Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PQ6427 .E56 1908" to "PQ6601 .L8 S3 1909" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
P | Language and literature (Go to start of category) |
PQ | Literature: French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese (Go to start of category) |
PQ6427 .E56 1908 | Celestina: or The Tragi-comedy of Calisto and Melibea; Also, An Interlude of Calisto and Melebea (London: Routledge, ca. 1908), by Fernando de Rojas, ed. by H. Warner Allen, trans. by James Mabbe (multiple formats at |
PQ6428 .C2894 2000 | Fernando de Rojas and the Renaissance Vision: Phantasm, Melancholy, and Didacticism in Celestina (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000), by Ricardo Castells (PDF at PSU) |
PQ6437 .T7 | The Spanish Mandevile of Miracles: or, The Garden of Curious Flowers, Wherin Are Handled Sundry Points of Humanity, Philosophy, Divinitie, and Geography, Beautified With Many Strange and Pleasant Histories (London: Printed by I. R. for E. Matts, 1600), by Antonio de Torquemada, contrib. by Ferdinand Walker (HTML at EEBO TCP) |
PQ6439 .P67 1955 | El Príncipe Despeñado: A Critical and Annotated Edition of the Autograph Manuscript (Indiana University Publications, Humanities Series #33, with transcription in Spanish and commentary in English; Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1955), by Lope de Vega, ed. by Henry W. Hoge (page images at HathiTrust) |
PQ6459 .N8 F5 | The Discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus: A Comedy in Verse (Berkeley, CA: Gillick Press, c1950), by Lope de Vega, trans. by Frieda Fligelman (page images at HathiTrust) |
PQ6498 .Z2 M57 1859 | Miscelanea de Zapata (Memorial Historico Espanol, book 11; in Spanish; Madrid: Imprenta Nacional, 1859), by Luis Zapata, ed. by Pascual de Gayangos (page images at HathiTrust) |
PQ6498.Z5 N6813 1990 | The Enchantments of Love: Amorous and Exemplary Novels (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990), by María de Zayas y Sotomayor, trans. by Henrietta Patsy Boyer (HTML at UC Press) |
PQ6500 .P3 H6 | Horrores del Fatalismo, ó, El Pílades Sincero: Poema Histórico Dividido en Siete Cartas (in Spanish; Zaragoza: Imp. Real, 1834), by B. P. y A. de D. (page images at HathiTrust) |
PQ6503 .B3 A12 | Legends, Tales and Poems, by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, ed. by Everett Ward Olmsted (Gutenberg text) |
PQ6509 .A27 1886 | Air Built Castles: Stories from the Spanish of Fernan Caballero, the Walter Scott of Spain (London: London Literary Society, ca. 1886), by Fernán Caballero and Mrs. Pauli (page images at HathiTrust) |
PQ6509 .B53 | The Bird of Truth, and Other Fairy Tales (London: W. S. Sonnenschein and Allen, ca. 1881), by Fernán Caballero, trans. by John H. Ingram |
PQ6509 .G2 E5 | La Gaviota: A Spanish Novel (New York: J Bradburn, 1864), by Fernán Caballero, trans. by J. Leander Starr (Gutenberg text) |
PQ6509 .G2 1881 | La Gaviota: Novela de Costumbres (in Spanish; Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1881), by Fernán Caballero (Gutenberg text and page images) |
PQ6512 .C163 P7 | El Pleyto de Hernán Cortés con Pánfilo de Narváez (in Spanish; Valencia: La Viuda de J. de Orga, 1762), by José de Cañizares (page images at HathiTrust) |
PQ6516 .S5 E4 1916 | Always Ridiculous: A Drama in Three Acts (as published in Poet Lore, 1916), by José Echegaray, trans. by Walter Gilkyson (page images at HathiTrust) |
PQ6555 .D613 | Dona Perfecta, by Benito Pérez Galdós, trans. by Mary J. Serrano (Gutenberg text) |
PQ6559 .R2 Z2713 1915 | Zaragueta: Comedia in Dos Actos Original (revised edition, in Spanish, with English notes and vocabulary; New York et al.: Silver Burdett and Co., c1915), by Miguel Ramos Carrión and Vital Aza, ed. by George Carter Howland (multiple formats at |
PQ6559 .R2 Z2713 1920 | Zaragueta, or, Money Talks: A Comedy in Two Acts (Chicago: T.S. Denison and Co., c1920), by Miguel Ramos Carrión and Vital Aza, trans. by Clarence Stratton |
PQ6573 .P4 1910 | Pepita Jiménez (in Spanish, with English notes and vocabulary; New York et al.: American Book Co., c1910), by Juan Valera, ed. by C. V. Cusachs |
PQ6573 .P4 1917 | Pepita Jimenez (New York: P. F. Collier and Son, 1917), by Juan Valera (searchable HTML at Bartleby) |
PQ6574 .V325 A3 | Acompaño a V. en el Sentimiento! Cuadro Cómico-Fúnebre en Un Acto y en Verso (second edition, in Spanish; Madrid: R. Velasco, impresor, 1899), by Ricardo de la Vega (page images at HathiTrust) |
PQ6575.D6 | Don Juan Tenorio (in Spanish and English verse), by José Zorrilla, trans. by Nancy Mayberry and A. S. Kline (Gutenberg text) |
PQ6575 .L42 1882 | La Leyenda del Cid (in Spanish verse; Barcelona: Montaer y Simon, 1882), by José Zorrilla, illust. by José Luis Pellicer |
PQ6601 .L8 F4 | El Flechazo: Entremés (third edition, in Spanish; Madrid: R. Velasco, 1912), by Serafín Alvarez Quintero and Joaquín Alvarez Quintero (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
PQ6601 .L8 S3 1909 | Sangre Gorda: Entremés (in Spanish; Madrid: R. Velasco, 1909), by Serafín Alvarez Quintero and Joaquín Alvarez Quintero |
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