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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PA6515 .A2 1841" to "PA6558 .E5 B8" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PA Classical Languages and Literature (Go to start of category)
PA6515 .A2 1841 [Info] Aemilius Probus, De Excellentibus Ducibus Exterarum Gentium; et, Cornelli Nepotis Quae Supersunt (in Latin; Basel: Bibliopolii Schweighauseriani, 1841), by Cornelius Nepos, ed. by Karl Ludwig Roth (page images at HathiTrust)
PA6518 .N4 S9 [Info] P. Nigidii Figuli Operum Reliquiae (in Latin; Vienna et al: Tempsky, 1889), by Publius Nigidius Figulus, ed. by Antonius Swoboda
PA6519 .A84 W55 1998 [Info] Ovids Schule der "Elegischen" Liebe: Erotodidaxe und Psychagogie in der Ars Amatoria (in German; Frankfurt am Main et al: P. Lang, c1998), by Jula Wildberger (multiple formats at
PA6519.F9 K56 2006 [Info] Desiring Rome: Male Subjectivity and Reading Ovid's Fasti (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2006), by Richard Jackson King (PDF from Ohio State University Press)
PA6519 .H4 1914 [Info] Heroides and Amores (in English and Latin; London: W. Heinemann; New York: Macmillan, 1914), by Ovid, trans. by Grant Showerman (multiple formats at
PA6519 .H5 [Info] The Heroides, by Ovid, trans. by A. S. Kline (HTML at
PA6519 .M3 G55 2016 [Info] Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3.511-733: Latin Text with Introduction, Commentary, Glossary of Terms, Vocabulary Aid and Study Questions (main text in Latin; commentary in English; Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2016), by Ovid, ed. by Ingo Gildenhard and Andrew Zissos (PDF and HTML with commentary at Open Book Publishers)
PA6519 .M9 B64 2020 [Info] The Bavarian Commentary and Ovid: Clm 4610, The Earliest Documented Commentary on the Metamorphoses (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2020), by Robin Wahlsten Böckerman (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers)
PA6519 .M9 M94 1994 [Info] Ovid's Causes: Cosmogony and Aetiology in the Metamorphoses (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1994), by K. Sara Myers (page images at HathiTrust)
PA6522 .A7 [Info] Ovid's Elegies, by Ovid, trans. by Christopher Marlowe (HTML at Perseus)
PA6522 .M2 [Info] Metamorphoses, by Ovid, ed. by Samuel Garth, trans. by John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison, and William Congreve (HTML at
PA6522 .M2 [Info] Metamorphoses (London: William Seres, 1567), by Ovid, trans. by Arthur Golding (frame- and cookie-dependent page images here at Penn)
PA6522 .M2 [Info] Metamorphoses (with glossary), by Ovid, ed. by Barboura Flues, trans. by Arthur Golding (PDF at
PA6522 .M2 [Info] Metamorphoses, by Ovid, trans. by Ian Johnston (Javascript-dependent page images with commentary at Richer Resources Publications)
PA6522 .M2 [Info] The Metamorphoses: A Complete English Translation and Mythological Index (c2000), by Ovid, trans. by A. S. Kline, illust. by Hendrik Goltzius (illustrated HTML at
PA6522 .M2 1828 [Info] The First Book of Ovid's Metamorphoses, With a Literal Interlinear Translation, and Illustrative Notes, on the Plan Recommended by Mr. Locke (in Latin and English; London: Printed for J. Taylor, 1828), by Ovid
PA6522 .M4 [Info] The Metamorphoses of Publius Ovidius Naso, Elucidated by an Analysis and Explanation of the Fables (fifth edition; New York: A. S. Barnes and Burr, 1860), by Ovid, ed. by N. C. Brooks (page images at HathiTrust)
PA6537 .H4 [Info] Ovids Elegische Erzählung (in German; Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1919), by Richard Heinze (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
PA6537 .R3 1925 [Info] Ovid and His Influence (Boston: Marshall Jones Co., 1925), by Edward Kennard Rand (page images at HathiTrust)
PA6537 .T87 2016 [Info] Ovid, Amores (Book 1) (from the Dickinson College Commentaries series; Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2016), by Ovid, ed. by William Turpin (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers)
PA6554 .P7 E5 [Info] The Pilgrimage of Etheria (1919 SPCK edition of all extant portions of this work), by Egeria, trans. by M. L. McClure and Charles Lett Feltoe (HTML at CCEL)
PA6554 .P7 E5 [Info] The Pilgrimage of S. Silvia of Aquitania to the Holy Places (Circ. 385 A.D.) (in English only (Latin text omitted); London: Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society, 1896), by Egeria, ed. by J. H. Bernard, contrib. by Charles William Wilson (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
PA6557 .P3 1924 [Info] Pervigilium Veneris: The Eve of Venus (in Latin and English; 1924 edition, with new material about the editor), ed. by Raymond Postgate, contrib. by Susan Rhoads (illustrated HTML at
PA6558 .A2 [Info] The Satyricon, by Petronius Arbiter, trans. by A. R. Allinson (HTML at
PA6558 .E5 B8 [Info] The Satyricon, by Petronius Arbiter, trans. by William Burnaby (Gutenberg text)

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