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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PR4550 .E94" to "PR4564 .K3 1919" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PR Literature: English (non-American) (Go to start of category)
PR4550 .E94 [Info] The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, by Charles Dickens, illust. by Hablot Knight Browne (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PR4552 .D4 1896 [Info] Charles Dickens's Stories From the Christmas Numbers of "Household Words" and "All the Year Round", 1852-1867 (New York and London: Macmillan, 1896), by Charles Dickens, ed. by Charles Dickens (multiple formats at
PR4552 .D4 1910 [Info] Charles Dickens's Stories From the Christmas Numbers of "Household Words" and "All the Year Round", 1852-1867 (New York and London: Macmillan, 1910), by Charles Dickens, ed. by Charles Dickens (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
PR4552 .R5 [Info] Tales From Dickens (shorter retellings for young readers; Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., c1905), by Charles Dickens and Hallie Erminie Rives, illust. by Reginald B. Birch
PR4553 .C4 [Info] Children Stories (adaptations of Dickens illustrated by various artists; adapter and publisher unknown; ca. 1900), by Charles Dickens, illust. by Frances Brundage and Harold Copping (page images at
PR4555 .A1 [Info] Barnaby Rudge, by Charles Dickens
PR4556 .A1 [Info] Bleak House, by Charles Dickens
PR4556 .A1 [Info] Bleak House (London: Bradbury and Evans, 1853), by Charles Dickens, illust. by Hablot Knight Browne (page images at HathiTrust)
PR4558 .A1 [Info] David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens
PR4558 .A1 [Info] David Copperfield (2 volumes; Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson, ca. 1850), by Charles Dickens, illust. by Hablot Knight Browne
PR4558 .A1 1926 [Info] The Children's Story of David Copperfield (adaptation of Dickens by unknown author; Racine, WI: Whitman Pub. Co., 1926), by Charles Dickens, illust. by Ray Gleason (page images at
PR4559 .A1 [Info] Dombey and Son, by Charles Dickens (HTML at Bibliomania)
PR4559 .L35 2017 [Info] Dickens's Working Notes for Dombey and Son: Facsimiles and Transcriptions of the Original Manuscript, With Commentary on Dickens's Working Methods (Cambridge, UK et al.: Open Book Publishers, c2017), ed. by Tony Laing, contrib. by Charles Dickens (PDF and HTML with commentary at Open Book Publishers)
PR4560 .A1 [Info] Great Expectations (1867 edition), by Charles Dickens (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PR4560 .A1 1861 [Info] Great Expectations (3 volumes; London: Chapman and Hall, 1861), by Charles Dickens
PR4560 .A1 1863 [Info] Great Expectations (Mobile, AL: S. H. Goetzel and Co., 1863), by Charles Dickens
PR4561 .A1 [Info] Hard Times, by Charles Dickens
PR4562 .A1 [Info] Little Dorrit, by Charles Dickens
PR4563 .A1 [Info] The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, by Charles Dickens, illust. by Hablot Knight Browne (Gutenberg text)
PR4564 .A1 [Info] The Mystery of Edwin Drood, by Charles Dickens (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PR4564 .C3 1920 [Info] The Murder of Edwin Drood, Recounted by John Jasper: Being an Attempted Solution of the Mystery Based on Dickens' Manuscript and Memoranda (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1920), by Percy T. Carden, contrib. by B. W. Matz
PR4564 .D5 1916 [Info] Trial of John Jasper for the Murder of Edwin Drood: In Aid of Samaritan, Children's Homeopathic, St. Agnes and Mt. Sinai Hospitals, April 29, 1914, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, U.S.A. (Philadelphia: Philadelphia Branch, Dickens Fellowship, ca. 1916), by Dickens Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.), contrib. by John M. Patterson (multiple formats at
PR4564 .F432 1913 [Info] "The Opium-Woman" and "Datchery" in "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" (Cambridge: E. Johnson; London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1913), by C. A. M. Fennell (page images at HathiTrust)
PR4564 .J3 [Info] About Edwin Drood (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1911), by Henry Jackson
PR4564 .K3 1919 [Info] A New Solution of the Mystery of Edwin Drood (London: J. Long, ca. 1919), by Mary Kavanagh (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)

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