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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PN501 .W3" to "PN603 .R557 1998" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PN Literature: General, Criticism, Collections (Go to start of category)
PN501 .W3 [Info] The Warner Classics (4 volumes of essays, selected from the introductions to authors in his Library of the World's Best Literature collection; New York: Doubleday and McClure Co., 1899), ed. by Charles Dudley Warner (page images at HathiTrust)
PN511 .C65 1908 [Info] Studies in Foreign Literature (London: Duckworth and Co., c1908), by Virginia M. Crawford
PN511 .E44 [Info] The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism (1920 edition), by T. S. Eliot (HTML at Bartleby)
PN511 .G68 [Info] Essays (New York: Harper and Bros., 1922), by Percy Stickney Grant
PN511 .H33 [Info] Books and Habits From the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn, by Lafcadio Hearn, ed. by John Erskine (Gutenberg text)
PN511 .H65 [Info] My Literary Passions, by William Dean Howells (Gutenberg text)
PN511 .J3 1888 [Info] Studies, Stories, and Memoirs (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin, 1888), by Mrs. Jameson (multiple formats at
PN511 .L25 [Info] Essays in Little, by Andrew Lang (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PN511 .L3 [Info] Letters on Literature, by Andrew Lang (Gutenberg text)
PN511 .L35 [Info] Letters to Dead Authors, by Andrew Lang (Gutenberg text)
PN511 .L67 [Info] The Function of the Poet, and Other Essays, by James Russell Lowell, ed. by Albert Mordell (Gutenberg text)
PN511 .M19 [Info] Hieroglyphics (London: Grant Richards, 1902), by Arthur Machen (page images at Google; US access only)
PN511 .M5 1908 [Info] Critical Miscellanies (4 volumes, published by Macmillan 1904-1909), by John Morley
PN511 .M82 [Info] Critical Miscellanies, First Series (new edition; London: Chapman and Hall, 1878), by John Morley (multiple formats at
PN511 .S5 [Info] Immortal Memories, by Clement King Shorter (Gutenberg text)
PN511 .S7 1922 [Info] Books and Characters, French and English (c1922), by Lytton Strachey (Gutenberg text)
PN511 .S87 [Info] Figures of Several Centuries (London: Constable and Co., 1917), by Arthur Symons (Gutenberg text and page images)
PN511 .W65 [Info] Great Writers: Cervantes, Scott, Milton, Virgil, Montaigne, Shakspere (New York: McClure Co., 1907), by George Edward Woodberry
PN511 .W7 [Info] The Common Reader (first series, 1925), by Virginia Woolf (HTML at Gutenberg Australia)
PN511 .W72 [Info] The Common Reader, Second Series (1932), by Virginia Woolf (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS)
PN524 .B7 [Info] Handbook of Universal Literature, From the Best and Latest Authorities, by Anne C. Lynch Botta (Gutenberg text)
PN544 .F32 [Info] Initiation Into Literature, by Émile Faguet, trans. by Home Gordon (Gutenberg text)
PN603 .B3 [Info] Rousseau and Romanticism (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1919), by Irving Babbitt (page images at HathiTrust)
PN603 .P7 [Info] The Prose of Romanticism (2017), ed. by Yoon Sun Lee (illustrated HTML at Romantic Circles)
PN603 .R557 1998 [Info] Romantic Passions (1998), ed. by Elizabeth A. Fay (PDF at Romantic Circles)

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