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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PN6071 .S33 A42822" to "PN6110.C4 W43 1872" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PN Literature: General, Criticism, Collections (Go to start of category)
PN6071 .S33 A42822 [Info] Amazing Stories Quarterly (partial serial archives)
PN6071 .S33 E3 [Info] A Fortune From The Sky (London et al.: T. Nelson and Sons, 1903), by Skelton Kuppord
PN6071.S33 F365 [Info] Fantastic Adventures (partial serial archives)
PN6071 .S33 I5 [Info] Imagination (partial serial archives)
PN6071 .S33 U5 [Info] Universe Science Fiction (partial serial archives)
PN6081 .B27 1901 [Info] Familiar Quotations (9th edition, 1901), by John Bartlett (searchable HTML at Bartleby)
PN6081 .B27 1919 [Info] Familiar Quotations (10th edition, 1919), by John Bartlett, ed. by Nathan Haskell Dole (searchable HTML at Bartleby)
PN6081 .G7 [Info] An Index to Familiar Quotations, by John Cooper Grocott (frame- and JavaScript-dependent HTML at Bibliomania)
PN6081 .R435 [Info] Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations Requested from the Congressional Research Service (1989), ed. by Suzy Platt (searchable HTML at Bartleby)
PN6082 .B6 1883 [Info] A Dictionary of Quotations From English and American Poets (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., c1883), ed. by Henry G. Bohn and Anna Lydia Ward (PDF at
PN6090 .B8 1880 [Info] Geflügelte Worte (in German; Berlin: Haude und Spener, 1880), by Georg Büchmann (multiple formats at
PN6090 .B8 1882 [Info] Geflügelte Worte (in German; Berlin: Haude und Spener, 1882), by Georg Büchmann (page images at HathiTrust)
PN6095 .A7 W6 [Info] Arabian Wisdom: Selections and Translations From the Arabic (1913), by John Wortabet (HTML with commentary at
PN6099.6 .A57 [Info] Anthology of Magazine Verse (partial serial archives)
PN6110 .A44 D46 1903 [Info] Denslow's ABC Book (New York: G. W. Dillingham Co., 1903), by W. W. Denslow (page images at Princeton)
PN6110 .B6 O8 [Info] The Winged Anthology: A Collection of Representative Poems Relating to Birds, Butterflies, and Moths, From 1536 to 1914 (London: J. Richmond, 1914), ed. by Irene Osgood and Horace Wyndham (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
PN6110 .C4 A42 1900 [Info] The Beautiful Book of Nursery Rhymes, by Frank Adams (page images at
PN6110 .C4 G8 [Info] Hymns and Rhymes for Home and School (Boston: Nichols and Hall, 1875), ed. by C. S. Guild
PN6110 .C4 L26 [Info] The Nursery Rhyme Book, ed. by Andrew Lang, illust. by L. Leslie Brooke (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
PN6110 .C4 L3 [Info] Childhood Songs, by Lucy Larcom (HTML at Michigan)
PN6110.C4 M67 1927 [Info] Humpty Dumpty and Some Other Funny People from Mother Goose (New York: Macmillan, 1934), by George M. Richards (page images at
PN6110 .C4 M68 [Info] The Only True Mother Goose Melodies: An Exact Reproduction of the Text and Illustrations of the Original Edition (based on the 1833 Boston edition), contrib. by Edward Everett Hale (Gutenberg text)
PN6110 .C4 P4 [Info] Pictures and Songs for Little Children (New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., c1886)
PN6110.C4 T4 [Info] Rainbow Gold: Poems Old and New Selected for Boys and Girls (New York: The Macmillan Company, c1922), ed. by Sara Teasdale, illust. by Dugald Stewart Walker (page images at
PN6110.C4 W43 1872 [Info] Child Life: A Collection of Poems (Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co., 1872), ed. by John Greenleaf Whittier (multiple formats at

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