreau (page images with commentary at
ND553.M7 A4 [Info] Monet: Catalogue Raisonné / Werkverzeichnis (4 volumes; ca. 1999), by Daniel Wildenstein (page images at
ND553 .M7 A4 1978 [Info] Monet's Years at Giverny: Beyond Impressionism (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1978), by Daniel Wildenstein, contrib. by Philippe De Montebello, James N. Wood, and Charles S. Moffett, illust. by Claude Monet (page images and PDF at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google)
ND553 .M7 W52 [Info] Claude Monet: Biographie et Catalogue Raisonné (5 volumes in French; 1974-1991), by Daniel Wildenstein, illust. by Claude Monet (page images with commentary at
ND553 .P3 I5 [Info] Pater (in French; Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, Edition d'Etudes et de Documents, c1928), by Florence Ingersoll-Smouse (page images with commentary at
ND553 .P55 A4 2005 [Info] Pissarro: Critical Catalogue of Paintings (3 volumes; Skira: Wildenstein Institute Publications, c2005), by Joachim Pissarro and Claire Durand-Ruel Snollaerts (page images with commentary at
ND553.P8 A4 2008 [Info] Poussin and Nature: Arcadian Visions (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art; New Haven and London: Yale University Press, c2008), ed. by Pierre Rosenberg and Keith Christiansen, contrib. by Anna Ottani Cavina, Alain Mérot, Claire Pace, René Démoris, and Willibald Sauerländer, illust. by Nicolas Poussin (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google)
ND553 .P8 C3 [Info] Memoirs of the Life of Nicholas Poussin (1820), by Maria Callcott
ND553.S5 A4 1991 [Info] Georges Seurat, 1859-1891 (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1991), by Robert L. Herbert, Françoise Cachin, Anne Distel, Susan Alyson Stein, and Gary Tinterow (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google)
ND553 .S5 D67 [Info] Seurat: L'Oeuvre Peint, Biographie et Catalogue Critique (in French; Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, Edition d'Etudes et de Documents, c1959), by Henri Dorra and John Rewald, contrib. by Félix Fénéon (page images with commenrary at
ND553 .T64 D6 [Info] Louis Tocqué (in French; Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, Édition d'Études et de Documents, c1929), by Arnauld Doria, illust. by Louis Tocqué (page images with commentary at
ND553 .V5325 A2 [Info] Memoirs of Madame Vigée Lebrun (New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1903), by Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, trans. by Lionel Strachey (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
ND553 .V54 S6 [Info] Jacques Villon, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Marcel Duchamp (1957), by Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, contrib. by André Breton, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Marcel Duchamp, Walter Pach, René-Jean, and James Johnson Sweeney (multiple formats at
ND588 .D9 A3 [Info] Records of Journeys to Venice and the Low Countries, by Albrecht Dürer, trans. by Rudolf Tombo (Gutenberg text)
ND588 .D9 M6 [Info] Albert Durer (1905), by T. Sturge Moore (Gutenberg text)
ND588 .D9 P294 1921 [Info] Dürers Stellung zur Antike (in German; Augsburg: B. Filser, 1921), by Erwin Panofsky (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)

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