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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PA8442.V5 P638 2010" to "PB2 .L35" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PA Classical Languages and Literature (Go to start of category)
PA8442.V5 P638 2010 [Info] Classroom Commentaries: Teaching the Poetria Nova Across Medieval and Renaissance Europe (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2010), by Marjorie Curry Woods (PDF at Ohio State)
PA8450 .A4 Z84 [Info] Alabaster's Conversion (1599), by William Alabaster, ed. by Dana F. Sutton (HTML at the Philological Museum)
PA8465 .S3 1674 [Info] Euphormionis Lusinini, Sive Jo. Barclaii, Satyricon: Nunc Primum in Sex Partes Dispertitum, et Notis Illustratum, Cum Clavi; Accessit Conspiratio Anglicana (in Latin; Leiden: Ex Officina Hackiana, 1674), by John Barclay, contrib. by Claude-Barthélemy Morisot and Gabriel Bugnot
PA8477 .B536 T484 1596 [Info] Theatrum Vitae Humanae (in Latin; Metz: A. Fabri, 1596), by Jean Jacques Boissard, illust. by Theodor de Bry
PA8477 .B75 1624 [Info] Pseudo-Medicorum Anatomia: In Qua Maxima Improborum et Indoctorum Turba Sub Dio Enudatur, Quos aut Subdola Pietatis Pelle Velatos, aut Insolenti Scientiae Fumo Seu Fuco Obductos, Vel Irreligio Mera, Vel Rapax Avaritia Omnes Ultra Impudentes ad Medicinae Praxin Egit Praecipites (in Latin; London: Excudebat Aug. Matheus, 1624), by Peter Bowne (page images at NIH)
PA8501 .A42 [Info] Selections From Erasmus, Principally From His Epistles (second edition, 1918), by Desiderius Erasmus, ed. by P. S. Allen (Gutenberg text)
PA8510 .S57 [Info] A Key to the Colloquies of Erasmus (Harvard Theological Studies #13; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1927), by Preserved Smith
PA8514 .E5 [Info] The Praise of Folie = Moriae Encomium (rare 1549 printing), by Desiderius Erasmus, trans. by Thomas Chaloner (page images here at Penn)
PA8514 .E5 [Info] The Praise of Folly, by Desiderius Erasmus, trans. by Betty Radice (HTML at
PA8514 .E5 [Info] The Praise of Folly, by Desiderius Erasmus, trans. by John Wilson
PA8517 .E7 [Info] The Civilitie of Childehode, With the Discipline and Institucion of Children, Distributed in Small and Compendious Chapiters, and Translated Oute of French into Englysh (London: J. Tisdale, 1560), by Desiderius Erasmus, trans. by Thomas Paynell (HTML at EEBO TCP)
PA8520 .F64 P32 [Info] Pedantius, by Edward Forset, ed. by Dana F. Sutton (HTML with commentary at the Philological Museum)
PA8523 .G9 N4 [Info] Nero, by Matthew Gwinne, ed. by Dana F. Sutton (HTML with commentary at the Philological Museum)
PA8540 .L3 [Info] Disputationes Camaldulenses (Latin manuscript facsimile with pages in reverse order; ca. 1474), by Cristoforo Landino (page images at HathiTrust)
PA8540 .L3 D5 1508 [Info] Christophori Landini Florentini Libri Quattuor: Primus de Vita Activa et Contemplativa; Secundus de Summo Bono; Tertius et Quartus in Publij Virgilij Maronis Allegorias (4 books in Latin (book 1 also known as Disputationes Camaldulenses), bound in a larger set of early printed books; 1508), by Cristoforo Landino (page images in Germany)
PA8540 .L615 Z8 [Info] Juan Latino, Slave and Humanist (New York: Spinner Press, 1938), by V. B. Spratlin (page images at HathiTrust)
PA8555 .M5 A2 2006 [Info] The Iuvenilia of Marc-Antoine Muret (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2006), by Marc-Antoine Muret, ed. by Kirk M. Summers (PDF at Ohio State)
PA8555 .O3 A65 [Info] Anglorum Praelia (in Latin and English), by Christopher Ocland, ed. by Dana F. Sutton (HTML at the Philological Museum)
PA8570 .R5 H6 [Info] Johann Reuchlins Komödien: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Lateinischen Schuldramas (Latin texts with German commentary; Halle: Waisenhauses, 1888), by Johann Reuchlin, ed. by Hugo Holstein (page images at HathiTrust)
PB Modern European Languages; Celtic Languages and Literature (Go to start of category)
PB1 .M47 [Info] The Modern Language Journal (partial serial archives)
PB1 .M6 [Info] Modern Language Notes (partial serial archives)
PB1 .M65 [Info] The Modern Language Review (partial serial archives)
PB1 .M7 [Info] Modern Philology (partial serial archives)
PB1 .R63 [Info] Rocky Mountain Review (partial serial archives)
PB2 .L35 [Info] Les Langues Modernes (in French) (partial serial archives)

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