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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PQ1426 .E5 L3" to "PQ1521 .E5" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PQ Literature: French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese (Go to start of category)
PQ1426 .E5 L3 [Info] Aucassin and Nicolete, trans. by Andrew Lang (Gutenberg text)
PQ1429 .A1 1904 [Info] Le Roman de Troie (6 volumes in French; Paris: Firmin Didot et cie, 1904-1912), by Benoît de Saint-More, ed. by L. Constans
PQ1441 .C56 A39 [Info] The Chatelaine of Vergi: A 13th Century French Romance (in English and French; London: Chatto and Windus, 1909), trans. by Alice Kemp-Welch, contrib. by Louis Brandin and Gaston Raynaud (multiple formats at
PQ1445 .C5 [Info] Cliges, by Chrétien de Troyes, trans. by William Wistar Comfort (HTML at
PQ1445 .C5 [Info] Cliges: A Romance, by Chrétien de Troyes, trans. by Laetitia Jane Gardiner (Gutenberg text)
PQ1445 .E7 [Info] Eric et Enide, by Chrétien de Troyes, trans. by William Wistar Comfort (HTML at
PQ1445 .L3 [Info] Lancelot, or, The Knight of the Cart, by Chrétien de Troyes, trans. by William Wistar Comfort (HTML at
PQ1445 .Y8 [Info] Yvain, or, The Knight with the Lion, by Chrétien de Troyes, trans. by William Wistar Comfort
PQ1463 .G19 1850 [Info] The Anglo-Norman Metrical Chronicle of Geoffrey Gaimar: Printed for the First Time Entire From the Manuscript in the British Museum, With Illustrative Notes, and an Appendix Containing The Lay of Havelok, The Legend of Ernulf, and The Life of Herward (in French, with English notes; London: Pub. for the Caxton Society, 1850), by Geffrei Gaimar, ed. by Thomas Wright (multiple formats at Google)
PQ1472 .B87 1985 [Info] Arthurian Fictions: Rereading the Vulgate Cycle (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1985), by E. Jane Burns (PDF files with commentary at Ohio State Press)
PQ1485 .H53 I613 1983 [Info] The Lyfe of Ipomydon, by Hue de Rotelande, ed. by Tadahiro Ikegami (HTML at Michigan)
PQ1485 .H8 E6 [Info] The Boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux: Done Into English by Sir John Bourchier , Lord Berners, and Printed by Wynkyn de Worde About 1534 A.D. (EETS extra series #40, 41, 43, and 50; London: Pub. for the Early English Text Society by N. Trübner and Co., 1882-1887), ed. by Sidney Lee, trans. by John Bourchier Berners (multiple formats at
PQ1486 .I5 1527 [Info] The Myrrour and Dyscrypcyon of the Worlde, With Many Mervaylles and the VII Scyences as Gramayre, Rethorike Wyth the Arte of Memorye, Logyke, Geometrye, wyth the Standarde of Mesure and Weyght, and the Knowlege How a Man Sholde Mesure Londe, Borde, and Tymber, and Than Arsmetryke Wyth the Maner of Accoutes and Rekenynges By Cyfres, and Than Musyke, and Astrnomye, With Many Other Profytable and Plesant Comodytes (London: L. Andrewe, ca. 1527), by Gautier of Metz, trans. by William Caxton (multiple formats at
PQ1486 .I5 1913 [Info] L'Image du Monde de Maitre Gossouin: Rédaction en Prose (doctoral dissertation in French; Lausanne: Imprimeries Réunies S. A., 1913), by Gautier of Metz, ed. by Oliver H. Prior (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
PQ1486 .I5 1913 [Info] L'Image du Monde de Maitre Gossouin: Rédaction en Prose (in French; Lausanne and Paris: Payot et cie, 1913), by Gautier of Metz, ed. by Oliver H. Prior
PQ1486 .J25 1868 [Info] Melusine ("Part I" only part published; includes full text; EETS extra series #68; London: Pub. for the Early English Text Society by K. Paul, Trench, N. Trübner and Co., 1895), by Jean d'Arras, ed. by Alexander Karley Donald (multiple formats at
PQ1491 .M3 1831 [Info] Roman de Mahomet, en Vers du XIIIme Siècle, par Alexandre du Pont, et Livre de la Loi au Sarrazin, en Prose du XIVme Siècle, par Raymond Lulle, Publiès pour la Première Fois, et Accompagnés de Notes (in French; Paris: Silvestre, 1831), by Alexandre du Pont and Ramon Llull, ed. by Joseph Toussaint Reinaud and Francisque Michel (page images at HathiTrust)
PQ1494 .L3 E5 [Info] The Lais of Marie de France: A Verse Translation (selection of eight of the twelve), by Marie de France, ed. by Judith P. Shoaf (PDF files with commentary at
PQ1496 .M4 P54 [Info] La Storia di Merlino (in Italian; Bergamo: Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1898), by Paolino Pieri, ed. by Ireneo Sanesi
PQ1501 .P35 A44 [Info] The High History of the Holy Graal, trans. by Sebastian Evans (HTML at
PQ1501 .P42 A28 2010 [Info] Manekine; John and Blonde; and "Foolish Generosity" (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, c2010), by Philippe de Remi Beaumanoir, trans. by Barbara Nelson Sargent-Baur (PDF at PSU; pages may be unusually ordered)
PQ1521 .E5 [Info] The Song of Roland, trans. by Jessie Crosland (PDF at In Parentheses)
PQ1521 .E5 [Info] The Song of Roland, trans. by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff (HTML at
PQ1521 .E5 [Info] The Song of Roland, trans. by John O'Hagan
PQ1521 .E5 [Info] The Song of Roland, Translated Into English Verse (Cambridge, UK: At the University Press, 1913), trans. by Arthur S. Way

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